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本页主题: 2006.10.28_BBCNEWS 显示签名 | 打印 | 加为IE收藏 | 收藏主题 | 上一主题 | 下一主题


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5come5帮你背单词 [ inflation /in'fleiən/ n. 膨胀,通货膨胀 ]

顶端 Posted: 2006-10-31 18:08 | [楼 主]

性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
等级: 荣誉会员
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5come5帮你背单词 [ spirit /'spirit/ n. 精神,心灵,精灵,妖精,(pl.)情绪,心境,(pl.)酒精,烈性酒 ]

BBC world news with J. Weekly.

A United Nations' committee has voted to begin work on drawing up international arms trade treaty. The measure approved by overwhelming majority would aim to stop guns finding their way to existing war zones despite arms embargos and export controls. It can also seek to stop the supply of weapons to countries whose development has been hampered by arms spending. From New York here is our United Nations correspondent LT.

It could be years before an international arms trade treaty is actually agreed, but this vote is a first step. Globalization has made existing export controls inadequate. Often a weapons company with its headquarters in a country with strict export controls while manufacture components in nations with lacks laws. Major weapons exporters like Britain, France and Germany voted to begin work on the treaty, but America, a big arms manufacturer was the only country to vote against. America believes existing agreements are adequate.

The spokesman for NATO forces in Afghanistan says reports that a number of civilians were killed in NATO -led air strikes earlier this week are credible. The spokesman Mark L said three air strikes have been launched in the province of Kantaha against Taliban insurgence, killing an estimated 48 fighters. Reports quoting local villagers, however, said up to 60 civilians may have died in one of the attacks, many of them women and children. Mr. L apologizes for any in adverse civilian casualties.

"We are sure that we hit the target we intended, we are sure that there were insurgents there . What we don't know is whether there were civilians and how many. I think it's credible that civilians have died and its credible that we may therefore be full responsible and that's the case we are , we're very sorry. We do take care. These are not careless things. This was a gathering of insurgents. We know they were there but what we didn't know was whether there were civilians there. "

In the run-up two presidential elections in the Democratic Republic of Congo, fighting has broken out between rival factions in the northern town of B. It's reported that a key ally of presidential JK was trapped inside a radio station loyal to his opponent B. From the Congolese capital Kinshasa, here is Mark D.

According to a senior United Nations official in northern Congo, the ally of President Kabila * went to the radio station uninvited and shortly after he entered the premises, there were shooting. Details and sketchy is not clear who fired first. The situation is clearly very serious. Certainly the atmosphere is tense across the country ahead of polls that are supposed to usher in a new era of democracy after decades of dictatorship and war.

You are listening to the world news from the BBC.

President Bush has signed into a law, a bill authorizing the construction of a fence long more than 1000 kilometers of America's border with Mexico. President Bush said the United States had not been as he put it in complete control of its borders for decades and that is the result illegal immigration had been on the rise. With a little more than two weeks to go before congressional mid-term elections in the United States, President Bush set out what he hopes the bill would achieve.

"The bill authorizes more vehicle barriers, check points and lighting to help prevent people from entering our country illegally. The bill authorizes the Department of Homeland Security to increase the use of advanced technology like cameras and satellites and unmanned aerial vehicles to reinforce our infrastructure at the border. We are modernizing the southern border of the United States, so we can assure the American people we're doing our job of securing the border. "

The Mexican President-elected Felipe Calderon reacted with anger, saying it could lead to more deaths of Mexican migrants. An estimated 12 million illegal immigrants living in the United States, most of them having come via Mexico.

The National Assembly * has approved a bill banning abortions in all cases. The new law extends the current abortion law to include cases weather the mother's life is at risk. The bill was overwhelmingly approved with 59 lawmakers voting in favor, 7 people abstained. There were no votes against that bill.

And a meeting in New York between the foreign minister of Guatemala and Venezuela has failed to resolve the deadlock over which country will represent Latin America and the Caribbean as the nonpermanent member on the United Nations Security Council. In the BBC interview after the meeting, the Venezuela Foreign Minister Nicolas Maduro blamed Guatemala for the ongoing impasse. He said it had shown no interest in agreeing to a compromise candidate. Guatemala which Venezuela describes has a proxy for the United States maintains it has no reason to withdraw as it has come out to head in all but one of the 41 voting rounds on the floor of the United Nations General Assembly.
顶端 Posted: 2006-10-31 18:09 | [1 楼]
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