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5come5帮你背单词 [ foreigner /'forinə/ n. 外国人,外人 ]

顶端 Posted: 2006-11-11 11:48 | [楼 主]

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5come5帮你背单词 [ moon /mu:n/ n. 月亮,月球,月光,卫星 ]

BBC world news with CC

The Democrats are celebrating in Washington after being confirmed as the majority party in both US senate and the House of Representatives. The senate victory was clinched when the final seat was declared in the state of Virginia. The Republican candidate George allen acknowledge his defeat at the hands of his democratic rival Jim Weber. J.W reports.

The last democratic to be confirmed as the winner over senate seat Jim Weber has been speaking, he called on President Bush to repudiate the Republican campaign which he said being divisive and had damaged the country. Mr Bush should better get used to receiving such lectures. There have been extraordinary scenes in Washington this afternoon as Representatives of a political party out of power in congress for over a decade have been marking their return. Outside on the steps of the capitol the Democrats leaders were mobbed by well wishers. One of them talked of keeping power now for a generation.

The head of Britain's domestic intelligence service MI5 has warned that the threat from al-Qeada is serious and growing. In the very rare public comments , the intelligence chief d# says there are more than 1,600 individuals who are acitively engaged in trying to attack British and other targets. our security correspondent frank Gardener reports.

In her first public speech in Britain since the London bombings last year, the head of the intelligence service MI5 has given the most detailed description yet of the international terrorist threat facing this country. D told a small select audiance in News London that 30 mass casaulty terrorist plots are currently being investigated. Some of them suicidal /, some of them directed by al-Qeada. She said MI5 and the police were mow tackling some 200 groupings or networks totaling over 1600 identified individuals actively engaged in plottingor facilitating terrorist acts in Britain.

The Isreali Prime Minister Ehud Olmert says a technical failure was to blamed for an Israeli artillery barrage that killed 18 Palestinians in the Gaza Strip/ on Wednesday. He again expressed regret and called for an immediate meeting with the Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. Mr.Olmert indicated that he might be prepared to to make some concessions in such talks. Tens of thousands of Palestinians attended the funerals of those who died in the shelling of the town of Beit Hanoun. A spokesman for the Palestinian president's Fatah faction said the residents of Israeli cities and towns would have no security while the people in Beit Hanoun were suffering.

You are listening to the world news from the BBC.

Five days after Saddam Hussein was sentensed to death, the Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak has become the first Arab leader outside Iraq to react publicly to the news, Mr Mubarak has warned that hanging the former Iraqi leader would lead to even more violence in the country.Reporting from cairo H.

The Egyptian leader has warned that executing Saddam Hussein would unleash what he described as waterfalls of violence in Iraq. Mr Mubarak said it would deepen sectarian and ethnic conflicts between Iraqis and lead to more bloodbaths. Mr Mubarak is a long-time critic/ of Saddam Hussein, but he and other Arab leaders are alarmed at the relentless violence in Iraq. Many in the region feel the country's descending to sectarian conflict could prove unstoppable. They are also worried about the expansion of Iran's influence in what has traditionally been a Sunni dominated country.

An idependent penal of world leader has called for a radicial overhaul of the way the United Nations agencies and programs are organized. The penal of prime ministers and senior official said that while the UN gave intellectual leadership in many area, it was often fragmented and weak when trying to help developing countries. They said the UN operation should be streamlined to avoid duplication and save money. / A new system is to be tested in five developing countries where a senior official will coordinate the UN's work, the man appointed to be the UN next Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has said reform of the orgnization should be a top priority.

A judge in Argentina has issued an international arrest warrant for the former President of Iran Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani over the bombing of a jewish center in Buenos Aires in 1994, this follows the latest investigation by the Argentine authorities into the attack which killed 85 people. The investigation blaming the Iranian government for organizing the bombing . Iran have always denied any involvement.

a man in Britain who use his expertise with computer to prey on young girls has been jailed for ten years. A? England posed as a teenage boy to profane girls an internet chatrooms. he sent them fake photographs with a hidden computer virus that let him to gain control of their home computers. He then blackmailed the girls into sending him sexually revealing pictures of themselves.

BBC world news.
顶端 Posted: 2006-11-11 11:50 | [1 楼]
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