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5come5帮你背单词 [ use /ju:z, ju:s/ n. 使用,应用,用途,效用,益处,用处;vt. 用,使用,运用,耗费,消费 ]


  • 浮云:6 (by 妖刀村正) | 理由: 呵呵,回来完了哈
  • 顶端 Posted: 2007-04-20 13:04 | [楼 主]

    性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
    等级: 人见人爱
    发贴: 4265
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    注册时间: 2006-05-03
    最后登陆: 2008-06-18

    5come5帮你背单词 [ awake /ə'weik/ vt. 唤醒,使醒,使觉醒;vi. 醒来,醒悟,觉醒;a. 醒着的,警觉的,意到识的 ]

    From NPR news in Washington, I'm Giles Snyder.

    Police in Iraq say at least 10 people are dead in a suicide car bombing. The bomber rammed his car into a fuel truck in central Baghdad. Some 21 others are wounded. The attack comes after yesterday' series of bombings that killed nearly 200 people. The most devastateing blast struck the Sadr rear market as workers were leaving for the day. At least 127 people were killed there.

    Attorney General Alberto Gonzales will be on Capitol Hill today to testify before a congressional panel investigating the controversial firing of 8 federal prosecutors. In testimony prepared for delivery to the Senate Judiciary Committee, Gonzales says he has nothing to hide, but he admits the firings were mishandled and that he had been less than precise with his words when he first discussed them. Democratic senator Charles Schumer says Gonzales' needs to provide specific information about what happened. "New contradictions continue to emerge in our investigation, and it is clear that we still do not have a full picture. We don't have a clear picture of why these US attorneys were fired and what role the attorney general and others played." Democrats say that the dismissals were driven by party politics, but Gonzales denies that.

    Students at Virginia Tech are expressing disbelief concerning a video left behind by the gunman who killed more than 30 people on campus. Virginia Tech senior Adam Chris says he was stunned. "I think it will be pretty hard for them to deal with it, and that is gotta be something that..that maybe he didn't need this right now, but in the end, this is gonna be something that hopefully bring some closure. " Seung-Hui Cho mailed a series of photos, video clips and a rambling statement to NBC. The network says the package was postmarked after Cho's first shooting Monday in that he says society had a hundred billion chances and ways to stop him.

    Following yesterday Supreme Court decision of podding the federal ban on what opponents called “partial birth abortion”. Many states are expected to push for additional restrictions. NPR's Nina Totenberg reports.
    Pro and anti-abortion forces alike thought yesterday's ruling as giving a big boost to efforts at the state level to enact more restrictive laws. The 5-4 Decision written by Justice Anthony Kennedy was sweeping in its language. For the first time, the court declared that Congress can legislate in this area for moral reasons despite substantial medical opinion that the law would endanger women's lives. For the first time the court has said that a large fraction of women must be harmed by the regulation in order for it to be strike down. 15 years ago in reaffirming Roe v. Wade, the court said that if only a small fraction were harmed, that was enough. And for the first time, the court has said that challenges to abortion regulations must be made on a case by case basis. A rule never used before, because of the time limitations of terminating a pregnancy and the urgencies of medical decision-making. Nina Totenberg NPR news, Washington.

    Prices on the Tokyo Stock Exchange were down 295 points today.

    This is NPR news.

    There have been sharp losses in Asian Stock Markets today. China's benchmark Shanghai Composite Index tumbled 4.5% after the market closed to Chinese authority’s released figures showing that first quarter growth has surged by more than 11% from a year ago, prompting fear of steps aimed at cooling the economy.

    The Pentagon will offer extra days off to troops who have there combat tours extended. Under the program, troops serving more than 12 months in Iraq or Afghanistan will earn an extra day off per month. NPR's Guy Raz has more from the Pentagon.
    The Defense Department says the new program is designed to recognize service member who are asked to remain in combat zooms longer than originally assigned. Once a service member's rotation in Iraq or Afghanistan exceeds 12 months, he or she will receive one additional day off for every additional month in the country. Asked by reporters whether the Department considered financial compensation for troops involuntarily extended, Michael D is a Pentagon official in charge of personnel said time-off rather than money was more consistent with the military's culture of service. Under a recently-announced plan, all army units deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan will now share 15 months rotations, rather than 1 year. Guy Raz NPR news, the Pentagon.

    The first no-hitter of this year’s baseball season is in the record books. Mark Buehrle is through the 16th no-hitter in / Chicago White Sox history and a first for the team since 1991. Buehrle faced the minimum of 27 batters in last night's six to nothing win-over Texas, walking Sammy Sosa and the fifth inning before, picking a muff at the first base.

    This is NPR in Washington.
    顶端 Posted: 2007-04-20 13:05 | [1 楼]

    性别: 保密 状态: 该用户目前不在线
    等级: 栋梁之材
    发贴: 988
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    浮云: 1172
    注册时间: 2007-03-19
    最后登陆: 2008-06-29

    5come5帮你背单词 [ emotion /i'məuən/ n. 情感,激动,激情 ]

    能不能传点 像出名电影(英语的)翻译=====   那样会好点罗 好想学英语哦 但感觉上传的音质不怎么好 来点靖点的呀
    顶端 Posted: 2007-04-21 11:31 | [2 楼]
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