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5come5帮你背单词 [ fable /'feibl/ n. 寓言,童话 ]

顶端 Posted: 2006-11-22 13:39 | [楼 主]

性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
等级: 荣誉会员
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注册时间: 2004-12-25
最后登陆: 2011-11-19

5come5帮你背单词 [ charity /'tæriti/ n. 仁慈,宽厚,慈善机关(团体) ]

A lot of our veterans will tell you they learnt more in their service than any school could ever teach them. So it's fair to ask, why they in turn can’t teach others? Tonight we have a story about doing just that.

It’s about using some of the best young people this nation has produced to help form some great young people in the classroom. Continuing our Coming Home series tonight. Here’s NBC, Michelle. Kosinski.

From the battlefield in Iraq (Hello man!) to the front lines of an American high school, sergeant Daniel Worley’s new mission finds him in a different kind of chaos. Mr. Worley (Hi, everyone calm down) is now a social studies teacher at a public school in Charlotte North Carolina. And he’s not at all what the kids expected.

Arms out, leg right out.

All right sir!

I though he was gonna be like this street guy come down emerging, push-ups or everything, but he is cool.
(We are going to …)
and the call.

2 years ago, Worley was in Iraq in the National Guard. Before that, 4 years as marine, now he's found his calling.

It’s a world of difference. Some kids ask/ questions that I’ve never thought about my life.

It’s his first tour in the Troops to Teachers program that help soldiers get their teaching licences.

I think he has willingness to learn and he has willingness to help out. I think those are just 2 traits that coming right out / the military.

Since this program started 12 years ago, more than 9300 troops have served in the America's classrooms. And that one really meets two goals, many soldiers returned from war need jobs, and many schools need teachers.

(Calm down)
The students are most impressed with his control.

That makes him really courageous, because he is going out there, and he is trying to protect us and now he is teaching us and he’s doing a lot of stuff for his communities.

I learnt just to be patient, because you can’t, can’t win a war in a day.
(three, two..Let's go guys)
Now winning hearts and minds at home.

If I can reach one kid a day, that’s, you know, that's enough to make you come in here the next day.
(That’s good. It's all I want…)
Michelle Kosinski NBC News,Charlotte, North Carolina.

There you go! That’s our broadcast for this Wednesday night, thank you for being with us. I am Bryan Williams. We will look for your right back here tomorrow / evening. Good night.
顶端 Posted: 2006-11-22 13:39 | [1 楼]
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