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5come5帮你背单词 [ truthful /'tru:θful/ a. 真实的,说实话的,诚实的 ]

顶端 Posted: 2006-12-28 07:59 | [楼 主]

性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
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5come5帮你背单词 [ movie /'mu:vi/ n. 电影,电影院 ]

It’s 15:00 Universal Time and here is the news from the Voice of America. I’m Peter M from the VOA News Center in Washington.

President Bush is scheduled on Saturday to hold high level meetings as he prepares to announce a new strategy for reducing the violence in Iraq. The president plans to meet with the new Defense Secretary Robert Gates, the Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and his national security advisor Steven H/. This passed week Gates spent three days in Iraq speaking to the US military and Iraqi leaders about strategies for reducing violence. He has not said whether he’ll recommend a temporary increase in US troop levels.

“I believe based on what I heard the same both from the American commanders and from the Iraqis the things are moving at positive directions, but still it’s cannot be a long hope.”

Meanwhile in Iraq, Iraqi police reported clashes in the mainly Shiite southern city of Somala. They say the fighting between Iraqi security force and Shiite militia fighters loyal to the radical cleric Moqtada al-Sadr left at least 5 people dead and 17 others wounded.

The spiritral leader of the A/ Church has read an article criticizing the US and British governments for their rolls in the Iraqi war. The Archbishop of Canterbury says an article published in the London Times newspaper that military actions in the Middle East for Christians in the region at risk. The Archbishop said the Mideastern Christians are frequently seen as supporters of the west. He says the war has troubled relations between Muslims and Christians in countries such as Iraq, Egypt and Turkey.

The US military says the coalition forces have killed a senior Taliban leader in Afghanistan. Officials described M M I as a key figure in the Taliban’s inter circle in closest associate terrorist leader Osama Bin Laden. VOA’s B reports from Islamabad I/’s deadth is a notable breakthrough for coalition forces in Afghanistan.

US officials announced Saturday that the coalition forces had killed I/ four days earlier during a / airstrike in Helmand province in southern Afghanistan. The coalition military spokeman / says I/ was a major figure in the Taliban led insurgency. He says I/ and two other men were killed while / acrossing the deserted area near the border with Pakistan. This has been one of the bloodiest year in Afghanistan since US led forces ousted the hardlined Taliban regime in 2001. more than 4,000 people have been killed with most of the fighting occuring in the south and those areas reportedly under I/’s command. Colonel / says the US military had been tracking the Taliban leader for a while and his death / an immediate impact on the insurgency. B /, VOA news, Islamabad.

The United Nations Security Council is expected to vote Saturday on the resolution of impose sanctions on Iran for its nuclear program. UN diplomats say the 15 member council will vote on the amended version of resolution drafted by Britain, France and Germany. The resolution demands that Teheran end all uranium enrichment work and halt research and development can make or deliver atomic weapons. North Korea has warned the United States against / increasing sanctions after no progress was made at the latest round of six-party nuclear disarmament talks. The North Korean Army’s Chief of Ctaff said on Saturday his country will respond with tougher measures if the US imposes more sanctions he did not specified what North Korea might do.

Witnesses in Nigeria say an explosion has occurred near a state government building in the oil-rich Nigeria Delta region. It was not immediately clear / heard that blast on Saturday in river state. The explosion took place less than an hour after militants / the plants to / / in the area.

Somalia’s Islamists have called on foreign Muslim fighters to join their fighting against the Ethiopian-back Somalian government troops. The Somali Islamist Defense chief said on Saturday the country is open for Islamic fighters around the world ready to join what he called a “Holy War”. The Islamists say the Ethiopian-back government / claim to kill hundreds of the other sides troops during 4 days in fighting in southern Somalia.

Floods in Malaysia and Indonesia killed at least 19 people and has enforced tens of thousands of people to flee their homes.

Millions of Americans are crowding shopping malls, airports and highways as they completed last minute preparations for Monday’s Christmas holiday. Traditionaly the days just before Christmas are among the busiest …
顶端 Posted: 2006-12-28 08:01 | [1 楼]
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