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VOA 11.29
顶端 Posted: 2006-12-05 20:36 | [楼 主]

性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
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5come5帮你背单词 [ explore /iks'plo:/ v. 勘探,探险,调查 ]

Pope Banodict has begun his first official visit to predominately Muslim Turkey. A four-day tour he says is aimed at promoting diolgue between religions and cultures. The Romian Cathelic Pope had got a warm greeting today from Turkish Prime Minister OT at the airport of A. They shoke hands and held brief talks before Mr. O left for a NATO summit in L.

Meanwhile PB is in the L capital of R for that NATO's summit expected to focus alliance operations in Afganistan. Meeting first with L president, Mr Bush thanked the country for its supports in building democracy in A and Iraq. This ecort has earlier comments in neigboring S, with that country's president pledged to work hand and hand with the US, and making Afganistan secure.
Meanwhile the president says that fighting in Iraq is a product of A a plot aimed at fermenting such sectarian violence. Mr. Bush made the remark in I ahead of his Wednesday talks in G with Iraqi Prime Minister N. Mr. Bush says AL attacks are pushing Iraq's people to seek reprisal and causing a surgent sectarian violence.
Meanwhile Iraqi lawmakers have renewed the country's state of emergency for 30 or more days that new attacks killed at least 5 people. The state of emergency has been in effect for more than 2 years. Parliament voted today to extend it for another month. Security officials say at least 4 people were killed and 19 others were wounded in 2 car bomb explosion in Baghdad.

The United Nations says it could take a generation to wipe out the Afganistan massive illegal opium trade in a new report the UN says efforts to radicate the country's illegal drug industry has acheived limited success.
The UN office on drugs and crime in the world bank issued a report Tuesday that details of serious challeges in setback of A fight against opium cultivation. Speaking to reporters in C Tuesday the world bank's W said recent enforcement in efforts has unfarily targeted the country's poorest farmers where failing to prevent the sharp rise in opium producting. However well intention they were, these efforts have inevitatend negitive side of the effect. The new report also says wide spread corruption has seriously weakend the Afgan government's anti-drug campion. O says the wealthier producers paid broad tools avoid any penalties. As a result he says, the public is losing faith in the government any ability to implement new policies.

Afgan official says a suicide bombers ran his car to a police vehicle ,killing 1 officer in west Afganistan. Police have tried to stop and search the bomber's vehicle in outskirts of H city today. But the attack evade them and ran his car into a police check.

A top B movie star has been found guilty in a involvemnet deadly series bombblasts that errupted in the financial capital of M 13 years ago. As F reported from New D, F was convicted a armed possession but cleared the charges of terrorism in relation to the blasts.
The verdict is to handed done Tuesday by the judge in B in M to a summont looking S. And in the country that is the chance by India movie industr known as B, millions watched the star's fate. The judge ruled the popular 47 year-old actor guilty of illegally processing arms, supplied by the men who carried out the series bombblasts that targeted M stock exchange and commercial buildings in 1993.But he equited that of the more serious charge of conspiracy saying I have not found to be a terrorist. More than 250 people have died in India's worst deadliest attacks considered to be acts of revange for relegious rise that killed 100 muslims. 123 people have been charged in the case so far 86 have been found guilty. All of them including S will be sentenced later.

A leader of Somalia islamist movement has accused E troops of shelling a central Somalia town controlled by Islamic malitia. Speaking at a rally in M toay, S said E forces have mass surrounded the town of B and fired anteri position held by Islamist fighters. Meanwhile there is no comment from E officials.
顶端 Posted: 2006-12-05 20:36 | [1 楼]
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