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5come5帮你背单词 [ spring /spriŋ/ B n. 弹簧,泉,源泉;vi. 弹跳 ]

顶端 Posted: 2006-10-31 18:08 | [楼 主]

性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
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5come5帮你背单词 [ anyhow /'enihau/ ad. 不管怎样说,无论如何,不管以什方法,总之 ]

BBC World News. I'm S G.

The two main political parties in Bangladesh say they will try to agree in the next twelve hours or so on a compromised candidate to lead a caretaker administration and bring to an end the current political crisis. They were responding to an ultimatum by the President Iajuddin Ahmed, though the opposition rejected his suggestion that he should assume the role. The president's intervention restores some calm after two days of street violence. From Dakar, here is R B.

The streets of the capital Dakar have been much calm since the president's intervention. There were 24 hours of really severe rioting as the supporters of the rival political parties took each other on, on the streets over gunshots, explosions and fighting with sticks and clashes with police and that does seem to have calmed down a lot. But what there is happening now is that the President has told the two parties that by Sunday afternoon there must be a compromised candidate, a new candidate for this post of chief advisor to the caretaker government. He will then lead the country in the run-up to polling day that is expected to happen in January.

A senior NATO military officer General James Jones has appoligized for deaths and injuries among civilians in southern Afghanistan in recent air raids targeting Taliban fighters. General Jones who's been visiting the capital Kabul did not confirm accounts from local people of up to 70 civilians killed in the attacks in Kandahar province on Tuesday. The Afghan government has given a lower figure. The general said NATO would investigate the raids and he added it could be difficult to separate militants from civilians.

Sometimes, in the heat battle, in the fog wars we call that, in the middle of night, it was hard to separate one from the other. You make the decision on the spot that innocent people were wounded or killed, is to be regreted and investigated. I personally apologize for the incident, for any loss of life.

The police in India have made their first arrest under a new law, designed to protect millions of women from demostic violence. They have detained a 47-year-old man in Tamil Nadu for alleged assault and torture. His wife said she suffered years of physical abuse from the man, whom she described as an alcoholic. The new Indian law came into force on Thursday. It gives victims rights over the assets of the abusers who could also be fined and sent to prison up to year. The Indian authorities estimate that every six hours a young married woman is burnt to life, bitten to death or driven to suicide by her husband or his family.

You are listening to the world news from the BBC.

For the first time for six weeks Cuban television has shown pictures of the country's leader Fidel Castro. He was shown walking and reading the day's newspapers, apparently to disprove rumors that he died, following stomach surgery in late July. From Havana S.G. reports.

Fidel Castro appears both frail and gone in these latest images, but he is out of his hospital bed. The president is wearing a track suit in the color of Cuban flag and showing reading current editions of Cuba's two main national newspapers. He refers to the speculation that he is either dead or dying. He says he will recuperate although at the same time warning that that process might be prolonged and it is not without risk. Over the last week there has been plenty of speculation, mainly emanating from outside Cuba about the condition of the 80-year-old president Castro. His health is officially a state secret and Cuban authorities have never said precisely what he's suffering from.

The government of Chad has accused Sudan of bombing four towns close to their joint border, creating panic and destroying homes. Sudan has dismissed the allegation as propangada. Earlier this week, Chad accused Sudan of supporting rebels who recently launched attack in the east. A United Nations official in the Chadian capital N'Djamena told BBC that UN staff in one of the four towns behind had not witnessed any bombing. But referring in a BBC interview to an alleged strike in a village near T, the Chadian Defense Minister Bichara Issa Djadallah said there was no doubt that the attacking aircraft were Sudanese.

You could see it was an anti-/. We are military men. We do have commanders there. When a plane flies over the country, it is impossible not to see it.

Reports from Egypt say that several thousand extra troops have been moved near the border with the Gaza Strip. The reports say at least 3,000 Egyptians security forces have been deployed in the area.

BBC World News.
顶端 Posted: 2006-10-31 18:09 | [1 楼]
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