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本页主题: 他_她的kiss的暗示 显示签名 | 打印 | 加为IE收藏 | 收藏主题 | 上一主题 | 下一主题


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5come5帮你背单词 [ succession /sək'seən/ n. 接连发生,连续,继承(权) ]

顶端 Posted: 2007-01-19 10:09 | [楼 主]

性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
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5come5帮你背单词 [ proud /praud/ a. 骄傲的,自豪的 ]

Helen Fisher is an anthropology professor at Rutgers University and the author of "Why We Love" and Dave Zinczenko is the Editor in Chief of Men's Health Magazine and author of the new book <Men, Love and Sex>, the complete user's guide for women. Good morning to both of you.

Yes we should both be here.
With a woman and a man and it's all important to solve it.
You are both very interesting. Actually, I didn't realize how in the, the history of the art of kissing, it really goes, it predates men.
It does, chimpanzees kiss, they kiss with the deep French kiss. Um, we know that because they come up to anthropologists naturally done it. But, moles rub noses or dogs lick each other in the face and...

Well, what does it mean?

It means very different things to different people at different times, of course, but a huge amount of the brain becomes activated when you kiss somebody. And all of the senses are involved, I mean, and so you pick up an enormous amount of information about somebody and send a lot of information about your intentions, er, about how interesting you are in the other person. And of course, what you’ve eaten and drunken and, and smoken...


And, and I think , it's a, it's a fundamental human. You know, gesture and all those nerve ventings are there for a reason until Helen's point and it is the ultimate chemistry experiment for a couple, I mean, it signifies everything. Are we gonna create a brand new invention here or a miserable explosion. And it's also like a mark of solidarity in a relationship because what it does is it says, you know, we kiss each other because only we can and it signifies the unique position that we hold in each other's lives and that's why it's so awful to see your partner kissing someone else.

Oh, right.

You know, but it's also interesting. You talked about relationships where basically there's not enough kissing going on without then, going on to sex.

Right, kissing along can be great to reduce in stress and all of that ,(Sure.) how important it is in the relationship?

I think it's extreme, oh, different relationships are gonna be different, but apparently people who kiss more regularly are also more intimate, feel more intimate towards each other and the kissing can actually trigger the brain system for romantic love or for deep attachment or even for a forgiveness or trust.

I, I don't think you have to kiss everyday, some like taking a multivitamin, (I do) but I think, regular makes a session say that there's more of the relationship than just SEX. And that, and that you can still get turned on like a couple of (yeah, just like kids ) high school kids in a dark corner of the gymnasium.

But / men and women, look at kissing a little differently, don't they? They don't, for women, it's, it's everything.

Yeah. Oh, I think for women, it's quite a lot more essential. Some guys, to their parole, they may see it as a stop, or a local stop on a train going to a much more interesting (Exactly) place.

And what they don't realize is women are the conductors on that train.(women gonna get there when they kiss one) And if you don't have the right ticket, you are off at the next stop.

But let's help men out of it, let’s help men a little bit here, how do you actually, this can be such torment for a man. How do you know when a woman is ready to be kissed? Look, I mean.

/ She puts herself about there, I mean, women are very subtle and very good at that, she just gets herself within your intimate space, she smiles at you and she’ll lean towards you and that's plenty,and then ... You know, men regard sex as more intimate than women do, I mean, women take the kissing, kissing for women is very essential, I mean they get a better sense of smell, taste, hearings.

Then why a man sees it as / more intimate?

Er, they, they, women may feel a little bit more intensely, but I think men put a lot of meanings on it.

When, you know, we, in a break which I meant, when it's appropriate to kiss a woman and in what situations, you go to a party, you meet someone for the first time. OK to kiss them good night, I mean, you have to kiss on the cheek?

Look, I think if it's before 5 p.m. and here, any kind of office setting, you know, no kissing, after that, you’re on their own, you’re on your own. If it's two guys and it's something like in its social setting, a lot of guys are kinda doing that, I think, I think the hug, hugging it out is, is a good way to go. I mean, when Michael Corleone, you know, kissed Fraydo, (right) it did not end well.

Yes, that’s right.

I know, I'm not a big fan of it, you know.

Women tell, do not kiss.

Helen Fisher and Dave Zinczenko , thank you to both of yours. Is it appropriate for you two to kiss at this point? You’ve been working together for a while.

Well, if it's well for you two, alright, we will be employing 34 facial muscles.So I'm... Well, the answer, it's like to call the French kiss, so, so no wimping out.

[ 此贴被hxf666在2007-01-19 11:04重新编辑 ]
顶端 Posted: 2007-01-19 10:09 | [1 楼]

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5come5帮你背单词 [ miner /'mainə/ n. 矿工 ]

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  • 顶端 Posted: 2007-01-19 10:20 | [2 楼]

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    5come5帮你背单词 [ team /ti:m/ n. 队,组 ]

    a kiss ,I 'm eager to get!!!
    顶端 Posted: 2007-01-19 22:28 | [3 楼]
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