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5come5帮你背单词 [ highness // n. 高,高党,高贵,殿下,阁下 ]

顶端 Posted: 2006-10-31 18:11 | [楼 主]

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5come5帮你背单词 [ have /hæv, həv/ v. 有,存在,进行,经历,遭受,使,让 ]

It's 15 hours Universal Time and here is the news from the Voice of America.
From the VOA news center in Washington, I'm J.H.

Photos in the war ravaged Democratic Republic of Congo are / combat at the decisive second round presidential election in the denting years of stride. Elections officials say voting in the capital of Kinshasa is going smoothly today that despite a predawn thunderstorm that made some streets almost impassable. Health Ware authorities have issued sketchy reports of a killing in the southern province apparently linked to the poors. The runoff appears in combat presidential Joseph Kabila against former rebel leader Jean-Pierre Bemba in the first open multiparty elections in more than 40 years. Mr Kabila won 45% at the vote in July but that fell showed the 50% needed for an outright victory NO.1 20%. The vote is in M/ for Congo has been widely viewed as a final step in a peace process after a 5-year civil war that left estimated 4 million people dead.

In Bangladesh, the President Ahmed was sworn-in as head of the country's interim government that will oversee national elections in January. He was sworn-in during a televised ceremony just hours after he held talks with government officials and opposition officials on choosing a new interim government chief. Bangladesh has been gripped by a political / after a former Supreme Court justice declined the post following widespread riots over his appointment. Since Friday, violent protesters between rival political activists have killed at least 14 people, wounding hundreds of others. This violence has ended but thousands of protesters are still blocking the streets today.

The chief US envoy for North Korean affairs says Australia could play a vital role in forcing UN sanctions rather against Pyongyang. They will impose following that test of a nuclear weapon. Assistant Secretary of State Christopher Hill made the remarks while on a visit to Australia to discuss Asia-Pacific cooperation on those sanctions. VOA's F.M has the story.

Speaking Sunday at a public forum in Sydney, Christopher Hill said Australian military capability would be important in forcing sanctions against North Korea as it has been in the US-led campaigns in Iraq and Afghanistan. Hill said a coalition of willing partners across the Asia-Pacific region would be the best way to police the UN resolution.

"At some point, we will get beyond the problem of North Korea. Obviously, the United States and I think Australia shares this view that what we really want to have this transpacific approach more than just a pan-Asian approach."

Hill has led the US delegation to the six-nation talks on North Korea's nuclear program, which also involve China, Japan, Russia and South Korea. The UN Security Council voted earlier this month to impose financial and military sanctions on Pyongyang after the secretive regime staged its first nuclear test on October 9th. Precise details of how to enforce this punitive measure are still being worked out. F.M, VOA news, Sydney, Australia.

Many people are feared dead in a crash of a Nigerian airplane that was carrying more than 100 people. The passengers included the spiritual leader of Nigeria’s Muslims. The plane hit the ground and burst into flames shortly after takeoff today.

Sudan on Sunday denied accusations the Sudanese air force bombed towns in eastern Chad this week. VOA's N.K reports from Khartoum.

Tensions between Sudan and Chad are growing following accusations that Sudan bombed 4 Chadian towns near Darfur on Friday. In recent weeks, the Sudanese army has clashed with Darfur rebels in the region. Sudanese armed forces spokesman Sawarmy Khalid denied the accusations and said Sudan and Chad are working together to contain violence along the border.

"The Chadian accusations are not to all. The Sudanese army and the air force did not attack any city in Chad. There is a goal-to-goal between Sudan and Chad. We are not going to support any Chadian refugees, we do not support any Chadian refugees."

Sudan and Chad cut ties last spring after Chadian rebels launched an attack on the Chadian capital of N'Djamena in an attempt to unseat President Idriss Deby. N.K for VOA news, Khartoum.

US military in Iraq says coalition air strikes killed 17 militants nearby Balad, which is north of Baghdad. Military says zero raids foiled a plan by insurgents to ambush a convoy of coalition troop.

I'm J.H, VOA news, more news on the Internet at voanews.com.
顶端 Posted: 2006-10-31 18:19 | [1 楼]
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