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2,3楼     官方消息
4楼         NBA教练排名及里德小资料
5楼         红衣主教和凯尔特人
6到15楼   九冠NBA编年
16楼       再次的辉煌
17楼       最后的王朝
18楼       主教和雪茄
19楼       主教和拉塞尔
20楼       主教和伯德
21楼       凯尔特人的复兴……
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而是奥尔[屏蔽] 和 斯特恩

看到这个消息的时候   我有点恍惚了

对于那个年代 我们知之甚少
没有3分线 没有盖帽和前场篮板的统计
同样 没有高额的薪水更没有奢侈税,以致很多人不愿意到联盟来打球


有个大个子 叫罗素 也就是拉塞尔的
都知道张伯伦吧 就是已故的自称一生和两万多个女人上过床的篮球皇帝,就是那个单场拿了100分的家伙,也仅有可怜的两个,而且隔了6年


谁知道这个两次卫冕三分王的人拿到了3个冠军 5进总决赛





在乔治迈肯的那个湖人王朝过后几年,里德开始be big

从教练到总经理到总裁, 红衣主教就是凯尔特人和NBA的历史见证





[ 此贴被nbphoenix在2006-10-31 10:11重新编辑 ]
  • 浮云:20 (by alvaro) | 理由: 最近大家都爱怀旧...
  • 顶端 Posted: 2006-10-29 16:58 | [楼 主]

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    凯尔特人失去标志人物 红衣主教奥尔[屏蔽]与世长辞













      他去世的消息是由凯尔特人官方宣布的,去世时他依然还是凯尔特人的总裁。 据NBA官方消息,他死于心脏病。但因为奥尔[屏蔽]的家人没有正式宣布,所以NBA官方对这一消息并不确定。


    [ 此贴被nbphoenix在2006-10-29 21:32重新编辑 ]
    顶端 Posted: 2006-10-29 16:59 | [1 楼]

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    Reaction to the Passing of Red Auerbach
    Oct. 28, 2006 -- The Boston Celtics announced the sudden passing of President Arnold "Red" Auerbach. Auerbach, 89, was born on September 20, 1917, and passed away Saturday in Washington, D.C.

    Auerbach left his mark as a coach and executive.
    NBAE/Getty Images
    He was responsible for 16 World Championships, and was considered the greatest coach who ever lived. The Celtics are dedicating this upcoming season in his memory.

    Farewell To A Basketball Legend Red Auerbach: 1917-2006

    October 28 -- Red Auerbach, the architect and mastermind behind one of the most dominant franchises in professional sports history, the Boston Celtics, has died at the age of 89.

    The cigar-chomping Auerbach was an aggressive, challenging and often explosive mentor who coached 11 Hall of Famers, including Bob Cousy and Bill Russell, and led Boston to 10 Eastern Division titles in 16 years.

    "Red Auerbach was the consummate teacher, leader, and a true pioneer of the sport of basketball," said NBA Commissioner David Stern. "The NBA wouldn't be what it is today without him."

    Statement from Bob Cousy “I think Arnold was an absolute giant in the field. I have been around a lot of competitive people but his commitment to winning was absolute – nothing was more important. He was relentless and produced the greatest basketball dynasty so far that this country has ever seen and certainly that the NBA has ever seen. This is a personal loss for me; Arnold and I have been together since 1950. I was fortunate that I was able to attend a function with him Wednesday night when he was honored by the United States Naval Memorial Foundation in Washington, and I am so glad now that I took the time to be there and spend a few more moments with him.”

    Statement from Tom Heinsohn "Nobody has had as much impact on a sport as Red Auerbach had on the game of basketball. He was a pioneer of the NBA. He left his philosophy of winning championships, playing hard and playing as a team with several generations of players. He was truly a great manager of people because he got people to commit to who they were as people and what their role was on the team. He was exceptional at listening and motivating people to put out their very best. In my playing days he once gave me a loaded cigar and six months later I gave him one – that was our relationship. We had a tremendous amount of fun and the game of basketball will never see anyone else like him."

    Arnold "Red" Auerbach once proclaimed, "The Boston Celtics are not a basketball
    team, they are a way of life." Auerbach, a member of the National Basketball Association since its formation in 1946, has been with the Celtics since 1950. He,
    like the Celtics, is a way of life.

    [ 此贴被nbphoenix在2006-10-29 23:11重新编辑 ]
    远程图片:凯尔特人王朝缔造者.jpg 远程图片:1938690.jpg 远程图片:他驯服的是整个篮坛.jpg 远程图片:挥挥手不带走一片云彩.jpg
    顶端 Posted: 2006-10-29 20:11 | [2 楼]

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    5come5帮你背单词 [ illusion /i'lju:3ən/ n. 幻觉,错觉,错误的信仰(或观念) ]

    Red Auerbach, President

    Arnold "Red" Auerbach once proclaimed, "The Boston Celtics are not a basketball team, they are a way of life." Auerbach, a member of the National Basketball Association since its formation in 1946, had been with the Celtics since 1950. He, like the Celtics, is a way of life.

    The 2005-2006 season marked Red's 56th as a member of the Boston Celtics family.

    Auerbach spent the first three seasons of his pro career with the Washington Capitols before moving on to the Tri-Cities Hawks for one campaign. At this point, Walter Brown, who owned the struggling Boston Celtics, appointed Auerbach as the man to lead the squad into what would ultimately become the greatest franchise in pro basketball annals.

    Auerbach carefully crafted a competitive team, and his moves culminated with an April 29, 1956 transaction that sent Ed Macauley and Cliff Hagan to St. Louis for the Hawks' first-round pick; with that selection, the Celtics chose Bill Russell.

    This blockbuster trade would spur the Celtics into the most dominant franchise in pro basketball history and helped spawn the legend that is Auerbach and the Celtics. From 1950-1966, Auerbach coached the Celtics to nine world titles, including eight in succession from 1959-1966. His incredible record was 938-479 (.662) in regular-season play and an equally impressive 99-69 (.589) in post-season encounters. Prior to the 1966-67 season, the "coach" removed himself from the bench in order to concentrate on his duties as General Manager, and appointed Bill Russell as player-coach.

    With Red's guidance and knowledge, the Celtics continued to win. In 1968 and 1969, the Celtics added two more titles. After a down period in the early 1970s, Auerbach restructured the team, adding key personnel through trades and the draft, and ultimately raised banners in 1974 and 1976. It was the subsequent years that would provide Auerbach with his biggest challenge, as the late '70s proved to be a dismal period for the Celtics. Yet Auerbach once again saved the franchise with the shrewd selection of Larry Bird in the 1978 draft. Although he would have to wait a year before Bird could play in the NBA, Auerbach sensed that the Indiana native was the man to rejuvenate the proud organization. Five other teams had a shot at Bird, but all passed.

    In 1981, Boston became the NBA champions again as Auerbach orchestrated another amazing trade, this time dealing the first and 13th picks in the 1981 draft to Golden State for Robert Parish and the third overall pick (Kevin McHale). Boston added two more titles in 1984 and 1986 thanks to the master's keen additions of Danny Ainge, Dennis Johnson, Bill Walton, and others.

