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5come5帮你背单词 [ reed /ri:d/ n. 芦苇,芦笛,牧笛 ]

顶端 Posted: 2006-11-17 23:29 | [楼 主]

性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
等级: 荣誉会员
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注册时间: 2004-12-25
最后登陆: 2011-11-19

5come5帮你背单词 [ exhaust /ig'zo:st/ vt. 耗尽(资源等),详尽处理,使筋疲力尽;n. 排气装置,废气 ]

The head of the electoral commission in the Democratic Republic of Congo has declared the current President Joseph Kabila the winner of the recent election. Making the announcement on national television, the official said provisional final figure showed Mr.Kabila had taken 58% of the vote. Arno Zecman reports from Kinchasar.
Africa's youngest elected President Joseph Kabila has appeared on state television wearing a dark suit and a red tie. He said that he will act as the President of all Congolese and that bring in them to ethnic divide and corruption will be among his top priorities. Earlier on, the head of the electoral commission said on state television that Joseph Kabila had won the elections with 58% of the votes, while his challenger, Mr.R. only got 42%. The results are provisional and can still be challenged in the Congo's Supreme Court. In a phone interview with the BBC, President Joseph Kabila said that the Congolese should remain calm because of the page of Congo's history has just been turned.

An Israeli helicopter gunship has fired missiles into the Sharti refugee camp in Gaza. Initial reports suggested there were no casualties. The Israeli Defense Minister Amir Peretz had earlier said Palestinian militants will pay a heavy price for a rocket attack which killed an Israeli woman. Alan Johnson reports from Gaza.
Close to midnight, Israeli helicopters could be heard moving in from the sea and soon they struck, sending missiles hammering into a beachfront refugee camp. Their target was the home of a prominent militant, a member of an organization called the Popular Resistance Committees. Soon afterwards, there were 2 similar attacks on the homes of senior Hamas activists. In each case as they often do in Gaza, the Israelis phoned the houses and warned the attacks were coming. This enabled the occupants to escape and there were no reports of casualties.

The United Nations' top humanitarian official Young Egelands again calls for improve security for aid workers in the war ravaged Sudanese region of Darfur. Speaking to the BBC during a visit to Khartun, Mr.Egeland said the fighting in Darfur had escalated in the last few months. He appealed for a sensation of hostilities in the region by all armed groups, the rebels, government backed militias and Sudanese government troops.

You are listening to the world news from the BBC.

The senior United States commander in the Middle East has warned that setting a firm time table for the withdrawl of US troops in Iraq could impede long-term stability. General John Arbizy telled the Senate Armed Services Committee that the fixed time table would only prevent military commanders from determining how and when to pass on security responsibility from US to Iraqi forces. A senoir advisor to the State Department tells the committee that the administration was prepared in principle to discuss what it termed Iranian activities in Iraq. Giving an evidence before the Senate committee, David Satefil said the timing of any such direct dialogue was still under review.

Genetic scientists have revealed that they've taken a significant step towards a full analysis of the genetic code of prehistoric N. man. Researchers whose work was published in the journals Nature and Science say they hope to fully decode the DNA within the next 2 years to find more about N. man and why he died out. Madma Gorar reports.
Researchers successfully extracted DNA from a 38,000-year-old N. bone found in Cruasia. Careful screening was required to sift out contamination from microbes and modern humans. The scientists say that N. was 99.5% similar to humans in genetic terms. We share the common ancestor about 700,000 years ago, but split completely form them about 400,000 years ago. The analysis suggest that once modern humans and the A. went their seperate ways, there was little to know into breeding.

Auditors of United States Congress have accused American development agency US Aid of failing properly to administer its program for promoting democracy in Cuba. The auditors said that US Aid to channel tens of millions of dollars through exile groups in Miami which were sometimes wasteful or kept questionable accounts. The report said the organization had sent items such as chocolate and K.G. to Cuba and that some of money had been spent on paying smugglers to take the goods to the island.

Britain's foreign intelligence service, MI6 has been taking advantage of the release of the new Jamsbond film K. to attract new recruits. For the first time ever, it has allowed 2 secret agents to be interviewed on the BBC. They said that the work sometimes made them feel like 007, but there was no licences to kill. They confirmed that as in the film, the head of the MI6 is known by a letter C and the service had a cue responsible for innovative technology and gadgets.
顶端 Posted: 2006-11-17 23:29 | [1 楼]
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