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本页主题: “100%信任队友”——Da_bears专访 显示签名 | 打印 | 加为IE收藏 | 收藏主题 | 上一主题 | 下一主题


性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
头衔: 无兄弟 不DotA
等级: 荣誉会员
家族: 唯war独尊
发贴: 8191
威望: 3
浮云: 430
注册时间: 2005-10-09
最后登陆: 2016-08-03

5come5帮你背单词 [ gasp /ga:sp/ v. & n. 气喘 ]



Da bears:起床,工作,玩 CS,吃东西,睡觉。

Da bears:我们是一支非常团结的队伍,有着共同的目标和良好的团队合作。我认为我们现在最大的不足在于缺少lan比赛经验,今后只要我们参加更多的lan game,我们会变得更出色。
Da bears:一个团队内,每个人都必须给与队友充分的,100%的信任。你需要学会付出,队友间彼此热爱,否则你永远不可能成为战争中的王者。

Da bears:我参加zEx后的第一次lan game是WCG美国总决赛,我们取得了第三名,当然这不是最好的成绩,但是对我们这样一支还不是很完善的队伍这应该是不错的表现了。上个周末我们以最完整的阵容参加了我们的第一次lan game,我们最终取得了胜利,而且我个人认为在大多数比赛中我们的表现都很稳定。我认为我们最大的对手会是col和3D,cbz和我以前有过同3D较量的经验,而且在WCG上我们打败了col。所以,我想今后我们仍会对决。

Da bears:最高点是加入了 zEx,而且取得了2005cpl winter的第三名,最低点是和EG的合同问题。

Da bears:还远远不够呢。
Da bears:如果不做游戏了我会回到学校读书取得我的学位。

Da bears:Hrm,我没有女朋友。我喜欢的是那种让我感觉很好的女孩子。

Da bears:我从未到过中国,希望有机会可以去。

Da bears:当然,我认识你,而且我认识wNv的很多人,我们在eswc和weg上遇到过。

那么采访的最后还有什么要对我们说的么? 我们希望zEx能够在今后的比赛中有出色的表现,祝你们好运!
Da bears:感谢你们的采访,也祝你们好运。

English Version

Hello Eric,there are so many guys remembeter their great and handsome da bears here in china. So, at the very begining of this interview, could you please use several short words to describe your present life for the Chinese readers?
Da bears: wake up, work out, go to work play cs, eat sleep.

Now you're with zEx, What's your view on current zEx?
Da bears: we are a very solid team with great aim and team work, i think the only thing we lack is more lan competitions. The more lans we play the better we will become.

Whats the most important thing you need to know when you try to join a new team?
Da bears: that everyone can give everyone 100% trust in the team. You need to have the dedication and love for everyone or you wont become a top contender.

Can you give the readers a quick round-up of what zEx have achieved this year?Who do you think will be the zEx team's major rival?
Da bears: My first lan I went with them was wcg usa finals. We got third place, not the best but it was a good showing for a semi complete team. We just went to our first lan this past weekend with our complete lineup. We won it and I felt we played solid through most of the matches. I think our rivals will be col and 3d. Me and cbz have past experiences with team3D and we knocked out col at WCG. So i think they will be gunning for us.

You've spent the last few years of your life gaming, if you had to name a highpoint and low point, what would they be?
Da bears: High point would have to be joining zex and getting 3rd at cpl winter 2005. low points would be in the EG contract issue.

Roughly how much money have you made from gaming?
Da bears: not enough

What are your plans for the future?
Da bears: If gaming fails then i will go back to school to get my degree.

Then,a quite personal question,do u have a girlfriend and which kind of girl do u like best?
Da bears: hrm no i do not have a girlfriend. the girl i like best is the one that makes me feel the best :)

Have u ever been to china and will u come to china next year?
Da bears: no i have never been to china. i hope so!!!

Do u have any chinese friends?
Da bears: yes, i know you!! and i know many people from the wnv organization. we hung out at eswc and weg ^^.

All left to say is thank you and are there any last comments? We look forward to seeing the zEx team in action and good luck to you!
Da bears: thank you for the interview and gl to you too!!
顶端 Posted: 2006-11-24 21:14 | [楼 主]
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