    Auerbach had been the recipient of numerous distinguished awards and honors throughout his career. In 1968, he was enshrined in the Basketball Hall of Fame in Springfield, MA for all his successes. When the NBA chose its Silver Anniversary Team honoring the best of the league's first 25 years, Red was chosen as coach of that distinguished team. In 1982, he was elected to the Washington Hall of Stars, a Hall of Fame which involves people from all sports. Red was also honored as NBA Coach of the Year in 1965, winning the trophy that now bears his name, and NBA Executive of the Year in 1980. Also in that year, he was selected to the NBA's 35th Anniversary Team as "Greatest Coach in the History of the NBA," by the PBWAA.

    In 1985, the Red Auerbach Fund, established in the great coach's name, was created to promote athletic, recreational, and other youth development activities in Boston and throughout the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. January 4, 1985 will always be a special day in Red's heart and in Boston sports history, as it was on this day that the Celtics family saluted its atriarch by having the number "2" retired in his honor (emblematic as the second most influential person in the organization's annals; similarly, the number "1" is dedicated to the team's founder, Walter Brown). On Red's 68th birthday, eptember 20, 1985, a life-size sculpture of Auerbach was unveiled and placed in Boston's historic Faneuil Hall Marketplace so the public would have a lasting tribute to this basketball genius and legend.

    He had received seven honorary degrees from various institutions. Red values such honors so much that he kept a previous commitment to American International College by delivering its commencement speech on May 22, 1988, even though it prevented him from being at Boston Garden for the deciding game of the Celtics-Hawks' best-of-seven thriller. On that day, AIC presented Auerbach with a Doctor of Humanities Honorary Degree. A week earlier he had received a Doctor of Arts Honorary Degree from Stonehill College. He has also received Honorary Doctorate Degrees in Humane Letters from Franklin Pierce College, on May 24, 1981, the University of Massachusetts (Boston), in 1982, and from Boston University, on May 13, 1984. In 1986, Central New England College honored him with an Honorary Doctorate Degree in Business Administration. On February 14,1993, his alma mater, George Washington, bestowed an honorary Doctorate of Public Service Degree, and on June 9, 1998, the university celebrated Red's 80th birthday by unveiling a plaque and a bust of the legendary coach. This tribute is permanently attached to the exterior of the Smith Center, GW's athletic facility.

    Red was the author of seven books. His first, Basketball for the Player, the Fan and Coach, has been translated into seven languages and is the largest-selling basketball book in print. His second book, co-authored with Paul Sann, was Winning the Hard Way, and he also penned a pair of publications written in conjunction with Joe Fitzgerald: Red Auerbach: An Autobiography and Red Auerbach On and Off the Court. In October, 1991, M.B.A.: Management by Auerbach, was co-authored with Ken Dooley. In 1994, Seeing Red was written with Dan Shaughnessy. In October 2004, his latest book, Let Me Tell You A Story,
    was co-authored with legendary sports journalist John Feinstein. In 1987, an excellent instructional video entitled Winning Basketball became available to the public featuring the insight, thoughts, and philosophy of Red and three-time NBA Most Valuable Player and Celtics' captain Larry Bird. In 2005, he was recognized as an Honorary Master Chef at the the U.S. Coast Guard.

    Born in Brooklyn, New York, Red attended Eastern District High School in that city, attended Seth Low Junior College in New York, and George Washington University in the District of Columbia. He played three years of college basketball at GW, and was the team's leading scorer and a defensive specialist. He received a Bachelor of Science in Education in 1940 and a Master of Arts in Education from GW the following year.

    Red (09/20/17) lives in Washington, D.C. He and his late wife, Dorothy, were married in 1941 and have two daughters: Nancy, who is married to former CNN anchorman Reid Collins, and Randy, who is Vice-President of Creative Affairs for Blue Tulip Productions in Hollywood. Red has one granddaughter, Julie, a housewife and student at GW, who is married to Eric Fleiger. He also has a great-grandson, Peter Auerbach Fleiger, and two great-granddaughters, Hope and Noelle Fleiger.

    [ 此贴被nbphoenix在2006-10-29 20:21重新编辑 ]
    顶端 Posted: 2006-10-29 20:15 | [3 楼]

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    Born on Sept. 20, 1917 in Brooklyn, N.Y., the son of hard-working immigrants from Minsk, Russia, Auerbach started playing basketball at P.S. 122 in Brooklyn and became a star guard for Eastern District High School, making all-scholastic second team as a senior.

    Auerbach longed to be a teacher and coach. After a year at Seth Low Junior College, the Brooklyn arm of Columbia University, he transferred to George Washington University, where he was a standout basketball player. Auerbach left George Washington in 1941 with an M.A., to go with the bachelor's degree he had earned earlier at the school.
    奥尔[屏蔽]渴望成为一名老师及教练。经过在哥伦比亚大学布鲁克林分部Seth Low初级学校一年后,他转到了乔治华盛顿大学,并在那里成为了一名出色的篮球运动员。他于1941年带着学士学位离开乔治华盛顿大学。

    Auerbach started his coaching career at St. Albans Prep School and Roosevelt High School in Washington, D.C., before serving in the U.S. Navy from 1943 to 1946.

    That year, Auerbach began his coaching career in the BAA with the Washington
    Capitals and led them to the 1947 and 1949 division titles. In 1950, Auerbach became head coach of the Boston Celtics.

    One of Auerbach’s most notable attributes was that he was colorblind. He didn't see black or white players on the court; he just saw players who could help him win. In 1950, he became the first to draft an African-American: Chuck Cooper, a second-team All-American from Duquesne, in the second round.

    He was also the first to start five blacks and first to hire a black coach (Bill Russell, 1966) in the NBA. He also hired two other African-American coaches after Russell stepped down -- Satch Sanders and K.C. Jones, both former Celtics.

    From 1959 to 1966, the Celtics won eight straight NBA championships, a streak unmatched in sports history. He was named NBA Coach of the Year in 1965, and in 1970, was selected as the NBA's 25th Anniversary All-Time Team coach.

    When Auerbach left the Boston bench in 1966 at the age of 48 to concentrate on being general manager, he was the winningest coach in NBA history with 938 victories. He was the first to use a "sixth man," he ran a simple offense of seven set plays, and he never had a league-leading scorer. Boston fans reveled when Auerbach lit a cigar to signify that another victory was secure.

    In 1980, the Professional Basketball Writers Association of America (PBWAA) named Auerbach the greatest coach in the history of the NBA. After coaching, Auerbach joined the Celtics front office full-time and in 1980 was named NBA Executive of the Year.

    His 938-479 (.662) career coaching record currently ranks fifth all-time in NBA history. His all-time record for wins as a coach (1,037, including playoff victories) was eventually broken by Lenny Wilkens. Auerbach led Boston to 99 playoff victories, third all-time behind Phil Jackson and Pat Riley.

