引用第359楼妖刀村正于2007-09-01 10:57发表的 :哈哈I am back~!!!!
引用第362楼channing于2007-09-13 20:10发表的 :I just come back from home...........
引用第363楼fan于2007-09-14 10:09发表的 :你 可真早啊
引用第365楼mahaichuan于2007-09-14 10:28发表的 :hello,EVERYBODY~ I am here~
引用第364楼channing于2007-09-14 10:24发表的 :yeah... for some reason... maybe i should begin our weekly activity.
引用第370楼农药于2007-09-17 21:16发表的 :晒一下~~~没有人版聊么?
引用第372楼妖刀村正于2007-09-18 13:19发表的 :people?? where are you?? I was wondering that what channing is doing these days??My channing, come
引用第373楼mahaichuan于2007-09-18 18:19发表的 :all the people ,come back~I miss you~