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Wings Over The Gulf: First Strike

顶端 Posted: 2007-06-25 12:18 | [楼 主]

性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
头衔: stay hungry stay foolish
等级: 希望之光
发贴: 1691
威望: 5
浮云: 1126
注册时间: 2005-10-19
最后登陆: 2010-04-15

5come5帮你背单词 [ pair /p/ə/ n. 一对,一双,一付,一对男女(夫妇等);v. 使成对 ]

(Yeah, yes, a piece * that are showed upon X-ray. So we gotta...) In fact just the opposite proved true, the number of air planes / ready to fly at any given time actually increased during the war. F-15s , went from an 85 percent peace time mission capable rate to a war time average of 94 percent. The hard / work of fly crews made it possible for pilots to fly constant defensive counter-air patrols along the boarder of Saudia Arabia and Iraq, the goal was to test Iraq's air defenses and readiness of Iraq pilots.
Defensive counter-air is basically flying combat air patrols, orbits, south of the border so that on one leg, the hot leg, you’re looking into Iraq to see if they’ve got anybody taking off to come south to do an invasion and we flew those missions for the 5 months waiting about four and half to six hours at a pop because anytime they fly we’d, we lock them up,, they knew we were up there and they were getting that radar spy that told them that F-15s were looking at them and if they wanted to try anything they were welcome, to come out.
Jan 17th ,1991, in the early hours of the morning,668 air crafts and their pilots geared up for the first air attack on Iraq and occupied Kuwait.
The first night was probably the most impressive because even though they had practiced drills in the Baghdad area where they would turn all the lights out, they did get attacked, they didn’t when they got attacked and it was like flying in the Philadelphia or some place totally lit up, and you could see the Tigirs and Euphrates as they went on to approach Baghdad.
No doubt the first night was fairly impressive, and what was really unique about that for me was as we let * a low one ,we flew first 250 miles or so in the Iraq at low altitude so / absolutely nothing. It was just like a training mission, loop cruising. we are *or anywhere else until first bombs hit the ground and there was no doubt at that point that they didn’t know where we were, but they knew we were coming, and you cant' prepare somebody for being shot that up, thought I've been prepared for that , it was truly an eye-opening experience.

The key going at the overall strategy was to knock down his interceptors before they could interfere with our operations, the F-15 Cs performed beautifully in that role and what the magnitude in first three days of the war when they controlled the area, it was really contested by both sides. The Iraqis would take off, they put their gear up and they blew up, that’s because the F-15 with this lock down and shoot down capability was able to target them immediately after takeoff. I think that was fundamental to our success in the whole campaign.
The F-15's mission is to intercept enemy aircraft and protect friend aircraft in the Gulf war that mean guarding packages of planes including F-16s which flew bombing raids, F-4G Wild Wizards which knocked out anti-air craft guns and surface-to-air missiles. F-411 long-range fighter bombers which flew over 4000 sorties in the Gulf, British-built Tornado fighter bombers and B-52s, a long-serving heavy bombers that shelled Iraq's Republican Guard around the clock every day of the war.
顶端 Posted: 2007-06-25 12:19 | [1 楼]
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