    [ 此贴被nbphoenix在2006-10-29 21:09重新编辑 ]
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    顶端 Posted: 2006-10-29 20:30 | [4 楼]

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     1950年Boston Celtics的老板Walter Brown再也受不了奇差的成绩与空旷的球场座位,开始的四个球季,Boston Celtics拿了两次的东区垫军(垫底的冠军)。这次Walter Brown决心要弄来新的教练整顿整顿球队,就这样,年轻的小狐狸教练Arnold "Red" Auerbach 来到了Boston Celtics,解救了这支上一季只有22胜46败(胜率.324)的破败球队。

    Red Auerbach的到来

      关於Auerbach的到来,有两种说法,一说是Auerbach寄了封信向Walter Brown毛遂自荐,而争取到了这份工作;而另一说则是Walter Brown当年即将破产,便放话除非能得到Tri-Cities Blackhawk (三城黑鹰队)的年轻教练Red Auerbach,否则,就要将Boston Celtics转手(更详细的说法,是Walter Brown的另一个合夥人Lou Pieri 非常赏识Red Auerbach)。两说都有些道理,其实也不相互斥,无论如何,Red Auerbach 来到了弱不禁风的Boston Celtis,将这支乱七八糟的球队带来了39胜30负的东区第二名佳绩,自此东区有个可怕的强权即将诞生,统治整个NBA 世界,改写了整个篮球史。

    Red Auerbach的成长

      Arnold "Red" Auerbach 的父亲是个俄国移民,本身又是犹太後裔,使得Red Auerbach天生就有点传奇的味道。Red Auerbach成长於纽约市布鲁克林区,自小就在篮球场玩球长大。高中是全布鲁克林区明星第二队的一名,高中毕业,哥伦比亚大学附属的西斯洛初级学院给了Red Auerbac奖学金,但不久之後,乔治华盛顿大学的教练Bill Reinhart,给了Red Auerbach一份篮球奖学金,开启了两人一生亦师亦友的亲密关系。

      大学四年过去,Red Auerbach虽然是球队的队长,但是成绩并不理想,没有机会在以球员的身份再次出现在篮球正式比赛中。逐渐的Red Auerbach开始担任高中教练的工作。1946年NBA 前身Basketball Associatiion of America(BAA ) 成立,29岁的Red Auerbach毛遂自荐(这次是很肯定的)回到了就读大学的首都华盛顿,在新成立的Washington Capitals (华盛顿首都队)中担任总教练一职,创下了49胜11败东区第一的成绩,29胜1 败的主场成绩更是NBA 史上第一支主场王者,虽然球季赛成绩斐然,但季後赛确是第一轮就被西区冠军Chicago Stags (芝加哥雄鹿队)刷下(当年的制度很怪)。在华盛顿首都队教了三季,虽然没有打下总冠军奖盃,却也拿下了两个东区第一(第二年西区最後一名,但全区四队中有三队并列第二名)每一季胜率超过五成,算是不辱名家之名。

    Red Auerbach的Celtics 生涯

      1949-1950球季Red Auerbach曾经短暂担任三城黑鹰队教练一职(28胜29败,生涯唯一一次低於五成胜率),1950-1951球季正式进入Boston Celtics展开真正传奇的一生,那年Red Auerbach手下握有明星控球後卫Bob Cousy ,以39胜30败打下了东区第二名,隔年加入了另一传奇後卫Bill Sherman(打布鲁克林道奇队时曾拿过MLB 总冠军)组成了Boston Celtics第一组梦幻後场,全队以狂风式的快攻扬名联盟,再以39胜27败拿下东区第二位。一直到了1955-1956年球季前,Boston Celtics连续六年都列名东区第二或第三名,狂风式的快攻缺乏优秀防守做後盾,只差了临gate一脚。不!是只差临框一手,在篮框前的那一个大巴掌。

      1956年的暑假,Red Auerbach用尽办法弄来了旧金山大学的防守中锋Bill Russell。在Bill Russell大学二年级时,Bill Reinhart告诉了Red Auerbach这个未来将会「不得了」的球员。为了能够确保可获得Bill Russell,在确定拥有第一顺位的Rochester Royals(罗彻斯特皇家队)不选Bill Russell後,Red Auerbach送出了中锋EdMacueley(球馆上背号22号的球衣就是此公所有)与年轻球员Cliff Hagen ,交换第二顺位选秀权,这两人加上历史级的Bob Pettit,是St. Louis Hawks 能够称霸西区,长期与Boston Cetlics东西对峙的主因,由此可见Red Auerbach在Bill Russell身上所下的赌注。

      Bill Russell也没有辜负Red Auerbach的期望,由Bill Russell主持防守,同年加入Boston Celtics的前、中锋Tom Heinsohn(年度新人王),後卫K.C. Jones两人更使球队如虎添翼,大大补强了防守漏洞,配合原本的快攻阵式,球队以44胜28败高达六场胜差的成绩拿下了东区冠军,总冠军赛力退St. Louis Hawks拿下了Red Auerbach职业生涯的第一枚戒指,当然这也是Boston Celtics的第一枚冠军戒

      1958-1966年,Boston Celtics创下了职业球史上最壮丽的八连霸,Red Auerbach的功绩达到了峰顶,球季结束,Red Auerbach正式结束了教练生涯,转任球队经理,1966-1967这遗缺由天王中锋BillRessell 兼任。说也奇怪,就在这一年的东区冠军赛以四比一败给了Philadelphia 76ers(费城七六人队),结束了八连霸的霸业,不过1967-1969年Boston Celtics也创下了二连霸,至此,以十一个冠军
    傲视NBA 。

      Bill Russell退休後,Boston Celtics经过了一年没有中锋的痛苦生涯,1970-1971年Red Auerbach又选了新中锋Dave Cowuns (现在Charlotte Hornets夏洛特黄蜂队的总教练)。Dave Cowens六尺八寸半高,佛罗里达州立大学学生,当年佛州大因为徵选球员违规,被处禁止参加全国大[屏蔽]赛一年,Red Auerbach在看了一场Cowens球赛後,Red Auerbach找到了他要的中锋,就这样,Boston Celtics再在

      当然,更为人所知的一段历史,1978年Red Auerbach提前一年力取印第安那州立大学的超级明星Larry Bird,1980年用一个首轮第一选秀权与第十三顺位选秀权硬自Golden State Warriors (金洲勇士队)抢来了明尼苏达大学的长臂大前锋Kevin McHale与大中锋Robert Parish,这两笔选秀豪赌,为Boston Celtics在1980-1981、1983-1984与1985-1986年三年再拿下了三个NBA 总冠军。Boston Celtics到现在为止,总共十六个NBA 冠军盃,个个都留下了Red Auerbach的

    Red Auerbach的记录

      Red Auerbach教练生涯总计留下了938 胜的记录,虽然这个记录已经被Lenny Wilkens 打破,但是九个冠军杯的记录恐怕後人是难以望其项背,而经理生涯的无数冠军更说明了Red Auerbach也是一个成功的经理,Red Auerbach在1964-1965年拿下了年度最佳教练奖,在1979-1980年,Red Auerbach得到了年度最佳经理人奖。这两个奖项替Red Auerbach在NBA 的正式记录留下了两个不朽痕迹。

      在过去35个NBA 最佳教练中,总共有1971-1972年Lakers的Bill Sherman 、1972-1973年Celtics 的Tom Heinsohn、1982-1983 ]执教Bucks)、1984-1985(Bucks)、1991-19922(Warriors) 三任最佳教练的Don Nelson与1990-1991年Rockets的Don Chaney 都曾经是Red Auerbach的球员,其中Don Nelson更在NBA 50年纪念大典中中与Red Auerbach一起当选史上最伟大的十大教练。

      再来看看史上最伟大的五十名,有Bob Cousy、John Havilcek、Sam Jones、Bill Russell、Bill Sherman 都曾经是Red Auerbach的学生,1964-1965年的Boston Celtics也当选了史上十大最佳球队之一,光看这些说也说不完的资料,Red Auerbach传奇可见一斑。

