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本页主题: 双语新闻专栏(第2期)——研究表明过瘦女性容易流产 显示签名 | 打印 | 加为IE收藏 | 收藏主题 | 上一主题 | 下一主题


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本帖被 channing 执行加亮操作(2007-10-17)

Skinny or underweight women at greater risk of miscarriage 研究表明:过瘦女性易流产

According to a new study, thin or skinny women who get pregnant are 72 percent more likely to miscarry in the first three months of pregnancy than their normal weight counterparts. However, the risk can be reduced up to 50 percent by eating the right food or taking multivitamins like folic acid, say researchers.

The researchers from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine carried out their study on 603 British women aged 18 to 55 who had miscarried within three months of getting pregnant.

BBC reports that the new research also indicated that eating fruit and vegetables, and also chocolate, helped reduce the risk of miscarriage.

Those classed as underweight had had a body mass index under 18.5.

Additionally, unmarried women or those living with a partner were also at a greater risk than those who "planned" their pregnancies. Planning parents were 40 per cent less likely to miscarry than those for whom conception was an accident.

The research also discovered that woman who separated from their partners after becoming pregnant increased her odds of a miscarriage by 60 per cent.

If a woman has had a previous abortion, it also raised the chances of a subsequent miscarriage by more than 60 percent, while fertility problems were associated with 41 per cent higher odds.

The research leader, Noreen Maconochie, a senior lecturer at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine said, "The findings related to low pre-pregnancy weight, previous termination, stress and change of partner are noteworthy, and we suggest further work be initiated in other study populations."










miscarry:to have a miscarriage; abort(流产)

odd:the ratio of probability of the occurence of an event(几率;可能性)

[ 此贴被violin在2007-10-17 10:44重新编辑 ]
顶端 Posted: 2007-10-17 10:38 | [楼 主]
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