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本页主题: 东爱------唯一看完过且印象最深的日剧 显示签名 | 打印 | 加为IE收藏 | 收藏主题 | 上一主题 | 下一主题


性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
头衔: 浪迹江湖 筝酒自娱
等级: 版主
家族: 掌握文武半边天
发贴: 3910
威望: 0
浮云: 61
注册时间: 2007-01-19
最后登陆: 2011-11-27

5come5帮你背单词 [ westwards /'wədz/ ad. 向西 ]


本帖被 529621082 从 视频资源发布区 移动到本区(2008-04-01)东京爱情故事.mp3 点击下载

还是在小学的时候看的  好怀念   最喜欢莉香和丸子    内心深深期盼他们能在一起的   清晰记得莉香在大雨滂沱的马路边等差不多已经忘记要赴约的丸子   清晰记得莉香到丸子的家乡去找丸子  在那个一片白茫茫的球场   莉香一脸灿烂的笑容出现在丸子后面   清晰记得丸子送莉香回去时  两人约定同时转身往回走  而莉香没有走 却在那儿看着丸子  同样的情节在故事的最后  丸子看着莉香离去   很伤感  

而我珍爱的她  也离开我了  发这首东爱的主题曲   纪念一下那段恋情    因为我觉得我不能实现“好好珍惜  好好爱你  一生一世”的诺言了   愿你健康幸福快乐!无论何时何地我都会为你祝福!!XWZ  呵呵 


[00:06.28]《ラブスト-リ-は突然に》(Love Comes Suddenly)
[00:14.09]from Tokyo Love Story
[00:16.80]Sung By 小田和正
[00:40.36]何からつたぇれぼぃぃのか(Dont know where to start to talk about)
[00:44.57]時は流れて(Time elapses Fastly)
[00:48.93]浮かんでは(Just emerge)
[00:51.55]消えてゆく(and soon disappear)
[00:52.51]ありふれた言葉だけ(Only a little left in mind)
[00:55.38]君があんなに(of the topics we used to chat about)
[00:59.40]素顔だから(As you are really beautiful)
[01:01.21]ただすなぉに(So dont say that)
[01:03.03]好きと言ぇなぃで(you only like my sincerity)
[01:05.45]多分もぅすぐ(Dont say more please)
[01:07.36]雨も止んで(In the dusk of we two)
[01:09.57]二人たそがら(rain stops)
[01:12.90]あの日(That day)
[01:14.82]あの時(that time)
[01:15.93]あの場所で(that place)
[01:17.90]君に会ぇなかったら(If I can't meet you)
[01:23.92]いつまでも(will never)
[01:25.84]見知らぬ(be the two ones)
[01:28.39]二人のまま(that know each other)
[01:35.31]誰れかが(Please don't)
[01:36.72]甘く誘ぅ言葉に(be coaxed by the sweet words of others)
[01:39.10]もぅ心摇れたりしなぃで(and change your mind)
[01:43.34]切ないけど(Though you are sad at it)
[01:45.40]そんなふうに(please don't)
[01:47.56]心は縛れなぃ(bind the heart of yourself)
[01:51.98]明日になれぼ(If tomorrow)
[01:55.81]君をきっと(you will disappear)
[02:00.14]今よりもと好きになる(From now on)
[02:03.25]そのすぐてが僕のなかで(I will)
[02:07.25]時を超えてゆく(love you more)
[02:14.19]君のために(The all of us will live in my heart)
[02:14.64]つぼさになる(as time goes on)
[02:16.46]君を守りつづける(I wish I become a double of wings)
[02:18.38]やわらかく(go on staying with you)
[02:20.71]君をつつむ(and encircle you tenderly)
[02:23.22]あの風になる(or at least be a blast of wind)
[02:25.57]あの日(That day)
[02:27.29]あの時(that time)
[02:29.55]あの場所で(that place)
[02:30.61]君に会ぇなかったら(If I can't meet you)
[02:36.00]いつまでも(will never)
[02:38.76]見知らぬ(be the two ones)
[02:40.18]二人のまま(that know each other)
[02:44.89]君の心が動いた(your heart is changed)
[02:48.93]言葉止めて(don't say anything again)
[02:53.30]肩を寄せて(close to my shoulder)
[02:59.43]僕は忘れなぃ(I don't forget)
[03:04.42]この日を(that day)
[03:07.79]君を誰れにも(and you)
[03:10.82]渡さない(and I will not)
[03:15.25]君のために(The all of us will live in my heart)
[03:18.11]つぼさになる(as time goes on)
[03:20.22]君を守りつづける(I wish I become a double of wings)
[03:24.00]やわらかく(go on staying with you)
[03:26.21]君をつつむ(and encircle you tenderly)
[03:28.62]あの風になる(or at least be a blast of wind)
[03:31.25]あの日(That day)
[03:33.71]あの時(that time)
[03:35.62]あの場所で(that place)
[03:37.13]君に会ぇなかったら(If I can't meet you)
[03:43.21]いつまでも(will never)
[03:46.07]見知らぬ(be the two ones)
[03:47.82]二人のまま(that know each other)
[03:50.19]誰れかが(Please don't)
[03:51.70]甘く誘ぅ言葉に(be coaxed by the sweet words of others)
[03:55.11]心摇れたりしなぃで(let them be robbed by others)
[04:00.54]君をつつむ(and encircle you tenderly)
[04:02.24]あの風になる(or at least be a blast of wind)
[04:06.82]あの日(That day)
[04:0[屏蔽]]あの時(that time)
[04:09.24]あの場所で(that place)
[04:10.81]君に会ぇなかったら(If I can't meet you)
[04:16.23]いつまでも(will never)
[04:18.45]見知らぬ(be the two ones)
[04:21.36]二人のまま(that know each other)

[ 此帖被媚俗在2008-04-01 16:01重新编辑 ]
  • 浮云:0(媚俗) GG记得加前缀,这个帮你编辑了。
  • 顶端 Posted: 2008-04-01 14:56 | [楼 主]

    性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
    头衔: 浪迹江湖 筝酒自娱
    等级: 版主
    家族: 掌握文武半边天
    发贴: 3910
    威望: 0
    浮云: 61
    注册时间: 2007-01-19
    最后登陆: 2011-11-27

    5come5帮你背单词 [ horizon /hə'raizn/ n. 地平线,水平线 ]

    hhh  自己顶一个  刚才发错区了  居然回复不了 呵呵  我好傻  好天真  呵呵  
    顶端 Posted: 2008-04-01 15:58 | [1 楼]
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