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5come5帮你背单词 [ goods /gudz/ n. 商品,货物 ]

顶端 Posted: 2006-10-17 13:08 | [楼 主]

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It's 15 hours universal time and here is the news from the Voice of America.
From the VOA news center in Washington, I'm Frances Alonzo.

The US ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton says China should take strong action against North Korea after Pyongyang's claimed nuclear test last week. Bolton said at a televised interview today on ABC news, the US is doing what it can to isolate North Korea so it will give up on nuclear weapons much in the same way Libya was isolated by the world community until it eventually gave up its chemical and nuclear weapons programs. Meanwhile, US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice also in a television interview today says she will visit China, South Korea and Japan this week to discuss enforcement of the resolution.

"We are very satisfied with this resolution and we believe now that this resolution should be fully implemented. It will take some work to talk about the implementation of the resolution that's part of what I will do when I go out. To the return on Tuesday, we believe that there may be other steps that will be necessary given North Korea's behavior. "

A UN resolution approved Saturday bans Pyongyang from importing or exporting some military hardware and requires UN members to search vessels going to or coming from North Korea. North Korea's UN ambassador walked out the resolution Saturday and walked out / the Council chamber after the vote. Meanwhile, North Korea's neighbors South Korea and Japan are hailing that resolution, punishing North Korea for its apparent nuclear test. VOA's K. A reports from Seoul.

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe praised the UN Security Council Sunday for taking a firm stand against North Korea's nuclear weapons ambitions. Shinzo Abe says the resolution sends a clear message to the North that is not to possess nuclear weapons under any circumstances. He says Japan is considering what it will do to comply with the measure. The resolution among other things bans North Korea from importing or exporting major military hardware and requires UN members to stop and search vessels going to or coming from the North. It also aims to pinch leader Kim Jong-il's elite by banning sales of luxury goods to the North. The South Korean government promised Sunday to implement the resolution, but the Chairman of South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun's Uri Party said the South should not participate directly in interdicting North Korean shipping, saying such action could spark an armed conflict. North Korea has not given an official response yet to the UN action. K. A, VOA news, Seoul.

Iraqi police in Kirkuk say at least 8 people were killed today in a series of car bombings in the city. One of the bombs exploded near crowded market and another near a girl school. In eastern Baghdad, at least 4 people were killed in a roadside bomb that targeted the convoy of an interior ministry official. That official was unharmed.

Efforts to convene aware Israeli-Palestinian summit have broken down. The thorny issue the release of Palestinian prisoners is the heart of the dispute. Robert Berger has this report from VOA's Jerusalem bureau.

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert says plans for his first summit meeting with moderate Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas are on hold. Mr Olmert told cabinet ministers from his ruling Kadima Party that Mr Abbas demanded the release of Palestinian prisoners as a condition for the meeting. Israeli government spokeswoman Miri Eisin says that is unacceptable.

"And there cannot be preconditions. "

Mr Olmert said there would be no prisoner release until the Palestinians free a kidnapped soldier held in the Gaza Strip. Gunmen from the ruling Islamic militant group Hamas seized the 19-year-old K in a cross-border raid on an Israeli army base in June. The Hamas-led government is demanding the release of hundreds of Palestinian prisoners in exchange for the captured soldiers. But Eisin says Israel will not cave in to what she calls "terrorist blackmail". Robert Berger for VOA news, Jerusalem.

Afghan police say attacks around the country killed at least 6 people today and an Italian journalist is missing and believed to have been kidnapped. Police say rival attack in eastern province of H killed 3 policemen. Later in the western city of K , roadside bombs exploded near a security convoy killing 2 people.

You can read these stories and more on our website 24 hours a day at voanews. com.
I'm Frances Alonzo in Washington. You're listening to VOA news.
顶端 Posted: 2006-10-17 13:09 | [1 楼]
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