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Bestial behavior---wu tianxi

WU Tianxi, the richest person in Zhenping County, Henan Province, has a string of titles: representative of the 9th National People's Congress, former vice-president of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference of the county, and founder of a big local food company.

However, the 61-year old deserves one more title: beast.

Obsessed with the superstitious concept of - cai yin bu yang - the superstitious ancient Chinese belief that having sex with virgins can strengthen one's health and prolong one's life - he has raped over 36 girls, all between the ages of 12 and 16.

It is probably hard for us to associate a rapist with a person who holds so many important and dignified posts.

As the former vice-president of the local CPPCC, Wu enjoyed high social status and could mobilize social resources. This gave him the power to influence policy making.

However, his abominable behavior contradicted his political positions.

But, if given a second thought, this seeming contradiction can easily be understood. Our times have produced a large number of upstarts. Backed by their wealth, they easily obtain official posts from corrupted bureaucrats.

In the case of Wu Tianxi, his wealth earned him his positions as the representative of the National People's Congress and as the vice-president of the local CPPCC, without which he would not have dared to commit such crimes.

It is now meaningless to discuss whether it was his wealth or his positions that led to his bestial deeds.

The key question is how we can prevent personal wealth from being turned into personal political power.

It's hard to comprehend that the special team ordered to investigate the case of Wu Tianxi is under great pressure.

Who on earth is protecting the criminal against his own conscience?

(Xinhua news agency)
顶端 Posted: 2007-11-09 12:27 | [楼 主]
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