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How much of Japan's traditional culture comes from China ?

How much of Japan's traditional culture comes from China ?
Most people know that the kanji or Confucianism were two things imported from China by the Japanese. But exactly how much of Japanese traditional culture originated in China ? Let's have a look.

Originated from China with few or no modifications

The great philosophies

Confucianism (e.g. seniority system, keigo...)
Taoism (e.g. ancestor worship)
Mahayana Buddhism (including Obon festival, originated in India, but modified in China and imported as such in Japan)

The festivals and traditions

Japanese traditional New Year (same date as the Chinese New Year until 1873)
Hina Matsuri
Setsubun, risshun, shunbun, shubun, etc.
Hanami (blossom viewing, typically plum, cherry or peach - note that plum blossom is the official flower of China, while cherry blossom is the official one of Japan)
Tea ceremony (sado) (note that there is also a Korean tea ceremony older than the Japanese one)
Flower arrangement (ikebana) (there is also a Korean flower arrangement)

Other cultural elements

Kanji & calligraphy (shodou)
Traditional black-ink painting
Wood-block printing (e.g. ukiyoe)
Traditional architecture & garden landscaping
Chinese medicine (kanpou), including acupuncture
Chinese astrology
Mahjong & go


Shamisen & koto
Washi (Japanese paper), rice paper, etc.
Lacquerware & porcelain (eg. rice bowls)
Fireworks (hanabi)
Fusuma/Kara-kami (襖/漢紙)
Arched bridges


All noodles (ramen, udon, soba...)
Rice culture
Tofu cuisine
Soy sauce
Tea, including green tea
Many 'home-cooking' everyday dishes (mabo dofu, chahan, subuta, gyoza, yasai itame...)
Rice wine

Originated from China, but strongly modified over time

Kimono & yukata
Martial arts
Traditional music

Originally Japanese

Shintoism (including derivatives such as matsuri, sumo...)
Noh & Kabuki
Hot spring culture
  • 浮云:5 (by fan) | 理由: thx
  • 顶端 Posted: 2006-09-07 11:26 | [楼 主]
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