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顶端 Posted: 2006-11-04 13:34 | [楼 主]

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BBC World News. I’m SG.

The United States armed forces have set up a new public relations unit to broadcast their version of events in Iraq and elsewhere eight months after the Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said they are large behind America's enemies in the propaganda war. He warned that the military need to adapt to changes in the global media. Reporting from Washington, Justin Webb.

The Bush administration does not believe that the true picture in Iraq is being seen by the outside world. In particular, there is a fear that / images made available on the internet to alter western broadcasters suggest that the insurgents can move and strike more freely than is really the case. That’s generating a sense of public gloom and despondency about the Iraq war, but it's not entirely warranted. The Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said earlier in the year that medium manipulation by America's enemies was, as he put it, the thing that keeps me off at night. This appears to be his answer. A unit in the Pentagon staffed around the clock and given particular responsibility for the internet.

America's Vice-President Dick Cheney has drawn a direct link between increased violence in Iraq, where more than a hundred US troops have been killed this month, and forthcoming mid-term elections in the United States. Mr. Cheney said he believed that Al-Qaeda and other insurgent group were trying to influence the outcome of the elections.

United Nations has released new data showing that rich countries have made little overall progress in reducing the output of the gases blamed for climate change. The UN said emission levels among the 40 countries that monitored were still rising, and the outpour trend was been augmented by the revived economy of the former Soviet block. The UN figures coincided with the publication of report warning of severe consequences for humanity if global warming was ignored.

The American fast food restaurant chain KFC says it's to phase out the use of trans fat in most of its products by early next year. KFC and other fast food chains have come under criticism in the United States for helping to contribute to obesity by their use of trans fats in cooking. Trans fats are made by adding a hydrogen to oil to increase its shaflai(?) and flavor. But such fats contain nothing the body needs and health experts say they actually increase the risk of heart disease. The president of KFC Craig D says the company will begin to use soybean oil as a healthier alternative.

We are extremely pleased to announce that KFC is switching to a zero trans fat cooking oil for all of our fried products. We spend over two years extensively testing oil options before we found the zero trans fat oil that provides the same taste with zero trans fat.

You are listening to the world news from the BBC.

The Mexican Senate has unanimously approved the resolution calling for the resignation of the governor of the southern state Oaxaca, Ulises Ruiz. It follows the similar measure by the Lower House of the Congress. Earlier federal riot police use tear gas to disperse thousands of protestors who accuse Mr. Ruiz of abuse of power. DK is in Mexico City.

Throwing rocks and firecrackers, the protestors try to top the riot police for the second running. The police responded with bullets of tear gas. The city was retaken by the security forces over the weekend after being in the control of activists for five months. The protestors want the resignation of Ulysses Ruiz, the State Governor. They say he's rigged / elections and used excessive force against the demonstrators. Now, they receive the backing of both houses of the Mexican Congress. The Senate and the Lower House of deputies, both pass resolutions calling on Mr. Ruiz to step aside.

The heir to the British throne Prince Charles is visiting Pakistan as counseled trip to the B/ close to the Afghan border following a Pakistan military air raid in the region that killed around 80 people. The raid sparked angry demonstrations and denunciations by Islamist politicians. Peter Han reports.

This is a major blow for Prince Charles, his advisors and the British government. His planned visit to B on Tuesday was the heart of this tour. The Prince was meant to a visit to the madrasa which is a tempting to broad less curriculum and for aggressive college, which is the first would admit women students. Charles's speeches there would focus on moderation . A planned demonstrationing for B against the air strike would have coincided with Charles's visit. The government advised into cancel his trip, having presumably concluded that they couldn’t guarantee his safety.

A state of emergency has been declared in 14 towns in Russia's E region in Eastern Siberia because of an up surge in mass poisonings caused by fake Vodka, nearly 900 people in the region have been taken to hospital with liver failure.

BBC World News
顶端 Posted: 2006-11-04 13:34 | [1 楼]
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