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5come5帮你背单词 [ trench /trent/ n. 沟,渠 ]

顶端 Posted: 2006-12-07 11:13 | [楼 主]

性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
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等级: 荣誉会员
家族: 八宝推倒委员会
发贴: 20090
威望: 4
浮云: 414
注册时间: 2005-04-16
最后登陆: 2010-02-03

5come5帮你背单词 [ ignite /ig'nait/ v. 点火,引燃 ]

on arrogance129
The man chosen by President Bush to be his new Defense Secretary Robert Gates has told the Senate Committee that the United States is not winning in Iraq. The Senate Armed Froces Committee has unanimously approved Mr. Gates in his new post. And the full Senate is expected to endorse this later in the week. From Washington our correspondent Justin Web.

Early weeks ago, President Bush said America was winning the war in Iraq. Asked whether he believed the US was winning Mr. Gates responded without hesitation, no sir. America's course over the next two years would he said, determine whether there could be a slow improvement or a regional conflagration. There were no oratorical flourishes in this performance but Mr. Gates was hugely assertive. He said he didn't want the job. He was doing it because he loved his country. Once he was confirmed, all options would be on the table. Mr.Gates also distanced himself from those who might be considering a military action against Iran. That will be an absolute last result, he said. After this confident performance, Mr. Gates is certain to be confirmed in office probably this week.

American commanders in Iraq say they expect the entire country to be under Iraqi provincial control within less than a year. The senior US military spokesman / Major General William Caldwell said that the command/ of all Iraqi army divisions should have passed from an American to Iraqi control even sooner by late spring or early summer next year.

A British company says it has convincing evidence that stem cells taken from human fetuses could help stroke patients recover from brain damage. The company / says it is preparing to apply to the United States authorities for permission to extract stem cells from the brain area of a 12 week body fetus and inject them into stroke victims. / wants to produce unlimited quantities of stem cells from just one fetus tissue sample, making the process commercially viable and it believes ethically more acceptable. / from the Stroke Association in the United Kingdom says it is an exciting prospect for sufferers.

Third of the people have stroke who had left with disability. And they may recover very slowly rehabilitation may help, but they'll be left with those permanent disability so for them the potential of a treatment which could really to restore, their mobility / restore, their ability to speak is quite amazing.

Your are listening to the world news from BBC

There has been a furious reaction by right-wing a religious group/ in Israel after the Education Minister said new school textbooks should show the country's borders from before the 1967 war. Maps in Israeli textbook show territories conquered in the war including the West Bank of / has been part of Israel. The opposition / party said the decision was outrageous, it's now proposed to motion/ of no confidence in the government. From Jerusalem C A reports.

For years successive Israeli governments have criticized Palestinian authority school textbooks for speaking solely a Palestine, ignoring Israel's existence in the Middle East. Now Israel’s left-wing Education Minister / says it is time to reeducate Israeli children. Mr. /'s call to change Israeli school books is seen as a challenge to the Jewish settling movements, a powerful interest group here.

In Thailand the last unidentified victim/ of the tsunami two years ago will be buried in a few hours time in a cemetery in one of the worst affected areas, the A coast. 125 corpses which could not be identified through DNA testing or dental records are being exploited with microchips so they could be disinterred later if needed. A BBC correspondent in the region says most are thought to be illegal workers from Burma whose families would have been unable to come to Thailand to find them.

The health authorities in New York City are voted to ban a controversial food ingredient known as trans fats from the city's restaurants and food shops. It'll be the first American city to ban the product which can clog arteries and cause serious health problems. Restaurants will have until next July in next year to stop using the ingredient as a cooking oil. And by July 2008, they must be phased out altogether. These New Yorkers were asked for their reactions.

I think the fact that trans fats have been banned in the New York is really the first step for New York to become a more healthy city, I really do.
Well I think it's a good thing because it's healthier, I think you can get the same flavor in the same amount of cooking by not using trans fats oils. ok. It might even taste better.
In 1970, this gotta kill you, I smoke I drink. and these things will kill you too, so little difference.

A black dress worn by the actress Audrey Hepburn in the film "Breakfast at Tiffany's" has sold in auction for even 900,000 dollars, that's 6 times the expected price. The dress made by the French designer Givenchy was part an auction of film Member of Belly in London. The proceeds will go to a charity working with the poor in India.
顶端 Posted: 2006-12-07 11:13 | [1 楼]
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