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本页主题: 【双语】秘鲁一女木乃伊出土 复杂纹身珠宝陪葬 显示签名 | 打印 | 加为IE收藏 | 收藏主题 | 上一主题 | 下一主题


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【双语】秘鲁一女木乃伊出土 复杂纹身珠宝陪葬

  An exquisitely preserved and elaborately tattooed mummy of a young woman has been discovered deep inside a mud-brick pyramid in northern Peru, archaeologists from Peru and the U.S. announced today.

  The 1,500-year-old mummy may shed new light on the mysterious Moche culture, which occupied Peru's northern coastal valleys from about A.D. 100 to 800.

  In addition to the heavily tattooed body, the tomb yielded a rich array of funeral objects, from gold sewing needles and weaving tools to masterfully worked metal jewelry.

  Such a complete array has never been seen before in a Moche tomb. Surprisingly, the grave also contained numerous weapons, including two massive war clubs and 23 spear throwers.

  The unusual mix of ornamental and military artifacts has experts speculating about the woman's identity and her role in Moche society.

  "The war clubs are clear symbols not only of combat but of power," said John Verano, an anthropologist at Tulane University in New Orleans, Louisiana, who is part of the research team.

  Peruvian archaeologists, under the direction of lead scientist Régulo Franco, made the discovery last year at an ancient ceremonial site known as El Brujo.

  The tomb lay near the top of a crumbling pyramid called Huaca Cao Viejo, a ruin near the town of Trujillo that has been well known since colonial times. Verano said the finding is the first of its kind in Peru, and he likens it to the discovery of King Tut's tomb in Egypt.

双语探密:秘鲁一女性木乃伊出土 珠宝陪葬(图)

  据美联社5月16日报道,这个墓地位于秘鲁北部海岸临近特雷希略市的一个名为El Brujo的考古挖掘遗址。考古学家还在木乃伊周围发现了其他陪葬品,其中包括珠宝和武器。另外,陪葬品中还包括一具十几岁女孩的遗骸。






顶端 Posted: 2006-09-19 19:10 | [楼 主]
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