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5come5帮你背单词 [ clutch /klΛt/ v. 抓住,攫住;n. 抓紧,紧握,离合器 ]

顶端 Posted: 2007-03-26 15:33 | [楼 主]

性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
等级: 荣誉会员
发贴: 3544
威望: 3
浮云: 421
注册时间: 2004-12-25
最后登陆: 2011-11-19

5come5帮你背单词 [ dispute /dis'pju:t/ v. & n. 争认,争吵 ]

Should a library be a quite place to read a book or a lively center while you can hang up and drink a coffee? And can it be both? Author Tracy with author chairman of the society of authors told news she is worried library's sacrificing books in favor of internet access and all of the facilities. Library and council has just launched a blueprint for excellence for libraries encouraging them to modernize and become more for community space. told news they think local authorities ought to buy more books.

Towered buildings and fusty librarians architecture icons in coffee bars in an actual 2 millions pounds a year is been pumped into the UK's library service and this is what we were getting. Ed news of the art buildings across the country and more internet access. The idea store in east London appeadmizes this new library vision just over a year old it's been normally for various designed prices. But not everyone's impressed. Tracy author of XX became worried when she entered.

What a little concerning is that the books seem to be scared so fewer and far between by the most people were on the computer floor using the computers. The idea stores not called the library any more. It’s a library such dirty word that we can't use it? It’s too indicated of books perhaps. Well, the idea store gives the sense that it's actually becoming a community center, which is fine but what about all the people wanna use it as a library. What really worries as though is that books are started to be seen as unpopular as boring that somehow the library has to learn people by saying we can give you cappuccino, you could watch film, you could go to yoga class.

And now the idea store you come to yoga. You can even though done some complementary therapy. Lots of internet terminals also exist. 2 years ago 120 million pound lottery injection meant every library could invest in the internet.
Where I live I have just a very small public library. And I’ve noticed over the years that the fewer and fewer showers and more and more computers. This just slowly taking over. And there're fewer and fewer places to stay and look at any books. And there're fewer books.

Is she right or books disappearing from our library shares? Lily's figure show that in the UK last year why people visiting libraries increased the number of books in libraries actually fell by 3% and this might other reading material also dropped, compared that near 20% rise in the money spend in on-line resources. We interviewed Kid Moth. She wrote XX, the biggest selling book of 2006. She welcomes technological and social changes occurring in our libraries.

Nearly 17 million people a year borrow DVDs, talking books, CD-ROMs, music sheet from by-local library. And actually more than 30 million people a year go alone to use the computer network to have internet access. Many people have that sense of peace and quite in the library but at the same time they don't understand this is also a very vigor and lively place. And in the old days the idea that while we went someone went "sh~". That just not what modern libraries about.

Like Kid Moth the libraries and council welcomes a community focus for libraries news library policy john. Is he worried that only 8% of the budget is spent on reading material?

We concerned not so much of the figures in percentage total but make sure that local authorities are spending enough for books. We know that they should be buy more. What we say is encouraging local authorities just spend more on stock, partly to get the figures on more importantly to provide them to material people want.

But to library users actually care about the books. What do they use the library for?

I rent CD-ROMs and DVDs. I'm doing in my sales class. Actually I came to check my e-mail.

Most of the people waste books to one that should read a book. Perhaps they should library need to brought in the hope of getting more people and not just readers through the door.
顶端 Posted: 2007-03-26 15:33 | [1 楼]
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