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  • 浮云:6 (by 妖刀村正)
  • 顶端 Posted: 2007-04-19 12:13 | [楼 主]

    性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
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    From NPR news in Washington, I'm Carl Kasell.

    Calling Monday the darkest day in the history of Virginia Tech, the state's governor pledged to quick review of actions following the shooting deaths of 32 people on campus. NPR's Kathy Lohr reports.
    Virginia governor Tim Kaine says it's natural that people would ask questions in such an emotional and tragic situation. People want to know more about the response of the police and whether the university should have taken more vigorous action after the first shooting incident in the dorm. Kaine says he will get those answers through an independent review. “I would deal the after-action review as in compensating the entire matter, what was known about this individual, the events of the day and the response there too. The idea is to do this after any significant incident to learn, you know, what we could do differently." Officials say that one gun has been tied to the two crime scenes, the dorm and the engineering building, but investigators can not yet say whether the gunman did the shooting in both places. Kathy Lohr NPR news.

    An eighteen-year-old freshman was among those killed by gunman Seung-Hui Cho. NPR's Barbara Bradley Hagerty has this profile of Reema Samaha from Centreville Virginia.
    Irma thinks she was a baby and she says Reema never grow out of her mischievous love of life. She was the youngest of three children whose mother immigrated from Beirut and his father's family came from Lebanon. M says Reema spoke French in Arabic and she was an excellent student. “Reema would have its very discipline. She came from school, she took down doing homework so she would have time to go do her dance, some whatever wish she wanna to do.” Classical ballet, lots of singing and dancing and acting in theater at Westfield high school, and she was not shy. “She went the town and showed us, she was doing a great ballet dance." The family traveled to Lebanon almost every year. The children did everything together and that made N says will be the hardest part. Barbara Bradley Hagerty NPR news.

    A military official in the Philippines said the body of a missing American Peace Corps volunteer has been found. Julia Campbell disappeared more than a week ago in a northern mountain town during a hike. The Associated Press quotes the officials as saying that Campbell's body was found buried with one foot protruding from the ground. Campbell was from Fairfax Virginia. She was last seen on April 8th. Police have said earlier that she may have fallen off a cliff.

    Prices on the Tokyo stock exchange closed higher today. The Nikkei Average rose by nearly 140 points. Oil prices remained above $73 a barrel in Asian trading today amid expectation that the weekly US petroleum inventory report will show the 10-straight weekly decline in gasoline stocks. US light crude for May delivery rose 28 cents to $63.38 a barrel in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange.

    This is NPR news.

    The Supreme Court here has arguments today in a case with enormous significance for high school athletes. At issue is whether high schools and their coaches have a free-speech right to recruit players from middle schools despite legal rules that bar such a contact. NPR's Nina Totenberg reports.
    The Tennessee Secondary School Athletic Association has rules much like enter school athletically in every other state in the country, rules that bar recruitment prior to a youngster’s enrollment at the school. So when a coach at Brentwood Academy, a private school wrote to a dozen eighth-graders inviting them to a spring practice at his powerhouse school, the league slapped Brentwood Academy with a 2-year suspension. The school went to court claiming the coach's right to free speech had been violated and they wanted in the lower courts. In the Supreme Court today, the Athletic Association will argue that the school join the league voluntarily agreeing to abide by the rules and that it has no constitutional right to violate those rules any more than a coach has a constitutional right to scream in a referee's face. Nina Totenberg NPR news, Washington.

    There were lockdowns and evacuations of school in 7 states yesterday, the day after the Virginia Tech massacre. One threatened at a private school in Louisiana directly mentioned the shooting. Police arrested a 53-year-old man for allegedly giving a student a note threatening a mass killing similar to the one at Virginia Tech. Bogalusa Schools superintendent Jerry Payne says the note said something like “If you think that was bad, then you haven't seen anything yet". There are also reports of a man with the gun outside the buildings at Rapid City South Dakota. And a private school was lock downed because a man dressed in a skirt, brown wig and rare lipstick was seen near the building.

    I'm Carl Kasell, in Washington.
    顶端 Posted: 2007-04-19 12:13 | [1 楼]
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