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顶端 Posted: 2006-10-14 14:23 | [楼 主]

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It's 15 hours universal time and here is the news from the Voice of America.
I'm David Deforest from the VOA news center in Washington.

The United States today will formally ask the United Nations Security Council to punish North Korea for its claimed nuclear test. US ambassador to the UN John Bolton has been circulating a draft resolution that would impose tough new sanctions against the North. These would include a strict arms embargo, a travel ban and financial restrictions. Bolton says he hopes for a Security Council vote by Friday but he acknowledges that member countries still disagree on how severely to / the North Korean government. The North has said earlier this week it would regard any tough new sanctions as a decoration of war. China meanwhile wants the Security Council to condemn North Korea, but a Foreign Ministry spokesman in Beijing today declined to say of his country will support new punitive measures against its long-time ally. South Korea is saying meanwhile it may join an effort to keep the North Koreans from exporting nuclear materials. But as VOA's K.A reports from Seoul critics say the idea is too risky.

The Proliferation Security Initiative, or PSI, is United States led international coalition dedicated to preventing the spread of weapons of mass destruction. South Korea has previously kept its distance from initiative largely because of its sensitive relationship with North Korea. However, now that Pyongyang has said it has tested a nuclear explosive. The South Korean government wants to participate. Vice Foreign Minister Yu Myung-hwan told lawmakers this week that South Korea plans to participate in PSI on a partial and case-by-case basis. Initiative includes stopping and searching ships that are suspected of carrying weapons material. Kim Geun-tae, Chairman of South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun's Uri Party, argued passionately Thursday against taking part in such activities. Kim warns increasing South Korea's participation in PSI could spark an armed conflict between the Koreans. Some South Korean leaders argue Seoul should not make a decision on PSI until it's ceased the final version of the United Nations Security Council resolution in response to North Korea's test. K.A, VOA news, Seoul.

Iraqi police say gunmen have stormed the offices of a news television station in eastern Baghdad killing 11 employees. The executive manager of the station says gunmen raided the building early today killing guards, technicians and administrative staff. He says the head of the station's board of directors was among the dead. The manager says he could not speculate on who may have been behind the attack. Another violence at least 8 people were killed and many others wounded in a series of bomb blasts in Baghdad.

Palestinian officials say 6 Palestinians were killed during an Israeli raid in the central Gaza Strip today. Palestinian security officials say Israel troops backed by helicopters entered a village near K, sparking a battle with Palestinian gunmen.

Turkey's best-known novelist Orhan Pamuk has won the 2006 Nobel Prize for Literature. In Stockholm today, the Swedish Academy paid tribute to the 54 year-old writer's quest for the melancholic soul of his native city Istanbul.

French lawmakers have approved a draft law making it a crime to deny the mass killings of Armenians in Turkey near a century ago were genocide. Deputies in the lower house of the French Parliament voted in favor of the bill today defying Turkey's objections. L.B has more.

The draft legislation would make it a crime to deny that Armenians were victims of genocide in Turkey during World War I. Armenians claimed up to 1.5 million of them were victims of / killings by Turkey between 1915 and 1917. In 2001, French passed a bill recognizing the killings as a genocide. This regional representative accused Turkey of mounting a large campaign against the issue as part of its efforts to join the European Union. Turkey is indeed displaced with the French legislation. Ankara has threatened to blocked French companies from investing in Turkey among other economic sanctions. Ankara argues that only 300 Armenians died as did just as many Turks during civil strike nearly a century ago when Armenians fought for independence in the eastern A/ region. L.B for VOA news, Paris.

Taking a brief look at market activity on Wall Street at this hour, US stock indexes are up.
I'm David Deforest, VOA news, more news on the Internet at voanews.com.
顶端 Posted: 2006-10-17 12:50 | [1 楼]
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