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Tales of the Past `s  music list

Tales of the Past III Music list

Motion Picture Soundtrack:
King Arthur Soundtrack - Woad To Ruin
King Arthur Soundtrack - Hold The Ice
King Arthur Soundtrack - Another Brick in Hadrian's Wall
King Arthur Soundtrack - Crimson Tide Theme

Pirates of the Caribbean 2 - A Family Affair
Pirates of the Caribbean 2 - Two hornpipes (Tortuga)
Pirates of the Caribbean 3 - At Wit's End
Pirates of the Caribbean 3 - I Don't Think Now Is The Best Time
Pirates of the Caribbean 3 - Up Is Down
Pirates of the Caribbean 3 - I See Dead People In Boats
Pirates of the Caribbean 3 - Singapore
Pirates of the Caribbean 3 - At Wit's End
Pirates of the Caribbean 3 - I Don't Think Now Is The Best Time
Pirates of the Caribbean 3 - Up Is Down

The Last Samurai (Soundtrack) - Red Warrior Edgen+discovery
The Last Samurai (Soundtrack) - Spectres In The Fog
The Last Samurai (Soundtrack) – Taken

Mission Impossible 2 - Injection
Hans Zimmer - The Contender (Main Theme)
13 Hans Zimmer – Barbarian Horde

Naruto - Orochimaru's Theme
Naruto - Orochimaru's Fight
Naruto - Hokage's Funeral Scene
Naruto - Sadness and Sorrow
Naruto - Strong And Strike
Naruto - Main Theme

X-ray Dog - Tightwire Orchestral
X-Ray Dog - Secret Agent
X-Ray Dog - Clash Of Arms(1)
X-Ray Dog - Big f'n Drums

Immediate Music - Blasphemy 2.0 (Choir)
Immediate Music - With Great Power
Immediate Music - Desperate Hour
Immediate Music - Serenata (Choir)
Immediate Music - Liberation! (Choir)
Immediate Music - Orch & Choir Rise - 3
Immediate Music - Epicon (Hybrid)

01 - Danny Elfman - Introduction
04 - Danny Elfman - The Story...
10 - Danny Elfman - The Tree of Death

Batman Begins Soundtrack - Corynorhinus
Trevor Rabin - Armageddon - Launch
Saw Soundtrack - Final theme
Lord of The Rings - Main Theme
Star Wars Episode II - Attack Of The Clones - 02 - Across The Stars (Love Theme)
Theme - Good, The Bad, And The Ugly
Coco Lee - A Love Before Time (Mandarin)

Game Soundtracks:
Warcraft 3 - Comradeship
The Elder Scrolls 4 Oblivion Main Title Music
Metal Gear Solid 3 - End theme
Metal Gear Solid 3 - Last Showdown
Metal Gear Solid 3 - Lifes End
Metal Gear Solid 1 - Opening Theme
Metal Gear Solid - Legend of the Snake(OC Remix)

Nightwish - Ghost Love Score
Nightwish - End Of All Hope
Trust Company - Downfall
10 - The Peacemaker - Devoe's Revenge Take 3 Take 2.wav
Starsailor - Way to Fall
01 - Age of Music
Eternal Silence Theme
31 - Asteroid Chase - The Shuttle Crash
10 - In Search of the Grail
01 - Moya

Tales of the Past II Complete Music List

场景说明 影片时间戳

Title and Intro Credits 00:00-00:59
Passion/Peter Gabriel/Music For The Last Temptation of Christ/15

Prelude 01:00-02:32
Rock House Jail/Hans Zimmer/The Rock Soundtrack/2

Party in Stormwind 04:15-05:08
One Last Shot/Hans Zimmer/Pirates of the Carribbean Soundtrack/14/0:29-1:26.

Yimo and Thainor 05:30-08:07
Volcanic/World of Warcraft

Undead Mage Battle 10:22-10:40
Bare Island/Hans Zimmer/Mission Impossible 2 Soundtrack/10/0:08-0:26.

Yimo and Mage Battle Part I 10:50-11:50
Dragon Force/My Spirit Will Go On/0:07-1:07

Yimo and Mage Battle Part II 11:59-12:37
Dragon Force/My Spirit Will Go On/4:27-5:04

Horde Arrival 13:23-14:55
Fahrenheit 2.0 (Choir)/Immediate Music/Themes for Choir and Orchestra/18/0:26-2:00.

Yimo and Jubai 14:55-16:35
Mulgore/World of Warcraft

Journey to Twin Colossals 16:45-17:35
The Medallion Calls/Hans Zimmer/Pirates of the Carribbean Soundtrack/2/1:00-1:51

Yimo and Gwaar 18:00-20:26
Between Two Worlds/Immediate Music

Yimo and Blazer Campfire 22:06-23:05
The Way of the Sword/Hans Zimmer/The Last Samurai Soundtrack/10/0:00 to 0:59

Yimo and Arthas Part I 23:07-24:55
Underwater March/Hans Zimmer/Pirates of the Carribbean Soundtrack/13/0:00 to 1:48

Yimo and Arthas Part II 24:56-27:06
Tarawa/Hans Zimmer/Matrix Revolutions Trailer Music

Yimo and Arthas Part III 27:06-27:30
Volcanic/World of Warcraft

Blazer and Tauren 27:30-28:14
Injection/Hans Zimmer/Mission Impossible 2 Soundtrack/9/0:00 to 0:44.

Yimo sees Arthas 28:15-29:54
Bare Island/Hans Zimmer/Mission Impossible 2 Soundtrack/10/0:35 to 2:14

Yimo battles undead 29:54-32:08
Injection/Hans Zimmer/Mission Impossible 2 Soundtrack/9/2:28-4:40

Blazer and armies 32:10-33:49
Rising Empire/Immediate Music/0:08-1:44

Menori and Serphentos 33:53-34:59
Hero's Return/X-Ray Dog/0:00 to 0:48.

General's speeches 35:00-36:18
Hummell Gets the Rockets/Hans Zimmer/The Rock Soundtrack/1/1:29 to 2:47

Armies charging 36:28-37:09
Final Charge/Hans Zimmer/The Last Samurai Soundtrack Expanded Score/8/2:21 to 3:01

Alliance/Horde Battle 37:20-38:21
Dethroned/X-Ray Dog/0:15 to 1:17

Yimo's Funeral 38:47-39:22
Dwarves Song of Mourning/Lord of the Rings

Blazer's story 39:23-41:31
Moonlight Serenade/Hans Zimmer/Pirates of the Carribbean Soundtrack/9

  • 浮云:5(sufan1989)
  • 顶端 Posted: 2007-12-17 18:40 | [楼 主]

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    注册时间: 2007-05-11
    最后登陆: 2020-12-10

    5come5帮你背单词 [ valuable /'væljuəbl/ a. 有价值的贵重的,有用的;n. (pl.)贵重物品(尤指首饰) ]

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