    Red Auerbach的教练观

      Red Auerbach是一个对球员纪律要求严格的教练,在球场上,一切都要在教练的掌控之下。任何球员无论大小牌,一到了球场,就得要遵守教练的规矩,听从教练的指挥。Red Auerbach的名言「我活在一个dem0cratic 的国家,我也信仰dem0cratic 。但这是球赛,没有功夫讲dem0cratic 那一套。我的话,就是法律。」当然,Red Auerbach也会听从球员的许多意见,但绝不是在球场上。在Red Auerbach教球时,在每一次的暂停时,球员都必须要聚拢到面前,站著接受Red Auerbach的指示,而同时,不准任何球员插嘴。

      Red Auerbach相当注重球员自我的发挥,在球队练习中,常以各式的模拟战作为训练的内容之一,将危机处理的能力内化成为BostonCeltics 球员的天性,模拟战的处理方式也不是由教练来决定,而是由球员们一起讨论,决定方法,经过实际演练过後,全队在集体检讨结果,几乎所有球场上可能的情形都在Boston Celtics球员的掌握之中。在诸多Boston Celtics的精彩季後赛镜头中,不乏最後一击的画面,靠的就是平常不断的思考与演练,在紧要关头,由Red Auerbach在各种熟悉的战法中,决定出一套最适合的打法(谁是老板还是很清楚的)。

      Red Auerbach和球员谈薪水从来不看统计数字,没有球员敢在和Red Auerbach谈合约时拿出一叠叠的统计资料来。Red Auerbach认为大部份的统计数字都不可靠(有人比Red 更了解球赛吗?)。而RedAuerbach依据的是,此球员达成多少球队所分配的任务、在Celtics的整体战力中,球员发挥了多少、对於团队的胜利与荣誉,球员有多少贡献。当Red Auerbach与Bill Russell叙薪时,从来不提得分这件事,Bill Russell最主要的工作就是防守与篮板,若真要比比统计数字,Bill Russell的死敌Wilt Chamberlain恐怕要比Bill Russell高出许多,但在1966年,Philadelphia 76ers给了Wilt Chamberlai 球史上最高的十万元美金,Red Auerbach立刻将Bill Russell的薪水调整为十万零一美元,表彰Bill Russell对球队的无上贡献。

      Red Auerbach也是一个善於激励球员的教练,Red Auerbach无论是面对任何的对手,都会替自己找出必定要赢的理由,在每一场球赛前,也要挖空心思说服球员这比赛是非胜不可的比赛,在1967-1968年,东区冠军赛中,Boston Celtics以一胜三负落後於Philadelphia76ers ,Red Auerbach告诉球员要忘掉「连赢三场,反败为胜」的事情,要把球赛分割成一个个的小片段,一步步来应付,就这样,最後Boston Celtics真的反败为胜,那一年也顺利拿下了NBA 总冠军,写下一页惊人传奇。

      Red Auerbach是Boston Celtics五十年历史真正的灵魂,现在红头已老,头发班白,也由当年的小狐狸蜕变到现在的老狐狸,BostonCeltics 也不得不面临转型的时刻,虽然Red Auerbach很早就交棒给Jan Volk与M.L. Carr,但是情形每下愈况。今年老板Paul Gaston自肯塔基大学挖来了也有「小狐狸」之称的Rick Pitino 整顿Boston
    Celtics ,开季至今,战绩已有起色,战力稳定成长。Red Auerbach只在背後扮演智囊的角色,成了真正的「精神领袖」。虽然世代交替是不可避免的结果,但Red Auerbach将是Boston Celtics队史上永远的领袖。就像1984年冬天,Boston举行一连三天的嘉年华会庆祝RedAuerbach的六十六岁生日,节目的[屏蔽]在星期日的铜像奠基典礼,一尊Red Auerbach的铜像就这样竖立在Boston市中心。

      Red Auerbach是Boston Celtics球迷心中最伟大的英雄,真正的Celtics 灵魂。
    顶端 Posted: 2006-10-29 21:02 | [5 楼]

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    1956-1969 凯尔特王朝

    1956年 比尔·拉塞尔--历史上最伟大的防守型中锋进入了NBA。“红衣主教”奥尔[屏蔽]通过转会从圣路易斯换来拉塞尔,揭开了波士顿王朝的序幕。

    1956-1960年 鲍勃·佩蒂特复仇。从56年开始,佩蒂特率领的圣路易斯鹰队和拉塞尔率领的波士顿凯尔特人队连续4年在总决赛中相遇,写下了NBA早期的一段经典对决。虽然凯尔特人队整体实力稍强,但在1958的总决赛第6场中,鲍勃?佩蒂特的表现近乎完美--全场比赛共拿下50分,第4节更是包揽了全队21分中的19分,使鹰队最终一分险胜,从而4比2夺得鹰队历史上唯一的一次NBA总冠军,也报了上一年总决赛第7场两次加时一球惜败的一箭之仇。

    1959年 伟大的张伯伦进入NBA,向人们展现了职业篮球史上最具压倒优势的个人进攻力。从那之后,在最强之矛张伯伦和最坚之盾拉塞尔之间,开始了一场为期10年之久的巨人对话。两位巨星之间的争斗是如此的精彩与华美,直到20年后,才有约翰逊与伯德两人写出续集。

    1956-1969年 波士顿王朝。拉塞尔率领的波士顿凯尔特人队在13年中11次夺得NBA总冠军,其中在1958-1976年间夺得8连冠,成为职业体育史上一项空前绝后的纪录。拉塞尔还给NBA带来的全新的防守理念,越来越多的中锋开始仿效拉塞尔的防守。当时NBA重攻轻守的风气得到很大改变。

    1961-1962年 奧斯卡·罗伯逊在他刚加盟NBA第二年,每场比赛得30.8分,12.5个篮板,和11.4次助攻,赛季平均竟达三双!为魔术师等人辟出了“大后卫”这条奇径。罗伯逊职业生涯总得分为26710分,在NBA历史上排名第8,在后卫当中只有乔丹的总得分比他高。他的职业生涯总助攻数为9887个,在当时的NBA排名第一,尽管后来被斯托克顿等人超过,但考虑到当时NBA对助攻的计算更为严格,很有可能罗伯逊的实际助攻数要多于他的后辈们。

    1962年 张伯伦100分!张伯伦在与纽约尼克斯队的一场常规赛中单场个人拿下100分,创下NBA历史上一个天文数字般的纪录。更不可思议的是,他在1961-1962赛季中创下了赛季平均每场得50.4分及出场48.5分钟的纪录。张伯伦在NBA的纪录本还留下了许多不计其数的无出其右的骇人统计。

    1962年 埃尔金?贝勒在62年总决赛中第5场比赛中独得61分,创下NBA季后赛的单场得分纪录,这一纪录一直保持了24年才被乔丹在86年季后赛第一轮的63分打破。就总决赛单场得分而言,贝勒的61分至今还是天下第一。埃尔金?贝勒是极易被人遗忘的一名球星。他平均每场得分27.4,篮板13.5,在NBA历史上都排行前10。只叹生不逢时,和拉塞尔和张伯伦同处一个时代的他,从未得过得分王,总冠军或MVP称号。1971年贝勒刚退役,老东家湖人队便拿了一次总冠军--他可以算得上是NBA历史上最没有冠军命的球员。

    1965年 杰里·韦斯特在与巴尔第摩子弹队的6场西区决赛中平均每场拿下46.3分,创NBA季后赛史纪录。韦斯特的心理素质极好,在比赛关键时刻发挥尤其出色,人称“Mr. Clutch”。潇洒英俊,沉稳睿智的他也是NBA那个运球人形标志的原型。

    1966-1967年 终结八连霸。张伯伦来到了费城76人旗下。这一年,费城76人队在他和教头汉纽莫的带领下取得68胜13负,胜率84.0%,创下当时NBA单季最高胜率。主力球员有张伯伦、格里尔、沃克和坎宁安等。他们在东部决赛中击败凯尔特人队,给波士顿长达8年的绿色统治画下了句号,并最终击败旧金山勇士队夺得总冠军。66-67年的76人队被列为NBA历史上最强的10支球队之一。
    顶端 Posted: 2006-10-29 23:15 | [6 楼]

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    Celtics Outlast Hawks for First Championship

    Russell celebrates the '57 Championship victory.

