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[ 此贴被liujiyi在2007-04-10 13:47重新编辑 ]
顶端 Posted: 2007-04-09 16:38 | [楼 主]

性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
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From NPR news in Washington, I'm Korva Coleman.

The US military has reported the death of other 4 soldiers in Iraq. This takes the total for the past week to 23 US troops killed at action. NPR's Jamie Tarabay reports from Baghdad. The US military says the 4 sailors were killed when a roadside bomb detonated near their vehicle on Saturday. The soldiers were all assigned to Task Force Lightning in Diyala province where US and Iraqi forces have been fighting insurgents in the area. Another solider was wounded in the attack and evacuated to an American military hospital. For the past month there have been military operations in and around Diyala northeast of Baghdad which is home to some of the most fertile land in the country. The US military claimed Sunni insurgents have used the day town growth and cannons as their bases at which to launch their attacks. At least 3270 US troops have been killed in Iraq since the beginning of the war in March 2003. Jamie Tarabay NPR news Baghdad.

Pope benedict XVI has used his Easter message to condemn violence in the Middle East particularly Iraq. He said there are some signs of hope in dialog between Israel and the Palestinians, but he says nothing positive is coming out of Iraq. He adds the country's been tore apart by continual slaughter.

The senior US diplomat for Africa has paid an unexpected visit to Somalia. Jendayi Frazer is the highest ranking American to go to that war-tore nation in more than a decade. Somali and Ethiopian forces rowed Islamic extremists in December, but insurgents have been on the attack ever since. NPR's GT reports. Jendayi Frazer's trip to Somalia was brave. She went to Baidoa, the former seat of the transition government and addressed Parliament. She also spoke with Somali's interim President and Prime Minister. Frazer reportedly appealed for permanent ceasefire between insurgents and government forces who allied with Ethiopian troops. Recent frightening in the country is threatening a much anticipated government-sponsored reconciliation Congress. At this juncture, a fragile ceasefire in effect add to some of the worse fighting in Mogadishu in 15 years. Hundreds were apparently killed and the United Nations is reporting that since February more than 120,000 residents have fled the city. Frazer bypassed Mogadishu on this trip and was in Nairobi Kenya by nightfall. GT NPR news, Nairobi.

The British government says it would allow 15 British sailors and marines captured by Iran recently to sell their stories to the British media. This is a change from Britain's standard policy that prevents active personnel from setting up financial arrangements with media. A spokeswoman for the British Defense Apartment says that the recent circumstances are unique. The Sunday Times of London is reporting that the only female among the detained group Faye Turney could earn as much as $300,000 in proposed deals.

You're listening to NPR news from Washington.

Weather forecasters say unseasonably cold weather will cover much of the eastern United States today. Snow was predicted for the Great Lakes region and New England. Freeze warnings are out for most of the eastern United States and farmers are worried about their corps which may not survived the cold snap. At risk are blueberries and peaches in the east and some weak crops in the Midwest.

A Russian-built Soyuz space capsule is slowly closing in on the international space station. The spacecraft blasted off yesterday for the two-day trip to the orbiting outpost. Among the crew is the world's 5th space tourist. Pat Duggins of member station WMFE reports.
It's a time fit inside the Soyuz capsule. Former Microsoft executive Charles Simonyi said scrap shouldered the shovel with its two cosmonaut crewmates. Duffel bags filled with gears and supplied were stuffed within inches of their heads. The rocket lifted off from the former Soviet Republican of Kazakhstan right on time. “So you head on the proper enactment for its two-day chase to reach the international space station. You guys are feeling well, low in order.” The only indication that the crew was going to space was a stuffed toy black cat chosen as a good luck charm. It generally floated around the cabinet as the Soyuz moved to the near way system of orbit. Simonyi will spend two weeks on the space station before returning to earth with two station crew members who are wrapping up a-long-term stay. For NPR news, I'm Pat Duggins Orlando.

The Greek government has charged the cruise ship captain with negligence following a ship break last Thursday in Aegean Sea. 15,00 passengers and crews scrambled in the lifeboats for safety as the ship sank. Two people are still missing. Among the passengers were dozens of American high school students and a tour group from New York. 5 other officers from the ship have also been questioned.

I'm Korva Coleman, NPR news.
顶端 Posted: 2007-04-09 16:40 | [1 楼]
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