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本页主题: 奥浦诺管理咨询(上海)有限公司(来自四川大学) 显示签名 | 打印 | 加为IE收藏 | 收藏主题 | 上一主题 | 下一主题


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本帖被 做贼肾虚 执行加亮操作(2007-12-30)
奥浦诺管理咨询(上海)有限公司(Opera Solutions Shanghai)校园招聘信息 公司简介 奥浦诺管理咨询公司(Opera Solutions)成立于美国纽约,其创始人在早年离开麦肯锡并在科尔尼创建其金融业务部gate之后,创立了今天的奥浦诺管理咨询公司。随着业务的飞速扩展,公司在业内的知名度不断提升,相继在伦敦、上海、巴黎、德里等全球各地成立子公司。 公司致力于为全球500强企业提供咨询服务,其核心团队在产业链管理、业务转型、私人投资、实证分析等领域集聚了丰富的经验,并曾以高级合伙人的身份为一些北美和欧洲最成功的企业提供咨询服务。如今,公司已经在金融服务行业占据了[屏蔽]地位,并在电信、传媒、零售业和消费产品等行业积累了深厚的经验。 在这个充满企业家精神、寻求创新和团队合作的飞速发展的公司里,我们需要您的创造力,尤其是分析的技巧和能力。如果您乐于迎接这个充满挑战性、高回报和成就感的工作机会,请申请加入我们奥浦诺管理咨询公司。 2008 校园招聘计划简介 面向2008年应届毕业生的校园招聘计划已经于2007年9月开始。您可以通过奥浦诺管理咨询(上海)有限公司的网站,熟悉我们的公司及招聘相关信息,并在线申请合适您的职位。您的简历、求职信等申请信息将被严格保密,并由专人仔细评阅。我们将与符合条件的应聘者取得联系,安排电话面试及后续面试流程。我们也十分欢迎您选择离您最近的高校参加我们精彩的校园招聘宣讲活动。2007年10月至11月,我们将在全国多个城市的10余所学校与您面对面交流。以下是我们拟访问的城市和学校列表。我们将在公司网站及时更新详细的时间地点等信息,亦请您及时关注。 北京:北京大学、清华大学 上海:上海交通大学、复旦大学 杭州:浙江大学 南京:南京大学、东南大学 合肥:中国科学技术大学 西安:西安交通大学 成都:四川大学 Our Company Opera Solutions was created under the leadership of former partners from Mckinsey, A. T. Kearney and Mitchell Madison Group. We are currently about 250+ consulting professionals and growing everyday. We are a management consulting firm headquartered in New York and are focused on achieving tangible bottom-line impact within a short-term horizon. We leverage our global presence in Asia, Europe and the United States to deliver measurable and appropriate financial impact for our clients. Strategy formulation and hands-on implementation are both integral to our approach to solve the challenges faced by our clients. In addition, the extensive and rich expertise that Opera Solution’s leaders possess in Growth Analytics, Business Process Off-shoring, Rapid Procurement Optimization, Technology Investment Rationalization, Rapid Profit Improvement and other critical focus areas, positions Opera Solutions at the top of the consulting industry. Growth Analytics We are accepting applicants to Opera’s Growth Analytics Practice. Combining deep dive analysis with strategic business thinking to drive growth, Opera’s Growth Analytics Practice works in tandem with clients to convert their raw data into actionable intelligence across the customer life cycle. Customer acquisition, risk management, cross-sell/up-sell, market growth, geographic expansion, improved profits - robust analytics can provide a dramatic boost to all of these efforts. Our value proposition and operating model have been evolving significantly: - From the traditional strategy consulting model to the IDEA model - Integrated Delivery Engine for Analytics - From generalists to value-adding specialists; - from finding the WHAT insights in an isolated consulting arrangement to providing end-to-end solutions in a new WHAT-HOW-WHO environment - From time and material-based pricing to value based gain sharing - From one-off problem solving to scalable and customized solutions Our Differentiators International Work Experience As part of career plan for our consultants of Shanghai Office, consultants are expected to travel for engagements to the United States/ United Kingdom/ Continental Europe/Asia, directly interacting with our clients in those geographies, depending on client requirements. This is a unique opportunity for our consultants to immerse themselves in a different business and social culture, and to gain direct insights into the inner-workings of Fortune 500 enterprises. Creative Thinking and Profound Data Analysis Capabilities People at Opera Shanghai Office will be taught to exercise their creative thinking skills to understand and solve key business problems and to marry this with quantitative data analysis skills that we will help derive insights from customer data. Job Openings Analytics Specialist Job Description Analytics Specialists are responsible for discrete pieces of analysis that contribute towards solving a client’s business problem. Analytics Specialists break down a problem into hypotheses to be tested, structure the testing approaches, model and interpret the data. This position requires analytical ability, a flair for quantitative problem solving and programming and strong interpersonal/communication skills. While working abroad, assist in developing client recommendations and work collaboratively with client team members to implement change. This is the entry-level position which includes two different levels for undergraduate student and graduate student. Requirements - Exceptional bachelor’s degree students from top university in quantitative discipline - Master degree or higher from top university in quantitative discipline - English fluency, written and oral - Ability and desire to learn quickly - Drive, entrepreneurial spirit Application: To apply for Analytics Specialist positions at Opera Shanghai Office, please fill out the online application form at: www.operasolutions.com.cn. Please be prepared to submit your English cover letter, both English and Chinese resumes as an MS Word or Adobe PDF attachment, and your picture. If you encounter any errors during submission of your application, or cannot successfully complete all the above steps, please go to our website, and download the instructions about how to send your application via email. If you still cannot submit your application successfully, you can reach us by: Telephone: (86 21) 6859 9001 ext. 3128 Contact: Henry He You can reach us by: Website: www.operasolutions.com.cn E-mail: careers@operasolutions.com.cn Telephone: (86 21) 6859 9001 ext. 3100 
顶端 Posted: 2007-09-11 12:56 | [楼 主]
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