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  • 浮云:10 (by 妖刀村正) | 理由: CPI都涨了,浮云还是该多发些哈。
  • 顶端 Posted: 2007-04-23 12:02 | [楼 主]

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    5come5帮你背单词 [ hell /hel/ n. 地狱,阴间 ]

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    Thanks for downloading this 5-minute news summary from NPR. Support for NPR podcast comes from the northwestern mutual foundation, recognizing northwestern mutual the quiet company in its 150th year of protecting financial futures.

    From NPR news in Washington, I’m Cover Colman. It’s the voting day in Nigeria as Africa’s most populous nation chooses its next president at National Assembly. The day began with the fail truck bomb attempt on the election commission headquarters after a turbulent week of campaigning. NPR’s Aphabia Quistaten reports from Legos Nigeria.

    The last minute delivery of millions of fresh ballets delayed to start at default. Nigeria election commissioner announced Friday that the 2-hour delay would give more time for the voting people to get arrived. The ballet has to be changed to accommodate a leading presidential opposition candidate Nigeria’s current vice president Aticu Abubaca. On Monday the Supreme Court overturned this qualification by election commission because of corruption charges. Aticu has become the arch political adversary of his erstwhile Alli President Elusigo Basincho. After eight years in power Obasincho is buying out and what he’s hoped would be the first democratic transfer of power in Nigeria from one elected civilian leader to another. Ophabia Christopher NPR news Legos.

    Police in Philippine say an American peace coworker was attacked and killed in the northern part of the country. American Jelies Cambo was killed by several blows to the head. Her body was discovered last week in the Shallow Greeve. Police are looking for a man stably connected to her murder. Kanbey taught English for the past 6 months at the Philippine college.A gunman Nash Johnson at the space center In Houston apparently killed himself after holding two hostages for hours. NPR’s note boys have more.

    Early Friday afternoon police surrounded an engineering building after receiving reports that a gunman was inside. The standoff lasted for hours. Then a swat team heard a gunshot and decided to enter the building. On the second floor they found the gunman had shot himself in the head. They also saw that the male hostage had been killed by a shot to the chest. Another hostage a woman was unharmed but had been restrained with the dectape. Captain Twain Raidy is a spokesperson with the Houston police. “We are working with the FBI to do a thorough investigation and we are gonna leave it up to investigators from this point.” Astronaut official said that the mission control and its space explorations were not affected by the incident. Noteboys NPR news.

    President Bush released his Saturday radio address one day early. Mr. Bush said several federal officials from various departments would examine how to prevent violence by mentally unstable people. A lot of them were official from Virginia Tech to learn what could have triggered Song Huicheng to kill so many people earlier this week and then commit suicide. Mr. Bush said this week Americans saw a glimpse of humanity at its worst and humanity at its best.

    Israeli army says troops raided a west bank village today searching for Palestinian militants. In our several done battles there are reports that one Palestinian was killed. This is NPR.

    Negotiators from the house and the senate have agreed on the wage to help increase the federal minimum wage. Law makers have adopted the plan to increase tax breaks for businesses would be force to pay higher wages to people earning the current minimum wage. Republic law makers had objected that small businesses who can list for the new wage would be hurt. A federal investigator has told congress he is asking Justice Department to investigate alleged conflict of interest in the 1 billion dollars a year education department program. It’s called reading first. NPR’s Nancy Marshall Ganthur reports.

    The former director of the program Chris Dorothy resigned following allegations that certain companies were favored over others. It told the House education and labour committee he never broke the law. But the education department’s inspector general said federal officials may have pushed the schools in the reading-first program to buy classroom materials from a certain companies. Some of those officials allegedly had their financial interests in those companies. The committee chairman California democratic George Miller said “(quote) I think we are very close to a criminal enterprise here.” The inspector general said he made criminal referrals to the Justice Department and investigators made those referrals when they find evidence of possible federal crimes but secretary of Education Markwin Spelling says any potential conflicts of interest have been addressed. Nancy Marshall Ganthur NPR news Washington

    Rescue workers in Maryland had found the bodies of two missing miners. They were trapped in the mind collapse four days ago when part of the war fell down. The cause of the accident is being investigated but the federal mind safety inspection agency says heavy rain and freezing unthawing ground could be the factor. I’m Corn Vercoman NPR news.
    顶端 Posted: 2007-04-23 12:02 | [1 楼]
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