    The season marked the beginning of what would become sports' greatest dynasty, the reign of the Boston Celtics that would produce 11 championships in 13 years. The Celtics had employed the group of Bob Cousy, Bill Sharman and Ed Macauley to score points in bunches for some time, but without rebounding and defense, they hadn't progressed very far in the Playoffs. But Red Auerbach traded Macauley and Cliff Hagan to St. Louis for the draft rights to center Bill Russell of San Francisco, and Boston used its own pick to grab high-scoring 6-7 forward Tom Heinsohn of Holy Cross.

    With Russell and Heinsohn joining Cousy, Sharman, muscleman Jim Loscutoff and sixth man Frank Ramsey, the Celtics had assembled a team that would be the scourge of the league for years to come. Sharman (21.1 ppg) and Cousy (20.6) still piled up the points, but with Russell anchoring a suddenly-tough Celtics defense, Boston cruised to a league-best 44-28 record, winning the Eastern Division by a comfortable six games. St. Louis, buoyed by the addition of Macauley (16.5 ppg) and Hagan, advanced to the Finals in the West. A classic seven-game series ensued, with Boston winning a thrilling Game 7 in Boston, 125-123 in double overtime.

    Game 7 of the 1957 NBA Finals was the type of game that could advance a sport by its sheer excitement. It was a game that would be talked bout for years: how rookies Russell (19 points, 32 rebounds) and Heinsohn (37 points, 23 rebounds) stepped up and provided the win that would set the Celtic dynasty in motion.

    "The first one (championship) is always the hardest, and it's also the most satisfying," reflected Auerbach. "Everywhere I went that following summer, I could tell myself, `I'm the coach of the world champions.'"


    本赛季成为体育史上一个伟大王朝的开始,波士顿凯尔特人在随后的13年中11次夺冠,成为NBA历史上前无古人后无来者的巨无霸。凯尔特人此前已经拥有Bob Cousy、Bill Sharman、Ed Macauley这样优秀的得分手,但篮板和防守却始终无法解决,这也使他们在季后赛中总是步履艰难。不过本赛季开始前,主教练Red Auerbach用Macauley和Cliff Hagan从圣路易斯鹰队换来首轮第二顺位的选秀权,并用这支签摘到来自圣弗朗西斯科大学的传奇中锋Bill Russell,同时凯尔特人用自己原有的选秀权在第6顺位选中身高6-7,擅长得分的前锋Tom Heinsohn。

    有了Russell和Heinsohn的加盟,再加上助攻王Cousy、神射手Sharman、肌肉男Loscutoff、第六人Frank Ramsey,凯尔特人终于成为一支内外兼修攻防兼备的超级强队,在随后许多年里他们都将是其他球队的灾难。场均21.1分的Sharman和场均20.6分的Cousy依旧在进攻端表现稳定,而Russell则使凯尔特人的防守有了质的提升,他们在常规赛中以44胜28负排名全联盟第一,领先第二名的锡拉丘兹民族整整6场。季后赛阶段,凯尔特人以3-0横扫民族队进入总决赛,他们在总决赛的对手正是拥有前凯尔特人队员Macauley和Hagan的圣路易斯鹰队。这届总决赛堪称经典,双方打满7场,最后一场比赛在波士顿举行,经过两个加时主队才以125-123艰难获胜。


    远程图片:1957红衣主教在指点Bill Russell.jpg 远程图片:1957年首夺NBA总冠军.jpg
    顶端 Posted: 2006-10-29 23:19 | [7 楼]

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    Long Run of Celtic Dominance Begins

    Elgin Baylor burst onto the scene in 1958.

    A new superstar burst on the NBA scene with the arrival of Elgin Baylor in Minneapolis. A 6-5 forward from Seattle, Baylor helped a Lakers' team that had been 19-53 a year before to a 33-39 record and a Playoff berth by averaging 24.9 points and 15.0 rebounds per game. He made the All-NBA Team as a rookie, which previously had been accomplished only by Bob Pettit and Alex Groza. But perhaps his most profound impact in his first season came in the Playoffs.

    Boston had won the East by 12 games, while St. Louis won the West by 16 games. Just about everyone expected a third straight Boston-St.Louis matchup in the NBA Finals. Boston had a tough time with Syracuse, which had acquired George Yardley to add to a front line that already boasted Dolph Schayes and Red Kerr. Pushed to the limit, Boston won the seventh game of the Eastern Finals, 130-125. St. Louis, however, did not even make it back to the Finals for the expected date with the Celtics. Baylor and the Lakers overcame a 2-1 St. Louis lead to win three straight games and oust the Hawks. Nobody gave the Lakers much chance against the Celtics, and although the Lakers kept three of the four games close, Boston recorded the first 4-0 sweep in NBA Finals history. Nobody knew it at the time, but it would be eight years be to begin its run of eight straight championships.

    Even in 1959, 6-5 was not considered tall for a forward in the NBA. But Elgin Baylor proved to be more than a handful for taller rivals. As strong as any of his counterparts, Baylor had a smooth scoring style that was ahead of its time and his ability to seemingly hang in the air would become the measuring stick for players that followed, like Connie Hawkins, Julius Erving and Michael Jordan.

    Baylor's 55-point game in his rookie season was the third-highest in NBA history and signaled a new high-scoring era around the NBA.


    本赛季NBA又见证了一位巨星的到来,身高6-5,来自西雅图大学的前锋Elgin Baylor以状元秀加盟明尼亚波利斯湖人,场均贡献24.9分和15.0个篮板,帮助湖人从上赛季19胜53负的糟糕战绩回升到33胜39负,重新进入季后赛。同时Baylor也以新秀身份入选了年度最佳阵容,此前只有Bob Pettit和Alex Groza做到过这点。不过这些都仅仅是开始,因为在本赛季的季后赛阶段,Baylor还将带给人们更多的惊喜。


    季后赛阶段,凯尔特人与锡拉丘兹民族在东部决赛火拼,后者本赛季从活塞转来上届得分王George Yardley,由他和另两位巨星Dolph Schayes、Red Kerr组成的民族队内线堪称华丽。两队打满7场,波士顿以130-125赢得最后一场胜利,晋级总决赛。西部决赛,鹰队开局以2-1领先湖人,但湖人随后连扳3场,出人意料地终结了鹰队连续第三年进入总决赛的美梦。尽管湖人干净利落地淘汰了卫冕冠军,但凯尔特人却没有给他们任何机会,4-0,凯尔特人创造了NBA历史上第一个在总决赛中零封对手夺冠的记录。不过没有人会知道,这只是他们8连冠的开始。

