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顶端 Posted: 2006-10-26 13:44 | [楼 主]

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It's 15 hours Universal Time and here is the news from the Voice of America.
I'm David Deforest from the VOA news center in Washington.

A top US general in Iraq says Iraqi government forces should be able to take full control of security in the country within the next 12 to 18 months. General George Casey told a Baghdad news conference today that the United States would continue to focus on reducing the number of its troops in Iraq. But he said he will ask for more troops if he thinks it's necessary. He said the program to shift security responsibility to Iraqi forces is continuing.

"We are about 75% of the way through a three-step process in building those forces and it's going to take another 12 to 18 months or so until I believe the Iraqi security forces are completely capable of taking over responsibility for their own security. That's still coupled with some level of support from us, but that would be directly asked for by the Iraqis".

Also at the news conference, US ambassador to Iraq Zalmay Khalilzad said Iraqi leaders have agreed that by the end of the year they will develop a timeline on meeting key goals such as improving security and the economy. Both officials criticized Iran and Syria, accusing Iraq's neighbors of supporting insurgence.

Palestinian gunmen in Gaza have kidnapped a Spanish photographer working for the Associated Press. S.M was abducted Tuesday in Gaza city as he left an apartment building. The driver of the guy says 4 masked men restrained him and shifted M into another car and drove away. No one has claimed responsibility.

China is denying South Korean news reports last week that North Korean leader Kim Jong il expressed regret for carrying out a nuclear test October 9th. Louis F. reports from Beijing.

The reports are that Kim Jong il had made the remarks to Chinese envoy Tang Jiaxuan who visited Pyongyang last week to deliver a message from President Hu Jintao. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Liu Jianchao spoke to reporters at a regular briefing Tuesday.

"The report is certainly not accurate. I have not heard any information that Kim Jong il apologized."

US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice who met with envoy Tang in Beijing following his visit to Pyongyang earlier cast doubt on the reports. Rice said Tang did not tell her that Kim Jong il had either apologized for the October 9th nuclear test or said that he would not ever test again. Chinese government spokesman Liu suggests there is NO guarantee that Kim will stop the tests. The United States, China, Japan, South Korea and Russia are trying to persuade North Korea to return to talks on ending its nuclear programs. Louis F, VOA news, Beijing.

Tamil rebel negotiators have left their northern stronghold in Sri Lanka on the way to Geneva for peace talks with the government. A former team member led by the head of the rebel's political wing, SP Thamilselvan left the rebel-held town of K for Colombo's international airport today. The group traveled in a helicopter provided by Sri Lanka's military, together with Norway's ambassador to Sri Lanka, the island's peace broker. The Geneva meeting, the first direct talks between the two sides since February are to begin later this week.

Police in Pakistan say they have detained three men. They are accused of planning this month terrorism incidents in and around Islamabad, including a blast near the residence of the country's President. From the Pakistani capital, I.G has a report.

Police officials described the detainees as hardcore terrorists, saying they were the planners of the attempted rocket attacks in Islamabad and a blast near President Pervez Musharraf army residence in the neighboring town of F. One of those arrested is said to be the son of a former army general. It is not clear whether the suspects are linked to any Islamic militant group. Pakistani authorities had already arrested 8 men in connection with the incidents. Senior government official said the terror attackers were meant to create chaos and unrest. However, President Musharraf has said he might have been the target of the plots. The Pakistani military leader has survived at least 3 assassination attempt(s) blamed on the Al-Qaeda terror network. I.G for VOA news, Islamabad.

Ukrainian Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovich says Russia and Ukraine are closed to formalizing a new compromise agreement under which Ukrainians will buy Russian natural gas at discount prices.

On Wall Street, US stock indexes are down at this hour.
I'm David Deforest, VOA news, more news on the Internet at voanews.com
顶端 Posted: 2006-10-26 13:45 | [1 楼]
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