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[ 此贴被妖刀村正在2007-04-08 11:46重新编辑 ]
  • 浮云:6 (by 妖刀村正) | 理由: 辛苦了
  • 顶端 Posted: 2007-04-08 10:52 | [楼 主]

    性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
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    5come5帮你背单词 [ sole /səul/ a. 唯一的 ]


    It's 10:00 Universal Time. Here is the news from the Voice of America.

    I'm / from the VOA News Center in Washington.

    Iraqi security officials say a suicide car bomber struck a police checkpoint in western Ramadi today, killing at least 20 people and wounding 30 others. The top local police official said two policemen were among the dead. Ramadi is the capital of the restive Al Anbar province, which has been a stronghold of Sunni insurgency. But recently many tribes have switched sides and joined the Iraqi police and army in an attempt to expel al-Qaida and Iraqi fighters from their region. Separately, reports say US and Iraqi forces have moved into the southern city of Diwaniya in an operation to stop increasing influence of Shiite militia loyal to anti-American cleric Moqtada al-Sadr.

    US Defense Secretary Robert Gates says restricting US military operations in Iraq could unleash massive bloodshed among the country's warring factions. VOA's Michael Bowman reports from Washington where leaders of the opposition-led Congress are threatening to cut off most forms of military spending in Iraq if President Bush does not agree to a timetable for withdrawing US forces from the country.

    Secretary Gates issued the latest verbal salvo with an increasing fierce power struggle between America's executive and legislative branches of government over the future of US military involvement in Iraq. Speaking on a domestic radio program, Gates warned of, in his words, ethnic lancing inside Baghdad or in Iraq more broadly if US troops curtail operations in the strive with the nation. Speaking with reporters at the Pentagon hours later, the secretary used somewhat milder language but his point was the same.

    "I believed if we were perseverancely to withdraw from Baghdad at this point that there would be a dramatic increase in sectarian violence."

    Appearing next to Secretary Gates was the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Peter Pace. The general said the troop buildup is on schedule and will be completed by June. Secretary Gates said he is hopeful that the security plan for Iraq will succeed there by bolstering Iraq's fledgling government. But he added, in his words, there is great reluctance to engage in happy talk. Michael Bowman, VOA news, Washington.

    Afghan police say at least four people have been killed and four others wounded in a suicide car bombing in the capital Kabul. Police said one policeman was among the dead. Today's attack took place near the country's Parliament Building in a high security area of Kabul.

    The 15 British sailors and marines detained in Iran for nearly two weeks have arrived home in Britain. VOA Sonja Pace reports from London, Prime Minister Tony Blair welcomed their return and says no deals were made with Iran to gain their release.

    The British navy crew arrived at London's Heathrow Airport at midday. They paused briefly for photos and were then taken straight to waiting military helicopters and flown to a military base southwest of London for debriefing and private reunions with their families. Prime Minister Blair welcomed their return.

    "We rejoice at the return of our 15 service personnel."

    The sailors were detained by Iranian forces March 23 and accused of having strayed into Iranian territorial waters in the Gulf, an accusation Britain rejects. It is a surprise move on Wednesday Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad announced the sailors and marines were being released. There were intense discussions between London and Teheran to end the standoff but Mr. Blair insisted no deals had been made in the process. Sonja Pace, VOA news, London.

    A Republican member of the US House of Representatives has held talks in Syria one day after the Democratic leader in the Chamber sparked controversy by visiting Damascus. Congressman Darrell Issa of California met in the Syrian capital Thursday with President Bashar al-Assad and the nation's foreign minister. Issa is a Lebanese descent. He told reporters that members of Congress will continue to urge the Bush administration to hold the dialogue with Syria.

    Those are the top stories this hour,in Washington, I'm /, VOA news. More news on the Internet at voanews.com.
    顶端 Posted: 2007-04-08 10:53 | [1 楼]
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