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5come5帮你背单词 [ regulation /regju'leiən/ n. 规定,条例,法令,管制,控制,调节,调整 ]


顶端 Posted: 2007-05-01 16:33 | [楼 主]

性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
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5come5帮你背单词 [ aloud /ə'laud/ ad. 大声地,响亮地 ]

9:15 I am Comen English from the VOA news center in Washington.
Iraqi officials say at least 11 people have been killed in a series of attacks around the country today. In western Bagdad a suicide carbomber struck into a Iraqi police checkpoint, killing at least 4 people in other parts of the city, a roadside bomb killed a civilian, and gunmen killed a former general in Saddam Housein's army. elsewhere insurgents attacked a police station in the northern city of Morsul prompting a fire fight that left four gunmen dead. A car bomb also exploded in the city killing a policeman. In another development, the US military says American and Iraqi forces killed 8 militants late Sunday in a joint raid on the Shiite district of Bagdad. One Iraqi soldier was also killed.
The fight between president Bush and the US congress have refunding the Iraq war in its new phase this week the president, is about devital a bill linking money for military operations to a withdrawal plan. VOA's Paul Wolfson reports. Secretary of State Condolisa Rice says the Bush administration could accept a revised bill, that includes benchmarks with pacific goals for the Iraqi government in the areas ranging from the allication of energy resources to constitutional reform. now, as the benchmarks, let's remember the benchmarks , the Iraqi government set for itself. but during an appearance on ABC's This Week program. Rice warned any legislation that punishes the Iraqis were failing to meet these goals. would rob US military leaders and diplomats of the flexibility they need to do their jobs. She spokes congress and the white house fraised for a second legislative conferentation on Iraq. The 124 billion dollar war funding bill passed last week by congress, includes a timetable for withdrawal. and will be retelled shortly after the arrives of the White House, perhaps a sunis Tuesday. Pauler wolfson VOA news, the White House.
The British military in Afghanistan says some two thousand NATO led and Afghan troops have begun a new offensive. to clear the Taliban from the country's main Opium growing region. A spokesman says British led operation silicon began early today in southern Helman province. meanwhile the US led coalition in Afghanistan says scores of Taliban militants have been killed in two separate battles in western Herod province in recent days. A military statement today says 87 militants died in the 14 hour battle with coalition and Afghan troops Sunday in the Zirical valley. An American soldier was also killed.
Meanwhile hundreds of outraged protestors chanted anti-American slogans in the Eastern Afghnistan Sunday after US and Afghan forces accidentally killed two female civilians. VOA's Benjemin Sent reports. The US led raid was targeting a suspected carbomb cell. US officials say they launched the raid early Sunday after receiving a Cheat-that militants in the eastern province of Langahan were planning a series of suicide attacks in the next few weeks. Matrid william maitril says the US led coalition and Afghan forces came under attack as they approach the militants compound, and returned fire killing four militants. he says coalition forces found motible AK-47 machineguns and bomb making materials inside. US officials also released a written statement to expressing concern over the loss of civilian lives. they accused the militants of endangering inosents by hiding among the families. The incident provoked in massive protest in the area. hundreds of local man chanted death to Bush, and temperarily blocked the region's main highway. this is the second time in recent weeks that US led forces are being blamed for civilian casualties in Nangaha. one of the key battle ground states in the fight against the Taliban insurgency. Benjemin Sent, VOA news, Islambad. President Bush will host an anual economic summit with its European union counterpart today. the White House reports say global climat change as likely the top of the agenda. but no significant progress is expected. President Bush has refused commit the United States to limiting its production of green house immisions. Those are the top stories this hour. I am Comen English. VOA news. More news on the internet at voanews.com. 9:58
顶端 Posted: 2007-05-01 16:33 | [1 楼]
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