引用第47楼[屏蔽]潜水艇于2006-07-16 22:20发表的:hengry hava got a plain sailing to world cup but the last moment
引用第8楼城市美于2006-06-26 23:39发表的:These two phrase are new to me and are vivid ,I like them.Buy the way, give my thanks to LZ.
引用第49楼农药于2006-09-02 00:25发表的:come back ~~经济辞汇中的颜色种种--blue 你听过"Love is blue"这首歌吧,“爱是蓝色的",不算错,“爱是忧郁的",更准确。Blue(蓝色)在英语中通常表示不快乐、忧郁的情绪,如 in the blue mood(情绪低沈)。.......
引用第48楼只抽软中华于2006-07-21 04:51发表的:check this word....
引用第56楼channing于2006-09-06 00:00发表的:No one can avoid making mistakes.....