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本页主题: [06.18][Keane---Little Broken Words][mp3][128k][71.5M] 显示签名 | 打印 | 加为IE收藏 | 收藏主题 | 上一主题 | 下一主题


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[06.18][Keane---Little Broken Words][mp3][128k][71.5M]

Little Broken Words
表演者: Keane
唱片数: 1
条型码: 0670573015321
发行时间: 2007
介质: Audio CD
Oh what a great voice, what a great recording! I thougth it was truly better than their two solo records at first listen. And maybe I'm right or Chaplin' voice gets touchy-feely with moody light music on this b-side collection. There are more than three stunning songs, Fly To Me, The Way You Want It, Emily, To The End Of The Earth, The Way You Want It and many more. Keane should make emotional songs, and with this one they're on right direction after "Under The Iron Sea" which Chaplin's voice exceedingly layered with upbeat pianos, overdosed melodies. This was quite wrong way that he has a pure voice to effect the emotional side of the audience. And also cover songs are chosen delicately to support Little Broken Words' bitter melodies. Keane's voice of such quality singing a pop repertory with some understanding on popular hits such as "The Sun Ain't Gonna Shine,"(Walker Brothers), "What A Wonderful World," (Louis Armstrong), morever a torch of Rufus Wainwright "Dinner At Eight"

1. The Sun Ain't Gonna Shine (Anymore)
2. Fly To Me
3. Snowed Under
4. Allemande
5. What A Wonderful World
6. Dinner At Eight
7- Something In Me was Dying
8. The Way You Want It
9. Emily
10. To The End Of The Earth
11. She Open Her Eyes
12. Rubbernecking
13. More Matey
14. She Has No Time (Earlier Version)
15. Walnut Tree
16. Goodbye Yellow Brick Road
17. Happy Soldier
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  • 浮云:27 (by mizumo)
  • 顶端 Posted: 2007-06-18 21:42 | [楼 主]
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