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5come5帮你背单词 [ diminish /di'mini/ v. 减少,缩小 ]

顶端 Posted: 2007-06-09 10:36 | [楼 主]

性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
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5come5帮你背单词 [ learned /'lə:nid/ a. 博学的,有学问的 ]

From our how death this morning, some bitter news. It turns out people who feel that they have been treated unfairly really do take it to heart. According to a British study they are more likely significantly to have heart problems than those people who believe life is basically fair. With me now to break it down that is medical contributor Doctor Manny Alvarez. Doctor Manny \thank for being with us, so people who feel they have a what with me attitude like life is unfair, I just have bad luck. Now on top of it all, now that they believe that, are they gonna die young?

Well, it was not that. They believe, these are people actually that have been exposed to discrimination, abuse, verbal abuse. I mean words do make a difference. And I think that this study points it out. These were, you know, this is a British study, large study looked at a, over a long period of time. Most of these people, were, you know, workers for the state in Britain. So it tells you that working conditions, discrimination, the way that we interact, mental and heart disease. This is a study that shows connectivity. Stress, we keep talking about stress.

But it’s not that you have to actually be wrong, it’s that you have to feel like you have been wrong.

Yeah, but at the end of the day, if you, you know, if you expose to verbal abuse 247 or…..

But what I am saying is that even people convince themselves that’s the problem.

I don’t think…..

According the study.

I don’t think it went into the detail really in picking those people out per se. This is a large group of people. They did surveys and most people answered the questions: Do you feel that you are unfairly treated, yes or no. And you look to moderate [COLOR=red]to severe cases of people, it felt that overtime they were unfairly treated. They had high significant incidence of heart disease like 26% to 36%.

By the way, that was a range of people. I’ll get other things.

World needs love.

Let me ask you as you say that when you feel this way and you feel you feel like you’ve been pat down or so on. It leads you to smoke more, to drink alcohol more?

Absolutely, your whole behavior. More depression, bad eating, stress made you eat more. cholesterol levels go up. I mean, that’s a whole fulfilling process, exactly.

So what should people do if they feel like this?

Oh, God. You know, again, if they feel in the levels of discrimination or they get exposed to any kind of abuse, they have to, you know, lift that right away because ultimately it can endanger your health. And try to, of course deal with mental health, something that they need to change, whether, they do yoga, any kind of, you know, exercise to get them out of the run, but mental health does make a difference in your heart.

Very interesting, you know, they say that they did a study and they on monkeys and those who were stressed the whole lives long have more \. than those who


So people distressed, yoga, therapy not fast.

Love each other. Love each other.

Yes, Doctor Manny Alvarez, thank you so much.

You got it.
顶端 Posted: 2007-06-09 10:36 | [1 楼]
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