    即使是在1959年,6-5的身高对一名NBA前锋而言也是偏矮,但Elgin Baylor却证明他比那些高大的对手们更出色。他不仅拥有同样强壮的身体,还拥有领先于同时代其他球员的得分手段。他在空中的华丽表演成为后继者们的标尺,比如Connie Hawkins,Julius Erving和Michael Jordan。

    Baylor在2月25日对辛辛纳提皇家队的比赛中得到55分,这也是NBA有史以来个人的单场第三高得分,前两位分别是Joe Fulks的63分和Mikan的61分。
    顶端 Posted: 2006-10-29 23:22 | [8 楼]

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    Wilt Chamberlain Arrives with Massive Impact

    The NBA had seen a big man dominate before, when George Mikan's Minneapolis Lakers won five NBA titles in six years from 1949 through 1954. But in terms of individual dominance, no one had seen anything quite like Wilt Chamberlain. At 7-1 and nearly 275 pounds, Wilt towered over Bill Russell and the other centers of his time. In his rookie season with the Philadelphia Warriors, Chamberlain won both Rookie of the Year and Most Valuable Player, leading the league in scoring (37.6) and rebounding (27.0). Chamberlain scored 50 or more points in seven times. A Philadelphia team that went 32-40 improved to 49-26, and Chamberlain's Warriors attracted capacity crowds most nights.

    But despite the arrival of Chamberlain, the Celtics were still the league's top team, which was underlined as Boston won an NBA-record 59 games and the Eastern Division. St. Louis won the West by 16 games in what was now a 75-game season. Boston defeated the Warriors and Chamberlain in six games to advance to the Finals, while St. Louis was pushed to seven games by the Lakers before advancing to once again meet the Celtics. The teams split the first six games, with Boston winning in blowouts and St. Louis just scraping by. The Celtics easily won Game 7 in Boston as Russell starred with 22 points and 35 rebounds.

    The Celtics, with Red Auerbach at the controls, had built a champion piece by piece, beginning with Bob Cousy in 1950, adding Bill Sharman in 1951, Frank Ramsey in 1954, Jim Loscutoff in 1955, and Tom Heinsohn and Bill Russell in 1956.

    But after the first championship in 1957, the Celtics didn't stop adding players who put winning above personal achievements. Sam Jones came aboard in 1957, K.C. Jones and Gene Conley in 1958, and Tom Sanders in 1960. Auerbach's legendary eye for talent and demand for team play had set in motion one of sport's greatest dynasties.

    Wilt Chamberlain横空出世,技惊联盟

    当George Mikan在1949-1954的6年时间里5夺总冠军时,NBA就已经目睹了一个统治级的内线球员的威力,但说到个人统治力,没有一个人可以和Wilt Chamberlain相提并论。拥有7-1的身高,体重将近275磅的Chamberlain比Bill Russell和其他同时代的所有中锋都要高大,在他进入费城勇士的新秀赛季,就包揽了年度最佳新秀和常规赛MVP,场均37.6分和27.0个篮板均位居全联盟第一。Chamberlain本赛季得分在50分以上的比赛就有7次,在他的带领下,勇士队常规赛战绩从上赛季的32胜40负提高到49胜26负,而他们的比赛也成为全联盟上座率最高的比赛。


    在主帅Red Auerbach的管理下,凯尔特人有条不紊地构建起一支超级球队:1950年引进Bob Cousy,1951年是Bill Sharman,1954招来Frank Ramsey,1955年Jim Loscutoff加盟,1956年又在选秀大会上摘得Tom Heinsohn和Bill Russell。

    虽然凯尔特人在1957年夺得了第一个总冠军,但他们仍然在不断地引入优秀球员。1957年是Sam Jones,1958年是K.C. Jones和Gene Conley,1960年则是Tom Sanders。红衣主教拥有一双善于发现天才的眼睛,同时他也非常强调团队配合,正是这两点造就了一个伟大的王朝。
    顶端 Posted: 2006-10-29 23:26 | [9 楼]

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    "Big O", West Move from Olympics to the NBA

    Chamberlain took the game to new heights and averaged 38.4 ppg in 1960-61.

    The NBA was changing rapidly. Elgin Baylor and Wilt Chamberlain had each brought a special brand of excitement to the league with landmark NBA debuts. In 1960, two guards who would thrill NBA fans for the next 14 seasons and who would always be inextricably linked joined the league. Oscar Robertson and Jerry West, both superb collegians, entered together after winning gold medals at the 1960 Olympics. Cincinnati's Robertson had a more immediate impact, averaging 30.5 ppg and leading the league with 9.7 assists per contest. With Chamberlain scoring 38.4 ppg and Baylor at 34.8 ppg, it marked the first time in NBA history that three players scored 30 ppg in the same season. West, on the other hand, came aboard just as the Lakers made a bold move, leaving Minneapolis for the larger market of Los Angeles, and averaged 17.6 ppg as a rookie.

    The schedule had been increased to 79 games, and Boston and St. Louis once again outclassed the competition with 57 and 51 victories, respectively. For the second straight season, St. Louis had to fight off the Lakers in a seven-game Western Division Finals to meet the Celtics, who cruised past Syracuse in five games. Unfortunately for the Hawks, the well-balanced Celtics dismissed them in five games.

    To the untrained eye, Jerry West appeared to be just a skinny kid from West Virginia when he came to the NBA in 1960. But the 6-3 college forward learning to be a pro guard had a desire to be the best and skills that would allow him to get there. As a rookie, West played behind fellow West Virginia legend Hot Rod Hundley, but it was not long before West pleaded for and got more minutes.

    "I knew I couldn't learn sitting on the bench," West said. "The only thing I could learn were bad habits. I had to get out there and get rid of those first-year jitters."


    NBA的发展可谓日新月异,Elgin Baylor和Wilt Chamberlain的到来都曾引起过联盟的轰动,而在本赛季,又有两位天才后卫加盟NBA,他们在随后的14年中也将成为球迷们的宠儿,而他们的名字也将被永远载入史册。Oscar Robertson和Jerry West都是杰出的大学球员,在代表美国队夺得1960年奥运会男篮金牌后双双加盟NBA。来自辛辛纳提大学的大O更快适应NBA比赛,他在本赛季场均得到30.5分10.1个篮板,同时还以场均9.7次助攻成为联盟的助攻王。Chamberlain和Baylor场均分别得到38.4分和34.8分,这也是NBA历史上第一次有3位球员的常规赛场均得分在30分以上。West加盟的湖人为了开拓市场,本赛季从明尼亚波利斯搬迁至洛杉矶,他在处子赛季场均得到17.6分7.7个篮板4.2次助攻。


    在gate外汉的眼中,本赛季加盟NBA的Jerry West只不过是个来自西维吉尼亚大学的瘦弱男孩,但是这位身高6-3的大学前锋在进入NBA后却矢志要成为一名最优秀的后卫,而他出众的技术无疑成为他成功的保证。作为一名新秀,West起初只能担任前校友——西维吉尼亚大学的传奇人物Hot Rod Hundley的替补,但他很快就要求得到更多的上场时间。

    顶端 Posted: 2006-10-29 23:28 | [10 楼]

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    Wilt Scores 100, Averages 50

    Wilt Chamberlain's rookie performance, coming into the NBA and averaging nearly 38 ppg, was almost beyond belief. But what he did in his third season will likely never be duplicated. Chamberlain, who played all but eight possible minutes of the entire season and averaged 48.5 minutes per game, averaged 50.4 points per game, a full 12 points more than his NBA record set last season. On March 2, 1962, Chamberlain scored 100 points against the New York Knicks in Hershey, PA in a 169-147 triumph. Although 4,124 were in attendance, many thousands more would claim to have been there for decades afterward.
    Chicago had been added to the league as an expansion franchise, and the Packers' center, Walt Bellamy, won Rookie of the Year honors by averaging 31.6 ppg (second in the league behind Chamberlain) and 19.0 rpg and leading the league with a .519 shooting percentage.

