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顶端 Posted: 2006-10-27 15:57 | [楼 主]

性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
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5come5帮你背单词 [ west /west/ n. 西(方),西部;ad. 向西方,在西方;a. 西方的,西部的,来自西方的 ]

BBC World News with J.W

Two weeks before key congressional elections in the United States. President Bush has accepted that many Americans are unsatisfied with the situation in Iraq ,but insisted the victory is still possible. He admitted being seriously concerned about the scale of the American casualties in Iraq this month ,but ruled out a fixed timetable for a withdrawal of American troops. Justin Webb reports from Washington

In an unusual departure from normal practice, the President began his news conference by talking about that things that were going wrong in Iraq, in particular the recent surgent violence .These events he said were a serious concern to the American people and to him personally. But the President made it plain that this concern was not going to force a change in strategy .Asserting a fixed timetable for withdrawal means defeat. As for the Iraqi government, American's patience was not unlimited, said Mr. Bush , but we will not put more pressure on the Iraqi government than it can bear .The President said he still supported the Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki.

Early today in Baghdad the Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki said he was determined to strike hard against illegal militias .He said only the government forces had the right to carry weapons and that he would act against any groups that challenge state authority or break the law.
I say that after all the government efforts and achievement which was expected to reconciliation on crisis containment. They must be alert and ready and at the same time to take the necessary deterred measures against anyone who wants to break the law, anyone who threatens citizens, anyone who practices killing, kidnapping explosion and attacks. But Mr Maliki said he wouldn't work to a deadline set by the United States .Mr Maliki also distanced himself from a raid by US and Iraqi forces which killed at least 4 people in the predominantly Shiite district of center city in Baghdad.

Federal prosecutors in Argentina have formally charged the government of Iran and the Shiite militia group Hezbollah with carrying out a bomb attack on the Jewish cultural center 12 years ago in which 85 people were killed and many more injured. Following a year long investigation into the bombing, the federal prosecutor Albert.N blamed the Iranian government at the time for organizing the attack and Hezbollah for carrying it out .
The decision to attack the Jewish cultural center on 18th July 1994 which caused the death of 85 people and left at least 150 wounded was a decision taken by the highest authority of the then government of the Islamic republic of Iran. And these formal officials ordered the Lebanese Shiite organization Hezbollah to carry out this attack .

You are listening to the World News from the BBC

Several international experts on AIDS have strongly criticized the evidence against 6 health workers on trial for their lives in Libya where they were accused of injecting more than 400 children with HIV infected blood. In comments published by the British General Nature, the expert say that this solid evidence that the infections started a year or more before the arrival in Libya of those health workers.

The authorities in Chile are investigating allegations that the country's former military leader General Augusto Pinochet may hold gold deposits worth more than 160 million dollars in the bank in Hong Kong. However a spokesman for the bank HSBC said he didn't believe that the general held any accounts of the bank in Hong Kong or anywhere else .But that it would carry out its own investigation .

The European Union's Environment commissioner S.A has called for tough new sanctions against companies which violate a ban on shipping toxic wastes to developing countries .He described the dumping of toxic waste in Ivory Coast last month as disaster of massive proportions and the incident left 10 dead and thousands needing medical treatment .From the European Parliament in Strasbourg .A K reports

The EU Environment commissioner says he intends to make dangerous dumpings an environmental crime and he plans to put forward draft legislation by the end of the year .Speaking to the European Parliament S described the discharge of toxic waste in Ivory Coast it’s a disaster of massive proportions which would have disastrous consequence. Too often , he said , organized crime was responsible for some of the most serious breaches of environmental law .But the planned legislation is likely to express opposition from EU governments .They've previously rejected the commission 's attempts to impose criminal sanctions for environmental offenses.

The Spanish Prime Minister H.Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero has said the bask separatist group Eter which declared a ceasefire in March was probably behind a theft over 300 guns in France this week .Mr Zapatero said the if the Eter was found to be responsible ,there would be consequences.
顶端 Posted: 2006-10-27 15:58 | [1 楼]
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