We love logic puzzles at TW and they feature as part of our assessment day – as a warm up try this one!
What number between 1 and 7 do the following equal?
A=, B=, C=, D=, E=, F=, G=
given that:
1. A ≠ 2
2. A + B = F
3. C - D = G
4. D + E = 2F
5. E + G = F
The rules are: (1) all the variables (A, B, C, D, E, F, G) are equal to integer values between 1 and 7, and (2) none of the variables (A, B, C, D, E, F, G) are equal to each other i.e. all seven values will be used, no repeat use of integers.
Please specify the procedure of resolving the problem.