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本页主题: 文思创新软件 C/C++嵌入式软件开发工程师 显示签名 | 打印 | 加为IE收藏 | 收藏主题 | 上一主题 | 下一主题


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家族: KOP★红军魂
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浮云: 1125
注册时间: 2006-06-30
最后登陆: 2009-04-24

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文思创新软件 C/C++嵌入式软件开发工程师

Worksoft Creative Software Technology Ltd., founded in 1995, is a leading China-based IT outsourcing service provider to North American and European Global firms. Worksoft delivers world-class IT solutions to global clients, maximizing their return on investment and giving our clients The Power to Focus?. The Power to Focus? is our accelerated software development and business optimization process, giving our client organizations the power to focus on core services and have peace of mind. Worksoft offers scale, efficiency, quality and an expert pool of international talent and management to deliver a high degree of performance to clients worldwide.
Worksoft is a CMMI III certified company that offers expertise in a wide range of technology capabilities. We provide packaged solutions, application development and maintenance, business intelligence/data warehouse, software product development, quality assurance and testing, localization and globalization, and business process outsourcing services to global clients. Our ability to deliver quality services comes from over 12 years of institutional knowledge and a strong commitment to our customers. Our impressive client roster includes Blue Chip companies and industry leaders such as IBM, Microsoft, Oracle, TIBCO, Reynolds & Reynolds, fastmobile, Panasonic, HP and many other leading Fortune 1000 companies.
Since its founding in 1995, Worksoft has grown into a company with the staff strength of over 2600 workers worldwide. With 8 offices in Asia (Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Dalian, Xi'an, Wuhan, Nanjing and Japan) and in Silicon Valley and Seattle in the United States, we are the fastest growing IT outsourcing firm in China with the financial backing of Tier 1 U.S. venture capital firms Sequoia Capital and DCM-Doll Capital Management, as well as the highly respected Chinese firm Legend Capital.
Worksoft is China's first Build-Operate-Transfer model enabler, the first ISO9001 certified outsourcing company in China, and the first to secure Tier 1 U.S. venture capital. Worksoft is highly recognized by government, VC and media with its leading position in china outsourcing industry, explicit business strategy, advanced management practices and seasoned management team. By epitomizing the business philosophy based on "serving clients' demands and developing with clients", Worksoft will continue to improve the quality of service and make contributions to the outsourcing industry with our "positive, pragmatic and creative" ideas.
文思创新软件技术有限公司成立于1995年,是中国软件外包行业的先行者和领军企业。致力于为IT、高科技行业、金融服务业、制造业、零售与分销业、电信业等领域的全球客户提供企业解决方案、质量保证和测试、应用软件开发与维护、本地化与全球化和业务流程外包等服务,帮助客户实现投资收益最大化,并使之更专注于自身核心业务(The Power to Focus )。作为合作伙伴,我们致力于降低客户的运营成本、提高客户的生产和工作效率。我们将解决方案定位于商务和科技完美结合的动态环境中,从而为客户提供高质量的服务,满足客户在规模、效率、质量、专业能力等全方位的要求,帮助企业客户勾画并实现技术驱动的商业变革和创新。
文思是CMMI 3级认证企业,具备一系列技术领域的专业技能。我们能够有效识别客户的业务需求,并提供高质量的客户解决方案。文思出色的交付能力来源于12年来在技术上的不断创新和对客户承诺的完美体现。目前,文思已成为财富1000强企业的重要合作伙伴,主要客户包括IBM, Microsoft, Oracle, TIBCO, Reynolds & Reynolds, fastmobile, Panasonic, HP等著名公司。
公司总部设在北京,在中国上海、深圳、大连、西安、武汉、南京、美国硅谷,西雅图和日本东京设有分公司,目前已拥有全球员工超过2600人。作为中国发展最快的软件外包企业,文思创新继2005年获得DCM和联想投资的联合注资后,又于2006年获得由全球[屏蔽]风险投资机构美国红杉投资(Sequoia Capital) 领投,DCM和联想投资跟投的第二笔融资。

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顶端 Posted: 2007-09-23 17:02 | [楼 主]
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