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本页主题: 智芯科技(上海)有限公司 显示签名 | 打印 | 加为IE收藏 | 收藏主题 | 上一主题 | 下一主题


性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
等级: 品行端正
发贴: 380
威望: 0
浮云: 1109
注册时间: 2006-02-26
最后登陆: 2010-10-31

5come5帮你背单词 [ turning /'tə:niŋ/ n. 转弯处,转向,旋转 ]



电子邮箱: career@ipcoreinc.com  

发布日期: 2006-09-21 工作地点: 上海市

招聘人数: 1 工作年限: 应届毕业生

外语要求: 英语 良好 薪水范围: 面议

学   历: 本科 接受简历语言: 中文和英文

Foundry Service Engineer(应届生)
Job Description:
1.Writing physical verification rule deck for foundry, include
DRC/LVS/ERC/LPE for Cadence or Synopsys, Mentor EAD tools;
2.Building digital library for foundry, include support Cadence or Synopsys
SOC chips design flow;
3.Building analog process design kit (PDK) for foundry, include support
Cadence mix signal design flow platform;
4.Building auto-QA system for internal design IP include library, rule deck,
PDK quality verify;
5.Building special IPs include SRAM, ROM, and so on for foundry;
6.Support inter company use third party foundry library, process design
7.Help solve customer’s any design problems

1.BS in Electrical or Electronic Engineering
2.Good understanding of basic electronic principles dealing with circuit and
layout design.
3.Being familiar with IC layout methodologies and flows.
4.Familiarity with at least one major ASIC EDA tool from Cadence, Synopsys
5.CET-4 excellent with good command of writing and reading
6.Good communication, team work ability and interpersonal skill. Self-
motivated team player in the SOC design environment.
7.Working experience in developing/using tools for DRC, LVS, LPE and PDK
will be big plus
8.Good skill in building script, include Perl, Tcl and so on.


IPCore Technologies is a global IC design service company. Headquartered in
Shanghai, China, IPCore has offices in United States, Japan, Hong Kong,
Taiwan and Shenzhen. IPCore delivers the most competitive IC design service
solution to clients worldwide and can give your product an extra competitive
edge in lower power, higher performance or smaller die due to its core
competency in optimization.

ODM (Open Design Microelectronics)

ODMicro is a wholly owned subsidiary of IPCore Technologies (Cayman) and is
focusing on providing MCU solutions thru its design platforms.

ODMicro’s One-Stop-Silicon-Solution acts as a single-point-of-contact for
customers, simplifying tedious tasks in managing multiple partners. As a
result, this approach unleashes critical resources for customers to focus on
what they do the best.

MCU Platform: One-Stop-Silicon-Solution
 Currently focusing on 8-bit MCU’s
 Flexible design-handoff
 Wide-range of silicon-proven IP’s to best meet customers’ application
 Enables a roadmap for future product migration

APSemi (Analog Power Semiconductor)

APSemi is the spin-off of the 2 years old Analog Group from IPCore
Technologies. This spin-off will form a “product” company that focuses on
high-performance analog and mixed-signal semiconductor products. It designs,
develops and markets advanced analog and mixed-signal semiconductor products
for use by original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) operating in the 3C
(computing, consumer electronics, and communications) markets. It focuses,
initially on low voltage (5.5V), low current power management products for
portable and handheld applications. (www.APsemi.com).

1. 1.5Mhz, 600mA Synchronous Step-Down DC-DC Converter (LTC3406B Compatible)
2. 5-Channel DC-DC Converters for DSC Power Supply (Max 1565 Compatible)

Cellular handsets, digital cameras, personal digital assistants, and flat-
panel displays.

Power Management Product Roadmap
- Current and Voltage mode DC-DC converters
- PWM controllers
- Multiple channel DC-DC converters
- LDOs
- Voltage detectors
- Supervisors
- DC-DC, LDO and Supervisor combo
- Battery power management

公司网站: http://www.ipcoreinc.com
地   址: 上海市宜山路900号科技大楼B区11层
邮政编码: 200233
传   真: (021)54234281
联 系 人: 李小姐
电子邮箱: career@ipcoreinc.com
  • 浮云:5 (by 艾佛森)
  • 顶端 Posted: 2006-09-23 12:03 | [楼 主]
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