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本页主题: [04.22][Kate Earl-Fate Is the Hunter][MP3][189kbps][49M] 显示签名 | 打印 | 加为IE收藏 | 收藏主题 | 上一主题 | 下一主题


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[04.22][Kate Earl-Fate Is the Hunter][MP3][189kbps][49M]

中文名称:Fate Is the Hunter
专辑歌手:Kate Earl


有着一张惊似Liv Tyler的脸,却有着跟早期Joni Mitchell跟Fiona Apple后期相似的声音。




With a face like Liv Tyler and a winsome voice that recalls early Joni Mitchell and late Fiona Apple, Kate Earl shoots right out of the gate with a couple of genetic advantages. And that's even before you consider her vocal shape-shifting, her audacious jazz chanteuse poses and the unstinting and, at times, painful honesty that she employs when singing these clearly autobiographical numbers. Hailing from Alaska, Earl is no near neighbor of Jewell Kilcher. Both her songs and her poetry are made from stronger stuff, with an attention to detail and nuance that is enviable in an artist her age. "Free" is a high wire act, finding the singer both reaching for lofty notes and even loftier ideals. An astonishing debut. --Jaan Uhelszki

The upcoming collection of songs is autobiographical. Just as Kate carries the beauty and purity of the Alaskan wilderness with her, she also holds the long, dark, 40-below winters and the isolation that comes along with the never-ending nighttime. Kate has been playing shows up and down the west coast, honing her skills and establishing herself as the kind of artist who leaves her heart on the stage. In her own words and with her own stunningly beautiful voice, Kate tells her stories...stories that are full of love, faith, tragedy and the strength of the human spirit.


01. Someone to Love
02. When You're Older
03. Officer
04. Silence
05. Cry Sometimes
06. Anything
07. Free
08. Come This Far
09. Sweet Sixteen
10. Hero
11. Surrender(instrumental)
  • 浮云:20 (by lemonyan)
  • 顶端 Posted: 2007-04-22 11:57 | [楼 主]
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