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性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
头衔: stay hungry stay foolish
等级: 希望之光
发贴: 1691
威望: 5
浮云: 1126
注册时间: 2005-10-19
最后登陆: 2010-04-15

5come5帮你背单词 [ middle /'midl/ n. 中间,中部,中等物,中间物;a. 中间的,中等的,中级的,午夜,子夜 ]



顶端 Posted: 2007-10-12 10:29 | [楼 主]

性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
头衔: stay hungry stay foolish
等级: 希望之光
发贴: 1691
威望: 5
浮云: 1126
注册时间: 2005-10-19
最后登陆: 2010-04-15

5come5帮你背单词 [ pump /pΛmp/ n. 泵,抽水机,打气机;v. 用抽水机抽,打气 ]

Jeffrey, what are the biggest factors the judges normally take into consideration in this child custody battles.

The biggest factor by far is simply the best interests of the child. Is the child in danger with one parent or the other? Judge Scort Gorden, who was one of the O.J Simpson’s prosecutors, ugly enough. You know that the order has not been released because minors are involved. But obviously he thought this was an immediate issue with the safety of the children of Britney Spears. So he rewarded it to Kevin F.

And he… federals aren't gonna retain custody the two sons court until the further order of the court. What does that really mean I mean could there be a different ruling down the road?

Well it could be. I mean basically it means that Britney Spears will be allowed to reapply for the custody if she gets react together. But it’s important to remember this is really unusual what Gorden has done here. You know the judges don’t just sort of you ain't custody all the time. Obviously he’s very concerned about some thing that’s going on immediately right now. And eh…you know he’s not messing around because he feels like the safety of the children, this is alright today

And he ordered twice weekly drugs cuts for her in order for her to spend 8 hours every week working with a parenting coach. Is that unusual?

Well it’s not unusual when you have a parent who is proved to be a drug addict, and an unfit parent I mean this is how people are treated when they are a danger to their children. So, it’s unfortunately there are a lot of people who are a danger to their children. But only those kind of people are forced in doing this kind of humiliating and onerous requirement.

Does the law tend to favor mothers in a proceeding like this?

Well the law has changed recent years to be more equitable but the shift has been much more towards the children rather than the parents I mean earlier the parents were sort of almost presumed to be fit to take care of their children. But unfortunately as we know you know most of the violence that children suffer comes not from strangers but from their parents. So the law has responded to that and said look we are simply going to take kids away from parents when we think there is a possibility that they are gonna be a danger to their children.

Can she can Britney Spears appeal this ruling?

She can but these of the appeal courts rarely get involved in these sorts of controversy. Her best chance is simply to get her act together you know, pass the drug tests,participating in the parenting classes and go back to Judge Scort Gorden and say look I’ve cleaned my act, let me have my children again. That’s her best chance not in the appeals court.

And …I mean how does the celebrity factor into this? Does it I mean does it impact the court does it impact judge?

It’s very hard to know what’s going on in Scort Gorden. I said I happen to know Scort Gorden. I got to know him during the O.J Simpson’s case. He was the prosecutor who’s most responsible for the domestic violence part of the case. So he’s some one who’s…who really knows a lot about you know dangers in the home. So you know I think Scort is a very level-headed guy. And he’s not gonna have his head swayed by the fact that Britney Spears is a celebrity. I think he just wants to make sure these kids are out of danger.
顶端 Posted: 2007-10-12 10:29 | [1 楼]

性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
等级: 希望之光
家族: YD一族
发贴: 1534
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浮云: 1197
注册时间: 2007-09-21
最后登陆: 2011-06-16

5come5帮你背单词 [ advise /əd'vaiz/ vt. 劝告,建议,通告,通知 ]

  • 浮云:0(妖刀村正) 什么东东发错了??
  • 顶端 Posted: 2007-10-12 10:36 | [2 楼]
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