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本页主题: (08080)敬达数码科技上海有限公司 [招聘时间:2007年10月22日14:30-----17:30] 显示签名 | 打印 | 加为IE收藏 | 收藏主题 | 上一主题 | 下一主题


性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
头衔: 静夜长思/大悟无言
等级: 优秀版主
发贴: 4619
威望: 5
浮云: 3964
注册时间: 2005-10-05
最后登陆: 2013-04-20

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(08080)敬达数码科技上海有限公司 [招聘时间:2007年10月22日14:30-----17:30]

本帖被 做贼肾虚 执行加亮操作(2007-12-30)





1、System or Application Engineer (New Graduate)
Job Description:  a strong background in C/C++ object orient programming. You will be part of a team developing software in
the exciting area of multimedia broadcast and streaming .  This is an
excellent chance to work with the latest digital television standards used
in China and throughout the world.  For systems engineers, the tasks will
include design of multiplexing and demultiplexing components for MPEG1/2
Systems, MPEG4 systems, 3GPP, 3GPP2, ASF, AVI, RIFF, IP/UDP/RTP standards.
For applications engineers, the tasks will include development of
multithreaded components, wrappers, overall application systems, and thin
user interface skin technologies. Most engineers will participate in both
systems and applications work.
  You should have coursework in object oriented component design, algorithms,
software architecture, data structures, multi-threading, application or UI
design, and C++ programming. As part of your responsibilities may include
interaction with international customers, we expect good English written and
spoken skills. Some experience with multimedia playback is desired, but not
required.  Substantial on the job training will be provided.
1. BS/MS in computer engineering/computer science/electrical engineering
2. Good at C++/C, object orient programming, and COM
3. Working knowledge of Linux, Windows XP/Vista
4. Some knowledge of multimedia file format and multimedia encoding or
decoding desired (for Systems programmers).
5. Some knowledge of UI or application design desired (for Applications
6. Ability to work with large code projects and integrate ready-made
7. Ability to port code and projects between Windows and Linux
8. Good English communication skills
9. Good teamwork skills

2、Audio or Video Codec Engineer (New Graduate)
Job Description:
  At Cidana, you will be responsible for developing, porting and optimization
of audio codec (AAC+, AMR-WB+, BSAC, MPEG1/MPEG2, WMA, AMR, G.723.1, QCELP)
or video codec components (MPEG2-video, MPEG4-video/H.263, H.264, VC1/WMV or
AVS) used in Cidana's multimedia player, streaming player, and mobile DTV
applications across all CPU and OS platforms.  This is an excellent
opportunity to work with the most advanced compression standards used in
digital TV in China and throughout the world.
  You should have some prior coursework in one of the areas of signal
processing, signal analysis, data compression, filtering and transform
theory and quantization.  We expect knowledge of object oriented,
multi-threading  C++ programming. As part of your responsibilities may
include interaction with international customers, we expect good English
written and spoken skills. Substantial on the job training will be provided
on the areas of audio and video compression.
1. BS/MS in computer engineering/computer science/electrical engineering
2. Good at C++/C and object orient programming
3. Some knowledge of DSP or ARM/x86 assembly
4. Working knowledge of Windows and Linux
5. Some knowledge of one or more video codecs, like H.264, AVS, VC1/WMV9,
MPEG2, MPEG4/H.263, MJPEG desired
6. Some knowledge of one or more audio codecs, like HE-AAC, AMR, BSAC, MPEG
Audio (Layer-1,2,3), WMA desired
7. Good English communication skills
8. Good teamwork skills



顶端 Posted: 2007-10-18 08:13 | [楼 主]
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