引用第42楼barry343于2007-04-04 21:43发表的:since ASK is always befoe BEG in dictionary, you'd remember to use 'ask for' as your firs choice.......
引用第46楼channing于2007-04-06 12:33发表的:i see.........your logic...............misleading.....
引用第48楼lost.u0于2007-04-06 20:08发表的:wow, rory and lorelaido you have the gilmore girl season 3~6 ?
引用第49楼channing于2007-04-06 20:21发表的:i have season 1 to 4........ you like Gilmore Girls too...?
引用第50楼lost.u0于2007-04-06 20:38发表的:yeah, i am looking for season3 to 6 all the time , maybe you can lend me your disk if convenient i'll very appreciate it
引用第52楼channing于2007-04-06 21:38发表的:fine....