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5come5帮你背单词 [ temper /'tempə/ n. 脾气,情绪,怒气,脾气急躁;vt. 使缓和,减轻 ]

顶端 Posted: 2006-12-11 13:31 | [楼 主]

性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
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等级: 荣誉会员
家族: 八宝推倒委员会
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注册时间: 2005-04-16
最后登陆: 2010-02-03

5come5帮你背单词 [ longitude /'lond3əitju:d/ n. 经度 ]

More than a thousand British and Danish troops in southern Iraq have carried out what they see as the biggest security raid they've launched against suspected militants in the area. Five Iraqis were detained during the raids in the Hartha district of Basra. A British spokesman for the coalition forces described them as members of a rogue, breakaway element of the Shiite militia. A BBC correspondent in Baghdad says the men including a local militia leader are wanted for the alleged kidnapping, murder of Iraqis and attacks on multinational forces. The leader of one of the teams involved in the raid / explained how his men carried out the operation.

Initially they are breaking in and looking to see / stop movement of any suspective insurgents or terrorists in the building. / security has been done / explore any possible material we may find in the process.

There's growing disagreement in the United States over the report by the Iraq Study Group which earlier this week recommended a sorrow rethink of Washington strategy on Iraq. President Bush has said he doesn't accept all the conclusions of the report and that its offers would not expect him to do so. But this has been strongly contradicted by the group's Chairman. President Bush is due to meet congressional leaders today for further talks on the report. L C reports.

Whatever the / otherwise of the Iraq Study Group recommendations, its report is for the moment the focal point around which the hot debate of future policy in Iraq is being framed. Even in Congress after the initial welcome, critics of the report are beginning to emerge. But the key question is still how Mr. Bush will respond. His meeting with congressional leaders is at least a / towards a cooperative approach. But critics argue that his muted even sceptical response to some of the Iraq Study Group central proposals showed he still / really ready to make a necessary / in line the aims or tactics.

The United Nations has unveiled a plan to streamline its operations that could frame up millions of dollars and increase other recources for development work. Under the system which is being piloted in Viewnam all operations in one country are run by a single head and under one budget. B H reports from Hanoi.

There are 11 different United Nations organizations working in Vietnam. They'll have separate programs, separate bossism and separate budget. The country which fund them believe this creat duplication and waste and they want a greater cooperation and efficiency. The Vietnamese government has also been announced for this so the UN has begun a grand experiment here to try to bring together in the first case 6 or 7 agencies including the UN Development Program and the Children Fund UNICEF under a single head with the single program.

New research by scientists working in sub-Sahara Africa say the two main diseases affecting the region, HIV and malaria are into trend on fueling each other. The research published in American Journal Science was carried out mainly in M in Kenya. The scientists found that the adults with HIV had malaria, the number of HIV virus in their blood increased, making it more likely that they would infect sexual partner.

You are listening to the world news from the BBC.

A summit of East Asian leaders due to start on Monday in the Philippines has been postponed. Organizers said the move was because of the forecast of severe weather in / region where the summit was to have happened. The head of the summit Organizing Committee Marciano Paynor denied that security fears had anything to do with their decision.

After very serious consideration of the possible effects, of the projected incoming weather disturbance, the ASEAN Philippine National Organizing Committee has decided to move the date of the / summits. / that the decision was based on this weather disturbance and on this disturbance only.

The United States airforce is beginning a series of 15 airdrops to Somali refugees strained by flooding along Kenyan-Somali border. / aircraft will drop plastic sheeting, mosquito nets and blankets over the giant / refugee camp.

The British Charirty War on Want has hightlighted low wages being paid in garment factories in Bangladesh that supply large shopping chains in Britain. The Charity said workers are being paid as less as ten American cent a hour. And that agreed guideline on overtime and safety were being ignored.

The King of Nepal has had to pay tax for the first time. King Gyandendra and his son had to pay custome tax to collect 50 tortures hunting / ship to the airport. King Gyandendra paid no custome tax before the government's recent moves to strip of him of most of his powers. An airport custom official said the King was charged just over 1,800 dollars to release the goods.
顶端 Posted: 2006-12-11 13:32 | [1 楼]
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