讲座内容:English and American Woman Writers(系列讲座;具体时间与地点在6月10日前发布)
三、 Topics include:
1.Sylvia Plath and Symbolist Painting by Edvard Munch
2.Toni Morrison's Beloved in the Tradition of Western Tragedy
3.The Aollonian and Dionysiac: Patterns of Imagery in Edith Wharton's novels and Nietzche's "The Birth of Tragedy".
4.Emily Dickinson's Poems on Death: an Heideggerian Approach
5.Exile, Mourning and Lyrical time: Photography in Wang Anyi's "Chang Hen Ge": Compared with Barthes' Camera Lucida
6.Against Romantic Ethos: Irony, grotesque and Fragmentation in Hoffman's "Der Sandmann" and "Rat Krespel"
(一)曾虹教授2006年夏季在我院讲座的题目是“Chinese Classics in Context of West World”。
(二)曾虹教授2006年向我院图书资料室赠送其个人专著A Deconstructive Reading of Chinese Natural Philosophy in Literature and the Arts.
曾虹教授于1991年毕业于电子科技大学外语学院英语系,获学士学位,并于北京外国语大学英语系和(美国)北卡罗娜大学,分别获得英语文学硕士、英语文学博士学位以及比较文学博士学位。2006年成为Tenure track professor at Carleton College. (Ranked the fifth among liberal arts colleges in America)。2006年7月成为电子科技大学外语学院协议教授,英语语言文学方向硕士生导师。曾虹博士邮箱:
A Deconstructive Reading of Chinese Natural Philosophy in Literature and the Arts.
New York: Edwin Mellen Press, 2004. Now collected by major university libraries including Harvard, Princeton, Columbia, Wisconsin-Madison, Berkeley, Duke, UNC, Chapel Hill, University of Minnesota, and Carleton.
An English Translation of Contemporary Chinese Poet Hai Zi, translated with criticism by Hong Zeng. New York: Edwin Mellen Press, January 2006.