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NASA delays Atlantis launch again

BEIJING, Sept. 6 (Xinhuanet)-- NASA managers postponed the launch of the space shuttle Atlantis Wednesday for at least a day due to a problem with one of the ship's three onboard fuel cells, officials with the U.S. space agency said.

  The launch of Atlantis on NASA's first construction mission to the International Space Station since the 2003 Columbia accident had been planned for 12:29 p.m. EDT Wednesday. The next opportunity to fly would be at 12:03 p.m. EDT on Thursday.

  "We're delayed for 24 hours," NASA spokeswoman Kim Newton said.    

  Managers learned of the problem as they met early Wednesday to review launch preparations and consider whether or not to fuel the shuttle for a launch attempt.

  They delayed the start of fueling to allow time for technicians to troubleshoot a power problem with one of the three systems aboard the shuttle that produce electricity during flight.

  All three of the units must be working prior to launch.

  When the problem was not cleared by 4 a.m. EDT, which is the latest NASA could wait to begin fueling for launch, managers delayed the flight.

  The agency has Thursday and Friday for launch attempts before facing a delay until late October when lighting and other conditions will again be suitable for a flight to the space station.

  NASA had planned to launch Atlantis and its six-member crew last week, but a lightning strike and a storm triggered a series of postponements. The mission already has been delayed more than three years while NASA recovered from the 2003 Columbia disaster.

  Since the accident, which claimed the lives of seven astronauts, NASA has flown two test missions to check safety improvements made after the disaster. Atlantis' flight is the first of 16 missions planned to complete assembly of the station by 2010, when the shuttles are expected to be retired.

  The shuttle will deliver a second pair of solar arrays to the station and a huge rotary joint so the panels can track the sun. The mission, which includes three complicated spacewalks, is targeted to last 11 days. Enditem

顶端 Posted: 2006-09-06 22:35 | [楼 主]
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