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顶端 Posted: 2006-10-20 08:32 | [楼 主]

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After ten rounds of voting at the United Nations General Assembly neither that Guatemala or Venezuela have obtained 2/3 majority necessary to secure a non-premanent regional seat on the Security Council. Voting will now continue on Tuesday. The Campaign for the seat developed into a new diplomatic row between Venezuela and the United States which has openly backed Guatemala. From the UN in New York, here's our UN correspondent Laura T William.

Guatemala was heading in the early rounds, then Venezuela drew level, but in the most recent rounds, Venezuela has slipped right back again. However Guatemala still does not have the 2/3 majority required. Guatemala is backed by the US and western diplomats have been seen lobbying in the Latin American delegations on the floor of the General Assembly. The US is warning that work of the Security Coucil will become impossible if Venezuela wins denounces President Bush at every term. Guatemala is claiming it will be constructive member of the council. Venezuela is saying every vote cost for each of vote of conscience for the developing world.

The United States says it's confirmed that North Korea carried out a nuclear test explosion a week ago. The office of the Director of National Intelligence said they had samples revealed the presence of radioactive debris and established that size of the blast was less than a kiloton. From Washington our correspondent J B reports.

American intelligence officials have now assessed that North Korea did in fact carry out a nuclear test though the US believes it was relatively small explosion of less than one kiloton. Still Condoleezza Rice warned Pyongyang against carrying out into any further tests saying that would be a provocative act. The US Secretary of State will visit Japan, South Korea and China later this week in an effort to present a unied front. She wants to ensure that those countries take active steps to inspect cargo leaving and entering North Korea to prevent it developing or selling weapons technology.

The head of the Unied Nations Atomic Energy Agency, the IAEA has warned that as many as 30 countries could have the capacity to develop nuclear weapons if controls untightened further. Mohammed El Baradei said that it was becoming fashionable for countries to seek a nuclear deterrent.

A suicide bomber has attacked military convoy in Sri Lanka killing many. More than 150 other military personnel were wounded in the attack. Sailors were waiting for buses at a transit point where government forces are fighting Tamil Tiger guerillas. From Colombo / reports.

Even in a country with a history of suicide bombings, this is the worst attack ever. More than 100 peopel killed, most of them sailors. They just finished a tour of duty in the rest of northeastern district of Trincomalee and were on their way home. They had stopped to swap vehicles and equipment with the incoming rotation of men when a suicide bomber drove a truck packed with explosives into the convoy. Civilians living and shopping close by were caught in the blast. The government has called it a barbaric terrorist attack and blamed the Tamil Tigers. The rebels have neither acknowledged nor denied carrying out the bombing and they have said the convoy was a justified military target.

You are listening to the world news from the BBC.

The United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan has called on Eritrea to withdraw 1,500 troops and 14 tanks it's moved into the buffer zone on its border with Ethiopia. A UN spokesman / described the incursion which took place on Monday as a major breach of the ceasefire and integrity of the zone. He said it posed a serious threat to peace between the two countries.

One of Britain's biggest electricity companies is shutting down reactors at two of its nuclear power stations after discovering cracked boiler pipes. British Energy says the move means a significant proportion of its nuclear reactors are now shut down for inspection or repair. The firm which runs 8 of Britain's 23 nuclear reactors could have to buy electricity to meet its / obligations. Here's our business reporter Patrick B.

The faulty tube were discovered at Hinkley Point B and Hunterston B power stations which are both 34 years ago. Two further reactors have now been shut down for checks. While considering the 92 cracks found at Hunterston B were exceptional. British Energy says safety has not been compromised. The company says it plans to operate the reactors over the winter before completing repairs in the spring, but to do this, it will need a approval from the nuclear installation's inspectorate.
顶端 Posted: 2006-10-20 08:32 | [1 楼]
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