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(07322)蒂森克虏伯电梯[3月30号 上午9:30 厦新厅]


招聘时间:2007年3月30号 上午9:30


Position:   Management Trainee

Report to: Project Mentor

Job Summary:

This position is targeting at high caliber master degree or bachelor degree. The total duration is 24 months and the trainee will rotate to different functions every six months or less subject to the complexity of the project. All trainees will have at least a specific project to implement in every six months that is approved by the mentor. After the program is finished and performance evaluation is confirmed to be successful, we will appoint the trainee to a specific position based on his/her performance.

Major Responsibilities:

The trainee needs to have strong initiatives to implement and accomplish the project, they also need to best utilize the resources in the company that includes but not limited to his/her mentors, team members and supervisors in order to improve his/her project execution capability.

The trainee will have one mentor in every six months who comes from the management of TKE Asia Pacific. The trainee needs to keep a close contact with his/her mentor and get coaching to improve his/her performance.

The trainee needs to submit and present quarterly report to the Management Trainee Committee. The Committee will consist of mentors and senior management and they will review and evaluate the management trainee program and their performance once in six months.

The successful candidate must meet the following qualification:

Bachelor or Master degree

Major in : mechanism, automation, electronics, economics, engineering, management and law.

Excellent English and Chinese

Strong interpersonal, communications skill, analytical, problem solving and leadership skills.

Mature personality, Able to work in a team, open minded and flexible.

Strong learning desire and willing to work under high pressure.

Introduction of the company:

ThyssenKrupp Elevator is the third largest elevator company in the world. With over 36,000 employees and sales of
顶端 Posted: 2007-03-17 08:52 | [楼 主]
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