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本页主题: 推荐Craig David的Rise and Fall(人生的起落)相当有感觉的一首歌 显示签名 | 打印 | 加为IE收藏 | 收藏主题 | 上一主题 | 下一主题


性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
头衔: 快要滚蛋了~
等级: 人见人爱
家族: 梦魇图腾
发贴: 4240
威望: 0
浮云: 1671
注册时间: 2007-10-13
最后登陆: 2008-06-27

5come5帮你背单词 [ crown /kraun/ n. 王冠;荣誉;vt. 为…加冕 ]

推荐Craig David的Rise and Fall(人生的起落)相当有感觉的一首歌

个人觉得CD相当不错的一首歌,和Sting合唱,旋律是Shape of my heart的,Sting的声音在歌里穿插,使整首歌相当有感觉,推荐听下Sting的原唱Shape of my heart,看过这个[屏蔽]不太冷更好,配着剧情听相当爽
Rise And Fall <人生的起落>

Sometimes in life you feel the fight is over<有时你感觉生命中的斗争结束了>
And it seems as though the writings on the wall<它看上去好像墙上的笔迹>
Superstar you finally made it<你最后终于成为了万人瞩目的巨星>
But once your picture becomes tainted<但总有一天你的光辉形象会消退>
It\'s what they call<这就是大家所说的>
The rise and fall<人生的起落>

Sometimes in life you feel the fight is over<有时你感觉生命中的斗争结束了>
And it seems as though the writings on the wall<它看上去好像墙上的笔迹>
Superstar you finally made it<你最后终于成为了万人瞩目的巨星>
But once your picture becomes tainted<但总有一天你的光辉形象会消退>
It\'s what they call<这就是大家所说的>
The rise and fall<人生的起落>

I always said that I was gonna make it<我经常说我要去成就一番事业>
Now it\'s plain for everyone to see<现在每个人都很清楚的看到>
But this game I\'m in don\'t take no prisoners<在这个游戏里没有任何囚徒>
Just casualties<只有伤亡人员>
I know that everything is gonna change<我知道一切将要发生变化>
Even the friends I knew before me go<我认识的朋友都离我而去>
But this dream is the life I\'ve been searching for<但梦想就是我一直寻找的人生>
Started believing that I was the greatest<开始相信我是最伟大的>
My life was never gonna be the same<我的人生从来都不平凡>
\'Cause with the money came a different status<因为有了金钱地位就会发生变化>
That\'s when things change<那么当一切扭转的时候>
Now I\'m too concerned with all the things I own<现在我太在意我所拥有的一切了>
Blinded by all the pretty girls I see<被我看见的漂亮女孩所迷惑>
I\'m beginning to lose my integrity<我开始失去我的正直诚实>

Sometimes in life you feel the fight is over<有时你感觉生命中的斗争结束了>
And it seems as though the writings on the wall<它看上去好像墙上的笔迹>
Superstar you finally made it<你最后终于成为了万人瞩目的巨星>
But once your picture becomes tainted<但总有一天你的光辉形象会消退>
It\'s what they call<这就是大家所说的>
The rise and fall<人生的起落>

I never used to be a troublemaker<我从来不做麻烦制造者>
Now I don\'t even wanna please the fans<现在我甚至不想讨好我的歌迷>
No autographs,No interviews,No pictures<没有签名,没有访问,没有合照>
And less demands<而且少点要求>
Given advice that was clearly wrong<被给予一些明显是错误的建议>
The type that seems to make me feel so right<那种似乎能令我感觉对的建议>
But some things you may find can take over your life<但你可能找到一些东西占据你的生命>
Burnt all my bridges now I\'ve run out of places<烧掉了我所有沟通的桥梁 我无处可去>
And there\'s nowhere left for me to turn<我没有地方可以求助>
Been caught in compromising situations<[屏蔽]进了妥协的境地>
I should have learnt<我应该学会>
From all those times I didn\'t walk away<每次逆境时不去逃避>
When I knew that it was best to go<当我知道现在最好行动>
Is it too late to show you the shape of my heart<对你表露我的心意 是否为时已晚?>

Sometimes in life you feel the fight is over<有时你感觉生命中的斗争结束了>
And it seems as though the writings on the wall<它看上去好像墙上的笔迹>
Superstar you finally made it<你最后终于成为了万人瞩目的巨星>
But once your picture becomes tainted<但总有一天你的光辉形象会消退>
It\'s what they call<这就是大家所说的>
The rise and fall<人生的起落>

Now I know<现在我知道了>
I made mistakes<我犯错了>
Think I don\'t care<你认为我不在意>
But you don\'t realise what this means to me<但你没有意识到这对于我意味着什么>
So let me have just one more chance<所以仅仅多给我一次机会吧>
I\'m not the man I used to be<我不是从前的我>
Used to beeeeeeeeeee<从前的我...>

Sometimes in life you feel the fight is over<有时你感觉生命中的斗争结束了>
And it seems as though the writings on the wall<它看上去好像墙上的笔迹>
Superstar you finally made it<你最后终于成为了万人瞩目的巨星>
But once your picture becomes tainted<但总有一天你的光辉形象会消退>
It\'s what they call<这就是大家所说的>
The rise and fall<人生的起落>

Sometimes in life you feel the fight is over<有时你感觉生命中的斗争结束了>
And it seems as though the writings on the wall<它看上去好像墙上的笔迹>
Superstar you finally made it<你最后终于成为了万人瞩目的巨星>
But once your picture becomes tainted<但总有一天你的光辉形象会消退>
It\'s what they call<这就是大家所说的>
The rise and fall<人生的起落>

Sometimes in life you feel the fight is over<有时你感觉生命中的斗争结束了>
And it seems as though the writings on the wall<它看上去好像墙上的笔迹>
Superstar you finally made it<你最后终于成为了万人瞩目的巨星>
But once your picture becomes tainted<但总有一天你的光辉形象会消退>
It\'s what they call<这就是大家所说的>
The rise and fall<人生的起落>
顶端 Posted: 2007-12-29 23:11 | [楼 主]

性别: 美女 状态: 该用户目前不在线
头衔: 朋友,你的将来无限美好。
等级: 荣誉会员
发贴: 1100
威望: 3
浮云: 1401
注册时间: 2007-09-10
最后登陆: 2018-03-07

5come5帮你背单词 [ meter /'mi:tə/ a. 米,公尺,仪表,计量器 ]

就是改编的Sting的《Shape of my heart》那首啊,好像演出时有邀他一起,我有些这个版本的。
顶端 Posted: 2008-01-01 02:46 | [1 楼]
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