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5come5帮你背单词 [ twist /twist/ v. & n. 扭曲,扭伤,缠绕 ]

顶端 Posted: 2006-11-26 12:56 | [楼 主]

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5come5帮你背单词 [ surf // n. 浪花花;vi. 作冲浪运动 ]

Nutritionist Joy Bauer talks with the "Today" show's Al Roker about emotional eating and offers tips to help people get back on a healthy track.

One of you sometimes try to eat away the blues, nutritionist Joy Bauer is here with some strategies to help get your healthy. Joy, good to see you Joy.
Good to see you Al.
So, you know, this time, There’s emotional eating, it really is a problem, isn’t? this time of year, especial?
Oh, the holiday is a horror, that's for sure, and the emotional eating is when you eat in response to feel angers rather than hunger. Stress, anxiety, nervousness, and maybe you've had a fight with the spouse, or coworker, and you head straight for the fridge, And the truth is we all do it occasionally
To a certain extent
And that’s not necessarily problematic, but if you struggle with your wee, and you are regularly using food as a vice, or coping mechanism, it's like rubbing salts in a wound.
Right, because,You will feel bad, you feel worse, after you did it.
You feel worse, you beat yourself up, and you probably worse off emotionally than you were, that cause you to eat in the first place.
Such a real catch Twenty to it.
You come up with some questions that we should ask ourselves. That really can hang there and help you /// determine whether you are an emotional eater. First do you reach for high-calorie food when you feel sorry for yourself, Are you preoccupied with food, are high-calorie food your reward/// after a difficult day? Do you have strategies for dealing with / negative emotions? Do you feel stressed and do you sometimes put food in your mouth without realizing it. There were, And now when you answer these questions, this, this pretty much gives you a pretty good idea.
Absolutely, if you answer yes to the majority of these questions, you are an emotional eater. And you should put a huge effort into stopping this behavior , because it is destructive, destructive to the psyche
Do, do man and woman go for different kinds of food when they are looking for comfort?
It’s a great question, the number one food cross the board according to research in terms of comfort food for man and woman alike is Ice cream
It could be clearino vanilla or some kind of fudge created of composite stand
What is the about ice-cream?
I don’t known. One of my personal favor. But then it's a vice. Women head straight for the sweets, cookies, chocolates, candies, and men go for man food, real food, martial food.
steak and mass potatos, pasta and big pasta entries and pizza with the works
So you know, you said one of the things you can do to try to help / stop this, is, is measure your hunger on a hunger style, what’s that?
That’s right. Awareness is huge, you wanna know if you are actually hungry or not, one being ravenous, and five being comfortably full. So before you reach for something. Figure out if you a four or a five avoid eating.
Right, Now, you know at this point, there is something else we can do which is very simple, if you feel like you have to eat something, just do something else.
Right and ease your seven done when you are in that moment, I understand that. So you wanna create a list that / is personally appealing and handy. You know the obvious go for a walk, call the friends, surf the internet, clean your closet, but a couple of creative ideas, you know, put on some nostalgic music that brings you back to a time filled with wonderful memories, maybe it’s Tony B , or sound track from C liner, best of L, anything that works for you, and if you are a female, polish your nails when they wet you can’t eat?
Best of L
I love L.
Wow, OK, you also say, oh, you should come up with a genre.
Can you wait half a hour?
A food journal, journaling is great for weight loss, but it’s also very good in terms of playing interference, when you emotionally eat. Because You can identify time frames that are especially hard for you or...um... particular weeks or parts of the year, also when you are accountable, and it’s got to go on that paper, your last apt to eat it
You also say one of those things. If you like... feel like you are happy, eat something, eat healthy food first.
This is a great strategy, I call this three food interference. And it has helped thousand of clients. What you do is to make a personal commitment with yourself, that before you get into anything unhealthy, you are gonna first eat three healthy items and they've always gotta be in your fridge. I have/// a bowl of carrots, one apple and a container of yoghourt. Write it down on a paper, make yourself a contract and stick /on a side of the fridge and after those 3 foods, if you still want to continue on, give yourself permission. But nine times out of ten, you are gonna fill up and you are gonna stop.
Then, take care of you, Joy Bauer thank you so much as always / great information.
Thanks, Al
顶端 Posted: 2006-11-26 12:57 | [1 楼]

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注册时间: 2005-10-21
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5come5帮你背单词 [ athletics /æθ'letiks/ n. 体育运动,田径运动 ]

too long
顶端 Posted: 2006-11-27 12:29 | [2 楼]
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