    While Chamberlain was setting records that would hold up for decades, the Celtics were busily adding to their dynasty, winning a record 60 games in an 80-game season. In contrast to Chamberlain's scoring feats, no Boston player appeared among the NBA's top 10 in scoring. Boston and Philadelphia engaged in one of their legendary battles in the Eastern Division Finals, with Sam Jones hitting a jump shot with two seconds left in Game 7 to give the Celtics the win. St. Louis' run of Finals appearances ended with the Lakers winning 54 games and advancing to the Finals against Boston. Boston came back from being down 2-1 and 3-2 in the series to win a fourth straight NBA title in dramatic fashion, 110-107 in overtime in Game 7 at Boston Garden.

    Just two years ago, Boston had blown out St. Louis in the seventh game of an NBA Finals. But in 1962, Frank Selvy of the Lakers had the chance to put Boston away on the parquet. With seconds remaining in Game 7 and the score tied, Selvy, a 29-year-old guard who had played in two All-Star Games, was being guarded by Bob Cousy, who had left him momentarily to double-team West. When Hot Rod Hundley passed him the ball, Selvy had a good look at an eight-foot shot. But his shot bounced off the rim and the game went into overtime, where Boston prevailed.

    "It was a fairly tough shot because I was almost on the baseline," Selvy said. "But I would trade all my points for that last basket."


    Wilt Chamberlain在新秀赛季得到的场均37.6分已经创造了一个令人难以置信的记录,而他在本赛季的表现更是无与伦比。本赛季Chamberlain打满所有比赛,只有8分钟下场休息,其常规赛场均上场时间为匪夷所思的48.5分(包括加时),场均得到50.4分,把他上赛季创造的记录又提高了12分。1962年3月2日,Chamberlain在对纽约尼克斯的一场常规赛中独得100分(比赛地在宾州的Hershey),带领勇士以169-147取胜。尽管当时的观众只有4,124名,但几十年后,声称目睹这场比赛的球迷却远远超过了这个数字。

    本赛季一支新军芝加哥包装者队加入西部赛区,球队中锋Walt Bellamy成为本赛季最佳新秀,Bellamy场均贡献31.6分19.0个篮板,分列得分榜和篮板榜的第二和第三位,而他51.9%的投篮命中率则排名全联盟第一。

    Wilt Chamberlain在创造着前无古人后无来者的记录,凯尔特人也在为他们的王朝霸业忙碌,他们在本赛季的80场常规赛中取得了60场胜利,创造了NBA的新纪录。和Chamberlain怪兽级的得分形成鲜明对比,本赛季凯尔特人的队员没有一人得分跻身全联盟前十。季后赛东部决赛,凯尔特人和勇士又上演经典大战,依靠Sam Jones在第七场最后2秒钟时的跳投命中,凯尔特人以109-107绝杀勇士,晋级总决赛。西部鹰队出现严重下滑,湖人取而代之以54胜26负排名西部第一,并在季后赛中击败活塞,和凯尔特人会师。总决赛中凯尔特人曾先后以1-2和2-3落后湖人,但他们第六场扳平大比分,并在第七场决战中通过加时以110-107击败湖人,连续第四次获得总冠军。

    两[屏蔽],凯尔特人在总决赛中4-3气走圣路易斯鹰,而在本赛季的总决赛中,湖人队的Frank Selvy本有机会终结凯尔特人。第七场第四节最后时刻双方打平,负责看守Selvy的Bob Cousy去包夹West,Hot Rod Hundley传球给空位的Selvy,这位29岁两次入选全明星的资深后卫看了篮筐一眼,8英尺外出手投篮,球却弹筐而出,比赛进入加时,凯尔特人最终胜出。

    顶端 Posted: 2006-10-29 23:31 | [11 楼]

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    Celtics Triumph Again as Cousy Bids Adieu

    Bill Russell slammed down another MVP year.

    Significant changes took place prior to the season. The Warriors, who had the league's top gate attraction in Wilt Chamberlain, moved to San Francisco and the Western Division. To compensate, Cincinnati, with Oscar Robertson, was moved to the East. The Chicago franchise changed its name from Packers to Zephyrs. Bob Cousy, now 34, announced before the season that it would be his final one. Exciting rookies like Zelmo Beatty, John Havlicek and Dave DeBusschere came into the league.

    But some things didn't change. The Celtics didn't have a 20 ppg scorer and yet won 58 games and another Eastern title. The Lakers won 53 games and a second straight Western title. Chamberlain won another scoring title with 44.8 ppg, and also averaged 24.3 rpg. The Division Finals almost upstaged the NBA Finals, each going to a deciding seventh game. Boston belted Cincinnati 142-131 in the East's Game 7, while the Lakers held off a revived St. Louis team 115-100 to advance to the Finals. The Celtics helped Cousy go out on a high note by taking leads of 2-0 and 3-1 in the series before closing out the Lakers in six games, with the clincher coming in Los Angeles.

    Red Auerbach was all about winning, and the Celtics did little else during the early 1960s. But Auerbach was never the most popular coach with opposing coaches and players, due in part to his sideline manners and victory cigars.

    "Any time you're winning, you get criticism," Auerbach said. "Nothing instigates jealousy like winning."

    One opposing player who didn't mind Auerbach's theatrics was Jerry West. "Red was outspoken," West said. "His sideline antics were funny. I happened to like him very much. When you talk to his ex-players, they all have great respect for him. I don't know many players who would tell you that about their former coaches."


    本赛季开始前NBA又发生了一些重大变动:拥有Wilt Chamberlain的费城勇士搬迁至西部的圣弗朗西斯科,作为平衡,拥有Oscar Robertson的辛辛纳提皇家被划到东部赛区;芝加哥包装者队改名为芝加哥和风队;34岁的Bob Cousy宣布将在本赛季结束后退役;一些天才新秀进入联盟,其中包括Zelmo Beatty、John Havlicek和Dave DeBusschere。


    红衣主教Red Auerbach几乎就是胜利的代名词,在整个60年代早期,凯尔特人就是在不断地重复胜利。但是在对手眼中,Auerbach绝对不是一个受欢迎的教练,不仅仅因为他的胜利,还因为他在场边的指挥方式,以及每次取胜后具有象征意义的雪茄。


    不过有一位对手却并不介意Auerbach的举止,他就是Jerry West。“Red是个坦诚的家伙,”West说道:“他在场边的动作有些滑稽,但我非常喜欢他。我和他执教过的前队员交流过,他们都非常尊敬主教大人,我不知道有几位教练能做到这点。”
    远程图片:1962年,这是一张奥尔巴赫手扶篮球的照片,那会奥尔巴赫已经45岁,但是丝毫看不到老态。.jpg 远程图片:Bob Cousy的告别演出.jpg
    顶端 Posted: 2006-10-30 11:19 | [12 楼]

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    New Era, Same Result: Russell's Celtics Win Again

    This was an important transition year for the league and its top team. Maurice Podoloff, the only President/Commissioner the league ever had, retired before the season began and was replaced by J. Walter Kennedy, who had earlier served as Publicity Director. Meanwhile, in Boston, the Celtics began a season for the first time since 1950 without Bob Cousy. In franchise shifts, the Chicago Zephyrs moved to Baltimore and became the new Baltimore Bullets, while the Syracuse Nats moved to Philadelphia, vacated by the Warriors a season earlier, and became the Philadelphia 76ers.

    Russell goes up for the block.
    photo by Steve Lipofsky

    A pair of impressive rookie big men came into the league, Jerry Lucas (Cincinnati) and Nate Thurmond (San Francisco). Alex Hannum became coach at San Francisco, where he instilled a defensive philosophy to the Wilt Chamberlain-led team. The Warriors led the NBA by allowing just 102.6 ppg, and won the West by two games over St. Louis. The Warriors fought off a spirited challenge from Bob Pettit's Hawks to win the West in seven games, but were no match for Boston's depth as the Celtics polished them off in five games for a sixth straight title.

    Boston's sixth straight title was one of its easiest, and the question started to be asked whether Boston would ever lose again. The title streak drew comparisons to the New York Yankees five straight from 1949-53, adding prestige to the still-young league. Red Auerbach basked in the titles.

    "The thrill never goes from winning," he said. "But maybe the reasons change. First, it was just trying to win a title. Now it is a question of going down as the greatest team of all time. That stimulates you."


    本赛季联盟又出现重大变故:NBA首任总裁Maurice Podoloff在赛季前宣布退休,接替他的是公关部主管J. Walter Kennedy;凯尔特人自五十年代以来,第一次将在没有Bob Cousy的帮助下前进;芝加哥和风队搬到巴尔地摩,更名为巴尔地摩子弹队;锡拉丘兹民族队则搬到费城,更名为费城76人队。

    两位杰出的大个子新秀在本赛季加盟,他们分别是辛辛纳提皇家的Jerry Lucas和圣弗朗西斯科勇士的Nate Thurmond。Alex Hannum成为勇士的新教头,他为这支Chamberlain领衔的球队带来全新的防守理念。勇士队在常规赛中让对手场均仅得到102.6分,48胜32负的战绩排名西部第一,季后赛他们又以4-3淘汰Bob Pettit领衔的鹰队,闯入总决赛。但是总决赛中面对强大的凯尔特人,勇士没能再延续好运,凯尔特人4-1轻松夺得了连续第六个总冠军。


    “令人激动的源泉当然是胜利,”Red Auerbach说道:“不过动机却在发生改变。第一次我们只是为了赢得总冠军,而现在则是为了成为有史以来最伟大的球队,正是这点在不断激励着我们。”
    顶端 Posted: 2006-10-30 11:21 | [13 楼]

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    5come5帮你背单词 [ anxious /'æŋkəs/ a. 忧虑的,担心的,急于(得到)的,渴望的 ]

    Chamberlain Deal, Havlicek Steal

    In an effort to lessen the dominance of big men and keep the game open and moving, the NBA widened the foul lane from 12 to 16 feet. A major trade that took place at the NBA All-Star break would have far-reaching implications for years to come. Wilt Chamberlain, in the midst of his greatness at 28 years old, was dealt by the San Francisco Warriors to the Philadelphia 76ers for Paul Neumann, Connie Dierking, Lee Shaffer and cash. The immediate results: San Francisco went from 48-32 the season before to 17-63, while Philadelphia improved from 34-46 to 40-40. More importantly, Chamberlain was back in the Celtics' division, and would have to be dealt with even before the NBA Finals.

    John Havlicek and Jerry West went head-to-head in the 1965 Finals.

    Meanwhile, Celtics founder Walter Brown died in August, 1964, putting more of the team's administrative load on Auerbach. Boston seemed unaffected, however, and broke its own league record with 62 victories despite the retirements of Frank Ramsey and Jim Loscutoff. The Lakers won the West with 49 wins as West (31.0) and Baylor (27.1) finished in the top five in the league in scoring. While the Lakers defeated Baltimore in six games in the West Finals, the East Finals between Boston and Philadelphia was a classic, with the home team winning each of the first six games. Boston won Game 7 by a point, with John Havlicek's deflection producing the famous "Havlicek stole the ball!" radio call from Celtics broadcaster Johnny Most. The Finals were less exciting, with Boston closing out the Lakers, who were without the injured Elgin Baylor, in five games.

    The seventh game of the Eastern Division Finals in 1965 provided some hope for the rest of the league that the Celtics might be beaten one day soon. If Philadelphia had been able to convert in the last five seconds, the Celtics dynasty would have been halted at six straight NBA Championships and Chamberlain and the 76ers might have begun their own dynasty.

    But Havlicek deflected the inbounds pass of Hal Greer to Sam Jones, who dribbled out the five seconds and preserved the dynasty for another year. Of such momentous plays are titles won and lost, and for now, the Celtics were still on top.


    为了减少大个子球员的内线统治力,让比赛变得更为流畅激烈,本赛季NBA再次将罚球区从12英尺扩大到16英尺。在全明星周末达成的一笔球员交易令全联盟为之震动,而它产生的影响将波及到随后多年。圣弗朗西斯科勇士将28岁正值颠峰期的Wilt Chamberlain送到费城76人队,换来Paul Neumann、Connie Dierking、Lee Shaffer和一笔现金。这笔交易带来的效果立杆见影:勇士从上赛季的48胜32负跌至17胜63负,而76人则从上赛季的34胜46负提高到40胜40负。另一点需要注意的,Chamberlain又回到凯尔特人所在的东部赛区,这意味着他要进入总决赛就必须和凯尔特人提前火拼。

    1964年8月,波士顿凯尔特人的奠基者Walter Brown去世,这使Red Auerbach需要承担起球队更多的管理工作。不过凯尔特人似乎并未受到什么干扰,虽然Frank Ramsey和Jim Loscutoff两员老将退役,但他们仍以62胜18负排名全联盟首位。湖人以49胜31负排名西部第一,两大核心Jerry West和Elgin Baylor场均得到31.0分和27.1分,均在联盟得分榜上排名前5位。季后赛阶段,湖人4-2击败子弹,凯尔特人4-3击败76人,双双晋级总决赛。其中凯尔特人和76人的东部决赛堪称经典,前六场双方都在各自的主场取胜,最后一场凯尔特人依靠John Havlicek最后时刻的断球成功以110-109一分险胜,而凯尔特人播音员Johnny Most在转播时激动地欢呼“Havlicek断球成功!”也成为广为传颂的名句。和东部决赛相比,总决赛没有多少悬念,由于Elgin Baylor因伤缺阵,凯尔特人以4-1轻取湖人成就七连冠。


    但是Havlicek断到了Hal Greer的传球,并把球传给Sam Jones,后者运球直到比赛结束,凯尔特人王朝也得以延续。在经历了这么多生死大战后,凯尔特人至今仍然屹立不倒。
    顶端 Posted: 2006-10-30 11:25 | [14 楼]
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